Root dynamics and water studies on Opuntia ficus-indica and O.robusta

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Ramakatane, Mareitumetse E.
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University of the Free State
English: Over the last few years a great interest in cactus pear was shown in terms of both fresh fruit and fodder production. However, there is a lack of knowledge on roots and therefore this study aimed at determining the root dynamics in relation to soil-water content and to quantify or characterise the different root types for two Opuntia species namely Opuntia ficus-indica (cultivar Morado) and 0. robusta (cultivar Monterey). This was carried out in the glasshouse (pots and root boxes) as well as in the field. Cactus pear planted in asbestos pots were used to determine the impact of soil-water content on root development and also their short time of recovery after rewetting the soil. The water treatments included 0 to 25% depletion of plant available (PAW) (not stressed), 25 to 50% depletion of PAW (mildly stressed), 50 to 75% depletion of PAW (moderately stressed) and 75 to 100% depletion of PAW (severely stressed). The root mass and root/shoot ratio decreased (P<0.05) with water stress for both species. Water-use efficiency decreased for 0. ficus-indica and increased for 0. robusta with water stress. The root length, root length/root mass ratio and amount of water needed to fill the cladodes increased (P<0.05) with water stress for both species. The root boxes were used for observation and characterizing the different root types and their response to soil drying and rewetting. Main roots grow up to 42 and 36 mm per day for Opuntia ficus-indica and 0. robusta respectively. The rain roots, which develop after only one hour of rewetting the soil, grow only for three days until dying due to soil drying. The side roots also emerge in response to soil-water but diners from rain roots in that they continue to grow until they die back as soil dries. Only 10 to 14 mm water is needed to fill the cladodes after a water stress. The rain roots therefore play an important role in rapid water up-take, which can fill the cladodes overnight. The root distribution with depth and distance was studied in the field, where root mass, root length, root length/root mass relationship and root thickness were measured at different depths and distances for each species. It has been found that most roots were concentrated over the first 100 mm soil layer for both Opuntias. After only one season of establishment the root distribution can spread as far as 1.6 and 1.7 m from the stem for O. robusta and O. ficus-indica respectively. The root mass, root length and root thickness decreased (P<0.05) with depth and distance. In conclusion, the cactus pear is characterised by a shallow and extensive root system, which contributes a lot to its water-use efficiency. These characteristics make it more appropriate for arid and semi-arid crop production. The marginal drier areas with shallow soils can therefore be utilised to their full potential by the cactus pear plant.
Afrikaans: Die afgelope aantal jare het daar 'n geweldige belangstelling in die turksvybedryf ontstaan, wat beide vrugte en voerproduksie aanbetref. Ongelukkig bestaan daar 'n groot gebrek aan kennis oor die wortelontwikkeling van die turksvyplant en daarom was die doel met hierdie studie om die dinamika van wortelontwikkeling 111 verhouding tot grondwater status te ondersoek. Die verskillende worteltipes IS gekarakteriseer en die wortelontwikkeling gekwantifiseer vir twee Opuntia spesies naamlik Opuntia ficus-indica (kultivar Morado) en 0. robusta (kultivar Monterey). Hierdie navorsing is in die glashuis (potte en wortelkaste), asook in die veld uitgevoer. Turksvyplante gevestig in asbespotte is gebruik om die impak van grondwaterinhoud op wortelontwikkeling, asook hulle herstel na opheffing van waterstremming oor die korttermyn te ondersoek. Die waterbehandelings het ingesluit 0 tot 25% onttrekking van plantbeskikbare water (PBW) (nie gestrem), 25 tot 50% onttrekking van PBW (matig gestrem), 50 tot 75% onttrekking van PBW (redelik gestrem) en 75 tot 100% onttrekking van PBW (erg gestrem). Die wortelmassa en wortel/blad verhouding het afgeneem (P<0.05) met waterstremming VIr beide spesies. Die watrverbruiksdoeltreffendheid het afgeneem vir O. ficus-indica, maar is verhoog vir O. robusta met waterstremming. Die wortellengte, wortellengte/wortelmassa verhouding en die hoeveelheid water benodig om 'n blad te vul, het toegeneem (P<0.05) met waterstremming vir beide spesies: Die wortelkaste is gebruik vir die monitering en karakterisering van die verskillende worteltipes en dié se reaksie op gronduitdroging en herbenatting van die grond. Die hoofwortels groei soveel as 42 en 36 mm per dag vir onderskeidelik O. ficus-indica en O. robusta. Die reënwortels wat na slegs 'n uur na opheffing van waterstremming begin ontwikkel, groei vir slegs drie dae totdat dit weens gronduitdroging verkurk. Die sywortels wat ook ontwikkel in reaksie tot waterstremming, verskil van die reënwortels in die sin dat dit aanhou verleng totdat dit begin afsterf weens gronduitdroging. Slegs 10 tot 14 mm water is nodig om die blaaie weer te vul na 'n waterstremming. Die reënwortels speel dus 'n belangrike rol om vinnig water op te neem en die blaaie oornag met water te kan vul. Die wortelverspreiding met diepte en oor afstand is in die veld bestudeer waar wortelmassa, -lengte, wortellengte/wortelmassa verwantskappe en worteldiktes oor verskillende afstande en dieptes vir elke spesie bepaal is. Daar is bevind dat die meeste wortels oor die eerste 100 mm grondlaag by beide Opuntia spesies voorkom. Die wortelmassa, -lengte en -dikte het afgeneem (P<0.05) met diepte en oor afstand. Na slegs een seisoen van vestiging was die wortelverspreiding reeds 1.6 en 1.7 m vanaf die stam vir onderskeidelik O. robusta en O. ficus-indica. Samevattend kan gesê word dat die turksvyplant gekarakteriseer word deur 'n oppervlakkige en uitgebreide wortelstelsel wat bydra tot die waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid daarvan. Hierdie eienskappe maak dit 'n ideale gewas vir verbouing in ariede en semi-ariede gebiede. Die marginale ariede gebiede met vlak grond kan gevolglik tot hulle volle potensiaal deur die turksvyplant benut word.
Cactus pear, Water stress, Taproots, Side roots, Rain roots, Root mass, Root length, Water-use efficiency, Root/cladodes ratio, Root distribution., Prickly pears -- South Africa, Roots (Botany) -- Growth -- Measurement, Plant-water relationships, Plant-soil relationships, Dissertation (M.Sc.Agric. (Grassland Science))--University of the Free State, 2003