Synthesis and electrochemistry of novel new ferrocene-containing water-soluble macromolecules with biomedical applications

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Nonjola, Patrick Thabo Ndaba
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University of the Free State
English: The side effects associated with chemotherapy have caused an intensive research effort to find new ways of delivering a chemotherapeutic drug to a cancerous growth. One of these includes use of polymeric drug carriers. In this thesis is reported the syntheses, characterisation and electrochemistry of a series of antineoplastic ferrocene-containing amides and amines which was obtained from the corresponding ferrocene-containing carboxylic acids precursors. It is also described how the amines may be covalently anchored onto a water-soluble polymeric drug carrier to give the water-soluble ferrocene-containing polymers with biomedical applications. The influence of side chain length (i.e. the number of CH2 spacers) and type of the functional group (X = CONH2, NH2, NH3* and NHCO) on the ferrocenyl (Fc) formal reduction potential in compounds of the type Fc-(CH2)nX with n = 1- 4 is also highlighted. Cytotoxicity tests on all the amines. amides and polymers were investigated utilising HeLa, a human cervix epitheloid cancer cell line and CoLo DM320. an intrinsically multidrug resistant human colorectal cell line. Results showed that there exists a definite relationship between the length of the carbon chains linking the ferrocenyl antineoplastic moiety with either the polymer main chain ofNH2 and CONH2 functional group and effective cell death. Comparison of the cytotoxic results of the polymeric devices and monomeric antineoplastic ferrocene-containing amides and amines suggested that the benefits of a polymeric drug carrier is only observed in practice when the length of the side chain connecting drug and polymer main chain exceeds 5 atoms.
Afrikaans: Die newe-effekte wat met chemoterapie geassosieer word het In intensiewe navorsingspoging tot gevolg gehad om nuwe maniere te vind om 'n chemoterapeutiese middel aan 'n kankertumor toe te dien. Een manier behels die gebruik van polimeriese geneesmiddeldraers. In hierdie tesis word verslag gedoen oor die sintese. karakterisering en elektrochemie van 'n reeks antineoplastiese ferroseenbevattende amiede en amiene wat verkry is vanaf die ooreenstemmende ferroseenbevattende karboksielsuur voorlopers. Daar is ook beskryf hoe die amiene kovalent aan 'n water-oplosbare polirueriese geneesmiddeldraer geanker kan word om die water-oplosbare ferroseenbevattende polimere met biomediese toepassings te lewer. Die invloed van sykettinglengte (d.w.s. die aantal CH2 skakels) en tipe funksionele groep (X = CONH2, NH2, NH3, en NHCO) op die ferroseniel (Fc) formele reduksiepotensiaal in dierbindings van die tipe Fc-(CH2)nX met n = 1 - 4 word ook uitgelig. Toetse vir sitotoksisiteit op al die amiene. amiede en polimere is uitgevoer deur van HeLa, die menslike serviksepiteloïede kankersellyn en CoLo DM320. 'n intrinsieke multigeneesmiddel weerstandige menslike kolorektale sellyn gebruik te maak. Resultate het getoon dat daar 'n besliste verband tussen die lengte van die koolstotketting wat die ferroseniel antineoplastiese groep met die polimeer-hoofketting. of die NH2 of CONH2 funksionele groepe verbind, en effektiewe seldood bestaan. 'n Vergelyking van sitotoksiese resultate van die polirneriese molekule met dié van die monomeriese antineoplastiese ferroseenbevattende amiede en amiene het getoon dat die voordele wat met 'n polimeriese geneesmiddeldraer geassosieer word, eers prakties waarneembaar is as die lengte van die ketting wat geneesmiddel met polimeer-hoofketting verbind vyf atome oorslag.
Ferrocene, Polymeric drug carriers, Electrochemistry, Cytotoxicity, Polymeric drug delivery systems, Organoiron compounds, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--University of the Free State, 2002