Epimesquitol-flavone dimers and related oligomers from Acacia nigrescens synthesis of 3',4',7,8-substituted flavonoid monomers

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Howell, Hiten
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University of the Free State
English: The previous investigation, by Fourie in the 1970's, revealed the presence of phenolic compounds in the heartwood of Knobwood (Acacia nigrescens), comprising a series of leucomelacacinidins. Early suggestions that oligomers containing the pyrogallol-type Aring moieties are unlikely to exist, prompted a detailed reinvestigation for possible higher oligomers in the heartwood of this tree. A number of promelacacinidin dimers were discovered. Enrichment of the heartwood extract followed by a number of gel separations resulted in complex phenolic mixtures of dimeric- and polymeric material. The purification of which was facilitated by derivatization of the phenolic compounds to methylether acetates. Structural elucidation of the compounds was carried out with the utilization of mass speetrometry and detailed ¹H NMR spectroscopy (300 MHz), ¹³C, COSY, NOESY, HMQC and HMBC experiments on the methylether acetate derivatives. Apart from the presence of epimesquitol-4α-ol, epimesquitol-4β-ol, dihidroflavonol, flavonol (melanoxetin) and the flavanone in the heartwood of A. nigreseens it also afforded a variety of C-C linked dimeric promelacacinidins. Two C-4 (C-ring) —› C-6 (D-ring) linked dimers, epimesquitol-( 4β —›6)-epimesquitol-4α-ol and epimesquitol-( 4β —›6)- epimesquitol-4β-ol were isolated from this tree. The unique class of proanthocyanidins with a C-4 (C-ring) —›C-5 (D-ring) linkage was extended by the present isolation of mesquitol-(4α —›5)-epimesquitol-4β-ol and the two novel promelacacinidin dimers, mesquitol- (4 α—›5)-3,3' ,4' ,7,8-pentahydroxy flavonone and epimesquitol-( 4β —›5)-3,3',4' ,7,8-pentahydroxy flavonone. The novel promelacacinidin dimer, with a unique C-4 (C-ring) —›C-3 (D-ring) interflavanyl linkage e.g. ent-epimesquitol-( 4α—›3)-3',4', 7,8-tetrahydroxyflavanone was also isolated and the structure elucidated. Unlike previous studies, the synthetic approach where epimesquitol-4β-thiobenzylether was used with epimesquitol-4α-ol as nucleophile and AgBF4 as thiophylic Lewis acid, no dimeric promelacacinidins were isolated. This prompted the alternative use of DMTSF as initiator for nucleophilic substitution and indeed a C-O-C-linked promelacacinidin was isolated, but not enough material was available for structural elucidation. There is a great deal of uncertainty concerning the general pathway in flavanoid biosyntheses. It was suggested that flav-3-en-3-ols could be key intermediates in this pathway. During previous studies, flav-3-en-3-ols was synthesized in high yield. This encouraged a further investigation as to the reactions of the keto tautomer of the flav-3-en-3-ol, namely the flavan-3-one. A series of successfully oxidations and reductions were carried out on the flavan-3-one, in order to synthesize the flavonol and mesquitol (flavan- 3-ol) for future use in synthesis.
Afrikaans: In die 1970's het Fourie verskillende leucomelacacinidiene uit die Knoppiesdoring (Acacia nigescens) geïsoleer. Daar is egter getwyfeloor die bestaan van oligomere, met 'n pirogallol-tipe A-ring en dit het verdere navorsing op die kernhout tot gevolg gehad. Tydens hierdie ondersoek is 'n verskeidenheid dimeriese promelacacinidiene geïsoleer. Kolom skeidings van die verrykte kernhout ekstrak het steeds onskeibare komplekse fenoliese mengsels gelewer en gevolglik is die metieleter asetaat derivate berei. Struktuur opklaring van die derivate is gedoen deur van massaspektrometrie en ¹H KMR spektrometrie (300 MHz), ¹³C , COSY, NOESY, HMQC and HMBC eksperimente gebruik te maak. Afgesien van epimesquitol-4α-ol, epimesquitol-4β-ol, dehidroflavonol, flavonol (melanoxetin) en die flavanoon het die kernhout van A. nigreseens ook 'n verskeideheid C-C gebonde promelacacinidiene gelewer. Twee bekende, C-4 (C-ring) —› C-6 (D-ring) gebonde dimere, epimesquitol-( 4β —›6)-epimesquitol-4α-ol en epimesquito1-( 4β —›6)-epimesquitol-4β-ol is geïsoleer. Die unieke groep proanthosianidiene met 'n C-4 (C-ring) —› C-5 (D-ring) interflavaniel bindings is uitgebrei deur die isolasie van mesquitol-(4α —›5)-epimesquitol-4β-ol en die twee baie seldsame verbindings, mesquitol(4 α—›5)-3,3' ,4' ,7,8-pentahidroksie flavonoon and epimesquitol-( 4β —›5)-3,3',4' ,7,8-pentahidroksie flavonoon. Die eerste promelacacinidien met 'n unieke C-4 (C-ring) —›C-3 (D-ring) interflavaniel binding naamlik, ent-epimesquitol-( 4α—›3)-3',4', 7,8-tetrahidroksieflavanoon is ook geïsoleer en gekarakteriseer. Die sintetiese benadering waartydens epimesquitol-4β-bensieltioeter saam met epimesquitol-4α-ol as nukleofiel en AgBF4 as tiofiliese Lewissuur gebruik is, het afgesien van vorige suksesvolle navorsing, geen positiewe resultate opgelewer nie. Die nukleofiele substitusie van epimesquitol- 4β -bensieltioeter, met DMTSF as aktiveerder is ook ondersoek en 'n C-O-C gebonde promelacacinidien is geïsoleer, maar nie genoeg material vir die opklaring van die struktuur nie. Daar is steeds groot onsekerheid insake die tussenprodukte gedurende die biosintese van flavanoïede. Flav-3-en-3-ole is voorgestel as sleutel tussenprodukte in sommige gepostuleerde biosintetiese roetes. Tydens vorige sintetiese studies is flav-3-en-3-ole in hoë opbrengste gesintetiseer. Dit het navorsing op die keto tautomeer van die flav-3-en-3-ol, naamlik die flavan-3-oon aangemoedig. Om mesquitol (flavaan-3-ol) en die ooreenkomstige flavonol te sintetiseer is verskeie reduksies en oksidasies op die flavan-3-oon met sukses uitgevoer.
Flavonoids, Monomers, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--University of the Free State, 2001