The willingness of traditional healers regarding collaboration with Western psychiatric health care.

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Mototo, Onica Matlhodi
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University of the Free State
English: Traditional healers treat many black patients with mental illness. particularly those living in rural areas. There is considerable literature to support this statement. The purpose of the study was: to explore and describe the willingness of traditional healers regarding collaboration with western psychiatric health care; and the willingness of traditional healers regarding a possible change in their own practice as a result of collaboration with western psychiatric health care. From these it would be possible to make recommendations with regard to possible areas of collaboration. The study is qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual in approach. It was therefore necessary to use a semi-structured interview to collect data from traditional healers. The sample consisted of fourteen traditional healers residing in the rural areas of Mafikeng. Entrance was established through a written permission to the chairman of the North West Traditional Healers Association to conduct research on traditional healers. Before data collection, traditional healers were given information regarding the purpose of the study. Giorgi and Teeh's methods were used to analyse data. To ensure trustworthiness, Guba and Lincoln's approach was applied. The services of an independent coder were also sought. The findings of the study indicated that traditional healers are willing to collaborate with western psychiatric health care and to exchange information although they also have some reservations, particularly concerning aspects of their methods of practice. Four main themes were identified: broad scope of recognition and treatment of mental illness: feelings of confidence: acknowledging collaboration between traditional healers and western psychiatric health care: feelings of fear of change. The process of the study showed that with mutual respect and understanding, it is possible for western psychiatric health care to work with traditional healers for the purpose of rendering effective mental health care to patients. Recommendations regarding inclusion of traditional healers in the westem psychiatric health care were made with the aim of ensuring a holistic approach in rendering mental health service to the community.
Afrikaans: Tradisionele genesers behandel baie swart pasiënte met qeestesónqesteldheoe, veral diegene wat in landelike gebiede woon. Daar is 'n aansienlike hoeveelheid literatuur om hierdie stelling te staaf. Die doel van die studie was om die gewilligheid van tradisionele genesers ten opsigte van samewerking met westerse psigiatriese sorg te verken; en om hul gewilligheid om moontlik hul eie praktyk te verander as gevolg van samewerking met westerse psigiatriese gesondheidsorg, te ondersoek. Hieruit sou dit moontlik wees om aanbevelings rakende moontlike areas van samewerking te maak. Die studie is kwalitatief, ondersoekend en beskrywend van aard. Dit was dus nodig om 'n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud te gebruik om data van tradisionele genesers te verkry. Die monster het uit veertien tradisionele genesers wat in die landelike gebiede van Mafikeng woon, bestaan. Vertroue is geskep deur die verkryging van skriftelike toestemming van die voorsitter van die Noord-wes Tradisionele Genesersorganisasie om navorsing op tradisionele genesers te doen. Voor die aanvang van dataversameling is die tradisionele genesers oor die doel van die studie ingelig. Die metodes van Giorgi en Tech is vir data analise gebruik. Die benadering van Guba en Lincoln is gevolg om betroubaarheid te verseker. Die bevindinge van die studie het aangedui dat tradisionele genesers gewillig is om met westerse psigiatriese gesondheidsorg saam te werk en om inligting uit te ruil alhoewel hulle 'n paar voorbehoude het, veral in verband met aspekte van hul praktyk metodes. Vier hooftemas is geïdentifiseer: breë omvang van erkenning en behandeling van geestesongesteldhede, gevoelens van selfvertroue; erkenning van samewerking tussen tradisionele genesers en westerse psigiatriese gesondheidsorg;gevoelens van vrees vir verandering. Die proses van die studie het getoon dat dit met onderlinge respek en begrip moontlik is vir westerse psigiatriese gesondheidsorg om met tradisionele genesers saam te werk met die doelom effektiewe geestesgesondheidsorg aan pasiënte te voorsien. Aanbevelings aangaande die insluiting van tradisionele genesers in westerse psigiatriese gesondheidsorg is gemaak met die doelom 'n holistiese benadering tot die voorsiening van 'n geestesgesondheidsdiens aan die gemeenskap te 'verseker.
Psychiatric nursing, Traditional medicine -- South Africa, Healers -- South Africa, Dissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Nursing))--University the Free State, 1999