The association of specific polymorphisms in the serotonergic system with aggressive, impulsive and suicidal behaviour

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Louw, Susan
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University of the Free State
English: Suicidal behaviour and the consequences thereof are a major global issue and need to be researched in order to promote a better understanding of this maladaptive behaviour. However, understanding the aetiology of suicidal behaviour is important, but difficult, as it is multifactorial and complex. Although there is a growing body of research pertaining to suicidal behaviour, there is a lack of research on the genetic contribution towards an endophenotype for suicidal behaviour in South Africa. Due to the complex nature of suicidal behaviour, it was suggested that the use of an endophenotype would contribute to the possible intervention in this maladaptive behaviour. It has been suggested that some people were genetically predisposed to suicidal behaviour, and more importantly, the tendency to act on suicidal thoughts, and that this genetic vulnerability, underlain by the serotonergic system, might possibly be linked to inherited personality traits such as impulsiveness and aggression. Impulsiveness and aggression have therefore been suggested as possible endophenotypes of suicidal behaviour. Variation in the chosen genetic markers of the serotonergic system may modify the endophenotype of impulsivity and aggression, and in turn, influence the phenotype, suicidal behaviour. The aim of the research was to determine if impulsivity and aggression can act as a potential endophenotype for suicidal behaviour, and therefore, firstly, to determine whether aggression and impulsivity, as personal variables, are associated with suicidal behaviour, and secondly, to investigate the possible association of candidate polymorphisms (HTR1A rs6295, HTR1B rs6296, HTR2A rs6311 and SLC6A4 HTTLPR) of the serotonergic system to impulsivity, aggression and attempted suicide. Genes can thus be studied as a contributing factor and not the only factor that influence suicidal behaviour. A cohort of 25 research participants with a previous suicide attempt were recruited and matched to 25 healthy controls. All participants completed the BIS-11, RPQ, and BPAQ as quantifiable measures. Participants were also genotyped for HTR1A (rs6295), HTR1B (rs6296), HTR2A (rs6311) and SLC6A4 HTTLPR. The results for this study indicated that the suicide attempters scored significantly higher than the control group in all the questionnaires for aggression and impulsivity. This led to the conclusion that impulsivity and aggression is positively associated with suicidal behaviour. However, with regards to the molecular genetic analysis, only the HTR2A gene variant, rs6311, showed a significant difference between the suicide attempters and controls, with the A allele being more frequent in the suicide attempters (p = 0.0066). The suicide attempters were the only group that presented with the X allele for SLC6A4 HTTLPR and further studies are needed to replicate this finding. Interesting trends were observed regarding the other genetic variants, but no significant results were obtained. For HTR1A rs6295, the homozygous GG genotype conferred the highest risk for impulsive and aggressive behaviours in suicide attempters. The G allele for HTR2A rs6311, together with the S allele for HTTLPR, also seemed to increase impulsive and aggressive traits. In the case of HTTLPR, this finding was valid irrespective of the presence of suicidal behaviour. Overall, the results provide support for the use of behavioural measures of impulsivity and aggression as an endophenotype for suicidal behaviour. Some support was also found for the use of impulsive aggression as a single construct with regards to suicidal behaviour. The combination of psychology and genetic results are among the first ever reported for suicide attempters in South Africa. Despite the limited size of the study, perhaps due to the sensitivity of the construct under investigation, this study nevertheless adds significant value to the body of research pertaining to the under-studied topic of suicidal behaviour in South Africa. This study can improve phenotyping that will ultimately benefit South-African individuals.
Afrikaans: Selfmoordgedrag en die gevolge daarvan is ‘n globale probleem en navorsing sal bydra tot beter insig in hierdie wanaangepaste gedrag. Dis is noodsaaklik om die oorsprong van selfmoordgedrag te verstaan, alhoewel dit bemoeilik word deurdat selfmoordgedrag kompleks en multi-faktoriaal is. Ten spyte daarvan dat navorsing rakende selfmoordgedrag toeneem, is daar steeds ‘n tekort aan navorsing oor die bydraende genetiese faktore van ‘n endofenotipe vir selfmoordgedrag in Suid-Afrika. Die komplekse natuur van selfmoordgedrag noodsaak die gebruik van ‘n endofenotipe om die gedrag te bestudeer. Dit kan moontlik intervensies en voorkoming van selfmoordgedrag vergemaklik. Sommige individue is geneties meer geneig tot selfmoordgedrag, en ook om te reageer op selfmoordneigings. Hierdie genetiese ingesteldheid, onderliggend aan die serotonergiese neurologiese sisteem, kan moontlik verwant wees aan oorerflike persoonlikheidseienskappe soos impulsiwiteit en aggressie. Impulsiwiteit en aggressie is gevolglik bestudeer as ‘n moontlike endofenotipe vir selfmoordgedrag. Variasie in die gekose genetiese merkers van die serotonergiese sisteem kan dalk die endofenotipe van impulsiwiteit en aggressie wysig, wat weer die fenotipe, selfmoordgedrag, kan beïnvloed. Die doel van die navorsing was om vas te stel of impulsiwiteit en aggressie as ‘n moontlike endofenotipe vir selfmoordgedrag kan geld: eerstens, om vas te stel of impulsiwiteit en aggressie, as persoonlikheidsveranderlikes, geassosieer kan word met selfmoordgedrag; tweedens, om die moontlike assosiasie tussen die gekose veranderlike gene van die serotonergiese sisteem (HTR1A rs6295, HTR1B rs6296, HTR2A rs6311 en SLC6A4 HTTLPR) en impulsiewe, aggressiewe en selfmoordgedrag, te bepaal. Gene word dus as bydraende faktor ondersoek, en nie slegs as die enigste faktor wat bydra tot selfmoordgedrag, nie. Vyf-en-twintig navorsingsdeelnemers en ‘n kontrole-groep van 25 ooreenstemmende individue is gewerf. Alle deelnemers het die BIS-11, RPQ en BPAQ, wat dien as ‘n meetbare toetsinstrument, voltooi. Deelnemers is gegenotipeer vir HTR1A (rs6295), HTR1B (rs6296), HTR2A (rs6311), en SLC6A4 (HTTLPR). Die resultate vir hierdie studie toon beduidende hoër tellings vir impulsiwiteit en aggressie in die navorsingsgroep. Dit lei tot die gevolgtrekking dat impulsiwiteit en aggressie positief geassosieer kan word met selfmoordgedrag. In verband met die molekulêre analise, het slegs die uitdrukking van die HTR2A geen (rs6311) verskil tussen die navorsings- en kontrole-groep (p = 0.0066). Die A-alleel het meer algemeen voorgekom by dié met selfmoordpogings. ‘n Verdere bevinding is dat die X-alleel van SLC6A4 slegs voorgekom het by die navorsingsgroep. Interessante patrone is gevind vir die genetiese variasie in terme van impulsiwiteit en aggressie, maar geen statisties beduidende resultate het voorgekom nie. Die homosigotiese GG genotipe van HTR1A rs6295 het die hoogste risiko vir impulsiwiteit en aggressie by die navorsingsgroep getoon. Die G-alleel vir HTR2A rs6311 en die S-alleel van SLC6A4 HTTLPR het ook ‘n moontlike bydrae tot impulsiwiteit en aggressie getoon. Vir HTTLPR was dit waar, ongeag die voorkoms van selfmoordgedrag. Oor die algemeen bevind hierdie studie dat impulsiwiteit en aggressie as ‘n endofenotipe vir selfmoordgedrag kan dien. Die gebruik van impulsiewe aggressie as ‘n enkele konstruk wanneer dit in verband met selfmoordgedrag gebruik word, word ook ondersteun. Die genetiese bydrae tot hierdie fenotipe as enkele konstruk, behoort verder ondersoek te word. Die kombinasie van sielkunde en genetika is van die eerste studies in verband met selfmoordgedrag in Suid-Afrika. Ten spyte van die klein studiegrootte, moontlik as gevolg van die sensitiwiteit van die konstruk wat ondersoek word, dra die studie by tot die liggaam van navorsing oor selfmoordgedrag in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie studie kan lei tot die verbetering van fenotipering, wat uiteindelik Suid-Afrikaners kan bevoordeel.
Suicidal behaviour, Impulsivity, Aggression, Endophenotype, Serotonin, Genetic variation, Genetic polymorphisms, Serotoninergic mechanisms, Suicide, Behavior genetics, Thesis (M.Sc. (Genetics))--University of the Free State, 2016