Die verband tussen psigologiese welstand en kognitiewe buigsaamheid by adolessente

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Hill, Amanda
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University of the Free State
English: The primary aim of this study was to investigate the relatioship between cognitive flexibility and psychological wellbeing amongst adolescents empirically, as well as to determine the role of sex and culture as possible predictive variables. Cognitive flexibility was theoretically explored and defined as a cognitive process, characterised by plasticity, elasticity and pliancy, as well as an ability that simultaneously leads to the reconstruction of information and facilitation of problem solving. Adolescence as developmental phase was theoretically explored. Specific attention was given to the potential role of cognitive flexibility regarding problematic developmental tasks, especially within the current South African context and in connection with the adolescent’s experience of psychological wellbeing. Psychological wellbeing was also theoretically examined within the context of the science of psychofortology. Psychological wellbeing is defined as a dynamic state of being at the highest position on the continuum of human functioning. The following constructs were used to determine psychological wellbeing: satisfaction with life, sense of coherence and fortitude. The empirical research conducted amongst schools of the National Department of Education in the Eastern Cape, Gauteng province and Mpumalanga during 2001, amongst others yielded information regarding the psychological wellbeing and cognitive flexibility of a study sample of 1203 grade 11 and grade 12 learners. During 2002 the research sample was enlarged by means of 271 additional adolescents from two schools in Potchefstroom (Northwest Province) with an African language as their mother tongue. All the grade 11 and grade 12 learners of these two schools were included in the study and the necessary consent was obtained. The psychological wellbeing of the study sample was determined by means of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffen, 1985), the Fortitude Questionnaire (Pretorius, 1997) and the Sense of Coherence Scale (Antonovsky, 1988). Cognitive flexibility was measured by the Cognitive Flexibility Scale (Martin & Rubin, 1995). Acceptable reliability and validity indices for all the measurements were obtained. It was found that a negative correlation exists between the cognitive flexibility and sense of coherence of the adolescents in the study sample. A difference was also found between the two sexes; no meaningful correlation was found between the cognitive flexibility scores of girls and the three factors measured for psychological wellbeing, whilst the scores of boys statistically correlate meaningfully with all three factors for psychological wellbeing, though negatively. A difference was also found to exist between the two language (cultural) groupings. In the case of Afrikaans speaking learners, a positive correlation was found, whereas a negative correlation was found amongst the speakers of an African language. The importance of culture, life context as well as the spirit of the time upon the functioning of the individual has been confirmed in this study - to such an extent that well established Western theories of cognitive functioning and psychological well-being can indeed be questioned when evaluated within the African context. From the results obtained, recommendations were made for future research. The manifestation of cognitive flexibility amongst different cultures and males and females respectively, as well as the prevalence thereof during later developmental stages should be further investigated.
Afrikaans: Met hierdie navorsing is gepoog om die verband tussen kognitiewe buigsaamheid en psigologiese welstand by adolessente empiries te ondersoek en om die rol van geslag en kultuur as moontlike voorspellerveranderlikes te bepaal. Kognitiewe buigsaamheid is in hierdie navorsing teoreties ondersoek en gedefinieer as ‘n kognitiewe proses wat gekenmerk word deur plastisiteit, soepelheid en plooibaarheid, asook as ‘n vermoë wat aanleiding gee tot die herstrukturering van inligting en wat terselfdertyd as hulpmiddel dien by probleemoplossing. Adolessensie as ontwikkelingsfase is teoreties ondersoek. Daar is spesifiek gelet op die rol wat kognitiewe buigsaamheid kan speel in die hantering van problematiek betreffende ontwikkelingstake - veral binne die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Dit is in verband gebring met die adolessent se belewenis van psigologiese welstand. Psigologiese welstand soos wat dit in die psigofortologie as wetenskap voorkom, is ook teoreties ondersoek. Psigologiese welstand is beskryf as ‘n dinamiese toestand of staat wat op die hoogste punt van ‘n kontinuum van menslike funksionering voorkom. Die konstrukte lewenstevredenheid, koherensiesin en fortaliteit is in hierdie studie gebruik om psigologiese welstand te bepaal. Die empiriese ondersoek wat gedurende 2001 in Oos-Kaap, Gauteng en Mpumalanga by skole van Nasionale Onderwys onderneem is, het onder andere inligting rakende die psigologiese welstand en kognitiewe buigsaamheid van ‘n ondersoekgroep van 1 203 (graad 11- en 12-leerders) opgelewer. In 2002 het hierdie navorsrer besluit om die steekproef aan te vul deur die toetsing van 271 addisionele swart adolessente (met ‘n Afrikataal as huistaal). Hierdie 271 leerders was afkomstig uit twee skole te Potchefstroom in die Provinsie Noordwes. Al die Graad 11- en Graad 12-leerders van daardie skole is genader om die vraelyste te voltooi en die nodige toestemming is verkry. Psigologiese welstand is vasgestel deur die Lewenstevredenheidskaal van Diener, Emmons, Larsen en Griffen (1985), die Fortaliteitvraelys van Pretorius (1997) en die Koherensiesinskaal van Antonovsky (1988). Kognitiewe buigsaamheid is bepaal deur die Kognitiewe buigsaamheid-skaal van Martin en Rubin (1995). Goeie betroubaarheidsindekse is vasgestel vir al die vraelyste wat in die studie gebruik is. Daar is bevind dat kognitiewe buigsaamheid van adolessente in die ondersoekgroep ‘n negatiewe verband toon met hulle koherensiesin. ‘n Verskil is ook gevind tussen die verskillende geslagte. Meisies se kognitiewe buigsaamheidstellings korrelleer nie betekenisvol met die drie psigologiese welstandsfaktore soos gemeet nie, terwyl die seuns se tellings wel statisties beduidend met al drie die psigologiese welstandfaktore korrelleer, hoewel met negatiewe koëffisiënte. ‘n Verskil is ook tussen die twee taal-(kultuur-) groeperinge gevind. Die korrelasies vir die Afrikaanssprekendes toon ‘n positiewe verband, terwyl dit vir die Afrikataalsprekendes ‘n negatiewe verband toon. Die belangrike invloed van kultuur, lewenskonteks en tydsgees op menslike funksio- nering word in hierdie studie bevestig tot so ‘n mate dat gevestigde Westerse teorieë oor kognitiewe funksionering en psigologiese welstand – wanneer dit in die Afrika konteks getoets word – bevraagteken kan word. Uit die verkreë resultate is aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing gemaak. Die manifestasie van kognitiewe buigsaamheid en psigologiese welstand by die verskillende geslagte en kulture behoort verder ondersoek te word; ook die voorkoms van kognitiewe buigsaamheid tydens latere ontwikkelingsfases.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2003, Cognitive flexibility, Cognition, Cognitive functioning, Adaptability, Divergent thinking, Critical thinking, Constructive thinking, Creativity, Adolescence, Psychological wellbeing, Adolescent psychology, Adjustment (Psychology)