Community-based education and service learning: experiences of health sciences students at the University of the Free State

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Kruger, Sonet Beatrice
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University of the Free State
English: In this research project, an in-depth study was done by the researcher in view of providing recommendations, based on the experiences of Health Sciences students in Community-Based Education (CBE) and Service Learning (SL), to academic staff in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), University of the Free State (UFS), as well as to all internal and external role players who are planning such initiatives in the future in order to enhance the effectiveness thereof. The current challenge in the training of health professionals is that programmes should produce graduates who are prepared for work in community settings. CBE and SL are teaching approaches used in the FHS, at the UFS, in order to prepare undergraduate students for future professional work in rural and underserved communities. The research problem revolved around determining what the experiences of Health Sciences students are during CBE and SL undertaken at the UFS. The overall goal of the study was to explore the students’ views regarding CBE and SL initiatives in order to make recommendations to all stakeholders involved in these initiatives with the view to enhance the efficacy thereof for students. The aim of the study was to explore the experiences, views, attitudes and perceptions of Health Sciences students regarding CBE and SL at the UFS. An exploratory mixed-methods design was used – a design in which the results of the first method (qualitative) can help develop or inform the second method (quantitative). The methods that were used and which formed the basis of the study comprised a literature review, and – as the empirical study – nominal group discussions and a questionnaire survey. The purpose of the literature review was to provide background for the research problem, to establish the need for the research and to indicate that the researcher is knowledgeable about the area. The literature review focussed on the contextualisation and conceptualisation of CBE and SL. The purpose of the nominal group discussions was to identify themes that occurred in the questionnaire survey. The purpose of the questionnaire survey was to identify the most commonly shared perceptions and attitudes that Health Sciences students have about CBE and SL and to identify whether there are certain factors that influence their experience of CBE and SL. Recommendations were made on how to implement and manage CBE and SL within undergraduate Health Sciences programmes at the FHS in such a way that students benefit from the experience and as a result, the effectiveness thereof improve. The study was done to make a contribution to the implementation and management of CBE and SL within undergraduate Health Sciences programmes in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the UFS, through describing how students currently experience CBE and SL in the FHS. The study provides recommendations to all stakeholders in the FHS, at the UFS that are currently involved in CBE or SL and to those who are planning such initiatives in the future. A contribution is made and new knowledge is added through this study. By describing how undergraduate Health Sciences students experience CBE and SL in the FHS, at the UFS and by providing recommendations regarding the implementation and management of CBE and SL in such a way as to enhance the students’ experience thereof, the identified gap is bridged. The sound research approach and methodology ensured the quality, reliability and validity of the research. The completed research can form the basis for future research. If the recommendations are followed when implementing and managing CBE and SL initiatives within undergraduate Health Sciences programmes, the students’ experiences of these initiatives will improve, and ultimately the effectiveness of CBE and SL will improve for all stakeholders involved.
Afrikaans: In hierdie navorsingsprojek is ʼn diepgaande studie onderneem deur die navorser met die oog daarop om aanbevelings te maak, gebasseer op die ervarings van Gesondheidswetenskappe-studente in Gemeenskapsgebaseerde Onderwys (GBO) en Diensleer (DL), aan die akademiese personeel van die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe (FGW), Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) asook aan alle interne en eksterne rolspelers wat sulke inisiatiewe in die toekoms beplan om die doeltreffendheid daarvan te verhoog. Tans is die uitdaging ten opsigte van die opleiding van professionale gesondheidswerkers dat programme gegradueerdes moet lewer wat voorbereid is om in ʼn gemeenskapsopset te werk. GBO en DL is onderrigbenaderings wat in die FGW aan die UV gebruik word om voorgraadse studente voor te berei om professioneel in plattelandse en afgeskeepte gemeenskappe te werk. Die navorsingsprobleem was daarop gemik om vas te stel wat die ervarings van Gesondheidswetenskappe-studente is tydens GBO en DL aan die UV. Die oorkoepelende doel van die studie was om die studente se beskouings oor GBO- en DL-inisiatiewe te ondersoek om sodoende aanbevelings aan al die belanghebbendes ten opsigte van die inisiatiewe voor te lê om die doeltreffendheid daarvan vir studente te verbeter. Die oogmerk van die studie was om die ervarings, beskouings, houdings en persepsies van die studente rakende GBO en DL aan die UV na te vors. ʼn Eksploratiewe, gemengde metodes ontwerp is gebruik – ʼn ontwerp waarvolgens die resultate van die eerste metode (kwalitatief) die tweede metode (kwantitatief) kan toelig of help ontwikkel. Die metodes wat gebruik is en die basis van die studie uitgemaak het, was ʼn literatuuroorsig en – as die empiriese studie – nominale groepbesprekings en ʼn vraelysopname. Die doel van die literatuuroorsig was om die navorsingsprobleem in konteks te plaas, die belangrikheid vir die navorsing aan te dui en om te toon dat die navorser goed op hoogte van die veld is. Die literatuuroorsig fokus op die kontekstualisering en konseptualisering van GBO en DL. Die doel van die nominale groepsbesprekings was om temas te identifiseer wat in die vraelysopname voorgekom het. Die doel van die vraelysopname was om die Gesondheidswetenskappe-studente se algemeenste persepsies en houdings oor GBO en DL te identifiseer en vas te stel of daar spesifieke faktore is wat hulle ervaring van GBO en DL beïnvloed het. Aanbevelings is gemaak oor hoe om GBO en DL op so ʼn wyse te implementeer en bestuur binne voorgraadse Gesondheidswetenskappe-programme van die FGW sodat studente by die ervaring baat en dat die effektiwiteit as gevolg daarvan ook toeneem. Die studie is onderneem om ʼn bydrae te lewer tot die implementering en bestuur van GBO en DL binne voorgraadse Gesondheidswetenskappe-programme van die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe aan die UV, deur te beskryf hoe studente tans GBO en DL in die FGW ervaar. Die studie bied aanbevelings aan alle rolspelers in die FGW aan die UV wat tans by GBO en DL betrokke is en aan diegene wat sulke inisiatiewe vir die toekoms beplan. ʼn Bydrae is gelewer en nuwe kennis is toegevoeg deur hierdie studie. Deur te beskryf hoe voorgraadse Gesondheidswetenskappe-studente GBO en DL in die FGW aan die UV ervaar en aanbevelings te maak oor hoe GBO en DL op so ʼn wyse geïmplementeer en bestuur kan word dat die studente se ervaring verbeter kan word, is die gaping wat identifiseer is, oorbrug. Die grondige navorsingsbenadering en metodologie verseker die kwaliteit, betroubaarheid en geldigheid van die navorsing. Die afgehandelde navorsing kan die basis vir verdere navorsing bied. Indien die aanbevelings in aanmerking geneem word by die implementering en bestuur van die GBO- en DLinisiatiewe in die voorgraadse Gesondheidswetenskappe-programme, sal die studente se ervaring van hierdie inisiatiewe verbeter en sal die effektiwiteit van GBO en DL vir alle belanghebbendes verbeter.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Health Professions Education))--University of the Free State, 2013, Community-based education, Community engagement, Experiences of students, Health Sciences Education, Higher education, Mixed-methods design, Service learning, Undergraduate education, Medical education -- South Africa -- Free State, Medical students -- South Africa -- Free State