Perception of community health workers regarding the value and role played by the general education and training certificate in ancillary health care in the Free State Province

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Motsepe, V. V. J.
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University of the Free State
English: In 2004, the Free State Department of Health (FSDoH) trained CHWs in the GETC in AHC qualification and in 2006 Free State Growth and Development Strategy (FSGDS) commissioned the department to conduct a research project to determine the role played by the qualification in improving community health care services and therefore the need for further training. Subsequently, an investigation was done to explore by means of focus group interviews the personal experiences, opinions and attitudes regarding the role of CHWs to: (i) assess and identify community health needs, (ii) execute primary health care talk, (iii) engage in basic health promotion with specific reference to preventing and managing accidents and disasters and (iv) referring clients to the formal health services and other health-related systems. All these four focus areas were used to determine the role and the value of the GETC in AHC qualification in improving community health care services in the Free State Province (FSP). The aim of the study was to determine the perceptions of CHWs regarding their experiences, opinions and attitudes as far as the value and role played by the GETC in AHC qualification in improving community health care services in the FSP. The study followed a descriptive, explorative and contextual design using a qualitative approach since the participants described and explored their perceptions in the context of the GETC in AHC qualification. Data were collected by means of focus group interviews to enable the participants to describe and explore their perceptions. Based on the literature in this study, it became clear that there are different concepts used to define and to determine the roles and training programmes for community health workers. In South Africa, the GETC in AHC qualification authorised by SAQA is used to empower community health workers with the skills and abilities to assess and provide health care towards community health care needs. In the case of the United States of America (USA) as well as Southern African Countries (SAC), the training of CHWs is determined by the roles they play in the community. According to the findings of the study it seems as if the training that CHWs received has contributed to the improvement of community health services in the FSP. However, the researcher is of the opinion that if the key role-players such as SAQA, HWSETA, FSDoH and Free State Provincial Government (FSPG) can consider the recommendations made in this study there can be further improvement in the training of CHWs as well as further improvement in the delivery of community health services in the FSP.
Afrikaans: In 2004 het die Free State Department of Health (FSDoH) GGWs in die GETC in AHC-kwalifikasie opgelei en in 2006 het die Free State Growth and Development Strategy (FSGDS) die department opdrag gegee om ‘n navorsinginsprojek te loods om die rol van die kwalifikasie in die verbetering van gemeenskapsgesondheidsdiens en dus die behoefte aan verdere opleiding te bepaal. Na aanleiding hiervan en met behulp van fokusgroeponderhoude is die persoonlike ervaringe, opinies en gesindhede in verband met die rol van GGWs ten opsigte van die volgende verken: (i) assessering en identifisering van gemeenskapsgesondheidsbehoeftes, (ii) voer van ‘n primêre gesondheidsorggesprek, (iii) betrokkendheid by basiese gesondheidsbevordering met spesifieke verwysing na die voorkoming en hantering van ongelukke en rampe en (iv) verwysing van kliënte na formele gesondheidsdienste en ander gesondheidsverwante stelsels. Al vier hierdie fokusareas is gebruik om die rol en die waarde van die GETC in AHCkwalifikasie ten opsigte van die verbetering van gemeenskapsgesondheidsorgdienste in die Vrystaat Provinsie (VP) te bepaal. Die oogmerk van die studie was om die ervarings, opinies en houdings van GGWs ten opsigte van die waarde en die rol van die GETC in AHC-kwalifikasie in die verbetering van gemeenskapgesondheidsorg in die VP te bepaal. Die studie het ‘n beskrywende, eksploratiewe en kontekstuele ontwerp volgens ‘n kwalitatiewe benadering gevolg aangesien die deelnemers hulle persepsie in die konteks van die GETC in AHC-kwalifikasie beskryf en verken het. Data is met behulp van fokusgroeponderhoude ingesamel om die deelnemers in staat te stel om hul persepsies te beskryf en te verken. Dit blyk uit die literatuur van hierdie studie dat verskillende konsepte gebruik word om opleidingsprogramme vir gemeenskapsgesondheidswerkers te omskryf en te bepaal. In Suid-Afrika word die SAKO-goedgekeurde GETC in AHCkwalifikasie gebruik om gemeenskapsgesondheidswerkers met die vaardighede en die vermoë te bemagtig om gesondheidsorg ten opsigte van gemeenskapsgesondheidsbehoeftes te assesseer en te lewer. In die VSA sowel as in ander Suider-Afrikaanse lande word die opleiding van GGWs deur die rol wat hulle in die gemeenskap speel, bepaal. Volgens die bevindinge van die studie het die opleiding van GGWs tot die verbetering van gemeenskapsgesondheidsdienste in die VP bygedra. Die navorser is egter van mening dat indien sleutelrolspelers soos SAKO, HWSETA, FSDoH en die Vrystaatse Provinsiale Regering die aanbevelings in hierdie studie in aanmerking neem, die opleiding van GGWs asook die lewering van gemeenskapsgesondheidsdienste in die VP verder verbeter kan word.
Dissertation (M.HPE. (Health Professions Education))--University of the Free State, 2013, Community Health Worker (CHW), CHW training programme, South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), Health and Welfare Sector Education Training (HWSETA), General Education and Training Certificate (GETC), Ancillary Health Care (AHC), Qualification, Value, Experiences, Opinions, Attitudes, Primary health care, Focus group interviews, Community health needs, Health promotion, Community health services -- South Africa -- Free State, Primary health care -- South Africa -- Free State, Medical education -- South Africa -- Free State, Health care workers -- Training of -- South Africa -- Free State