Learning to teach secondary school mathematics from practice: an exploration of the Zimbabwean pre-service teachers’ year-long field experiences

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Makamure, Chipo
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University of the Free State
Abstract in other languages 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘈𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘢𝘯𝘴
𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 Previous research in teacher education has examined teaching practice (TP) as an important part of teacher preparation. Accordingly, a number of Zimbabwean researchers have also focused on teaching practice in order to explore its influence on ‘learning to teach’ generally. In mathematics education, the focus on TP partly reflects the belief that ‘learning to teach’ mathematics without practice would be difficult, if not impossible. Despite the importance that is attached to mathematics as a subject and teaching practice as playing a pivotal role in the improvement of mathematics teaching, pre-service teachers’ training has not been helpful in addressing performance deficits in secondary school mathematics. Student achievement in mathematics has remained low in Zimbabwe and across the world. In search of possible solutions to this challenge of poor performance in mathematics, the present study explored the significance and possible contribution of teaching practice to teacher knowledge and expertise which are required to improve secondary school mathematics in Zimbabwe. A mixed methods research approach, based on a sequential explanatory design, was selected for the study. Pre-service teachers and school-based mentors answered questionnaires and focus group interviews. At the same time, college supervisors participated in semi-structured interviews on the connections between pre-service teachers’ expectations and experiences of TP. The first set of findings from the study suggests that before going on TP, pre-service teachers have positive, but perhaps exaggerated, expectations about teaching mathematics and these expectations seem to affect the way they teach in the classroom during TP. The study thus recommends that teacher education needs to address these expectations more directly prior to school placement. The second set of findings point to the apparent discord between the mathematics content that is taught to pre-service teachers during teacher preparation and what they are expected to teach in schools during TP. A better alignment between the college mathematics curriculum and the school curriculum is suggested. This does not mean teaching the high school curriculum in college, but points to the need to align topics and/or themes between the two sets of curricula. Thirdly, the study uncovered a disturbing imbalance between the focus on content knowledge (CK) on the one hand and the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and curriculum knowledge on the other. It is therefore suggested that for effective mathematics teaching during TP, the development of mathematics teachers needs to be approached in a holistic manner where content knowledge (CK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and curriculum knowledge are integrated deliberately during teacher preparation. Finally, the findings suggest that there is a difference between pre-service teachers’ expectations before TP and their experiences during TP. The pre-service teachers’ struggle with the transfer of learned skills into classroom practice and the variable quality of the school-based mentorship practices by supervisors explain much of the differences between the expectations and actual experiences. A review of the college syllabus to include more mathematics pedagogy is thus called for, together with a more robust training programme for school and college-based supervisors, in addition to improved incentives for school-based supervision. In conclusion, the current study re-affirms the importance of teaching practice in teacher education in Zimbabwe, as it is in other countries. Teaching practice provides opportunities for mathematics pre-service teachers to spend time in real classrooms and ‘learn to teach’ from experience. However, the study has also established that teaching practice is not just about the time spent in the field, but more about the development of skills and competences for effective teaching and application of principles studied to teach and to bring about change in practice.
𝑨𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒂𝒏𝒔 Vorige navorsing in onderwyseropvoeding het praktiese onderwys (PO) as ’n belangrike deel van onderwysers se voorbereiding geïdentifiseer. Vervolglik het ’n aantal Zimbabwiese navorsers ook op praktiese onderwys gefokus om die algemene invloed daarvan op “leer om te onderrig” te verken. In wiskundeonderwys weerspieël die fokus op PO gedeeltelik die opvatting dat “leer om te onderrig” in wiskunde sonder praktiese oefening moeilik, indien nie onmoontlik, sou wees. Ongeag die belangrikheid wat aan wiskunde as vak en praktiese onderwys se sleutelrol in die verbetering van wiskundeonderwys geheg word, het onderwysstudente se opleiding tot dusver nie daarin geslaag om die prestasietekorte in hoërskoolwiskunde aan te spreek nie. Leerderprestasie bly laag in Zimbabwe en regoor die wêreld. In die soeke na moontlike oplossings tot hierdie uitdaging van swak prestasie in wiskunde verken die huidige studie die belangrikheid en moontlike bydrae van praktiese onderwys tot onderwyserkennis en -vaardigheid, wat nodig is om hoërskoolwiskunde in Zimbabwe te verbeter. ’n Gemengde metodes-benadering, gebaseer op ’n sekwensiële verklarende ontwerp, is vir hierdie studie gekies. Onderwysstudente en skoolgebaseerde mentors het vraelyste en fokusgroeponderhoude beantwoord. Terselfdertyd het kollegetoesighouers aan semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude oor die skakels tussen onderwysstudente se verwagtinge en ervarings van PO deelgeneem. Die eerste stel bevindinge uit die studie suggereer dat voordat hulle PO onderneem, onderwysstudente positiewe, maar miskien oordrewe, verwagtinge oor die aanbied van wiskunde het en hierdie verwagtinge affekteer skynbaar die manier waarop hulle in die klaskamer gedurende PO klasgee. Die studie beveel dus aan dat onderwyseropvoeding hierdie verwagtinge meer direk moet aanspreek voor plasing in skole. Die tweede stel bevindinge wys na die skynbare oneenstemmigheid tussen die wiskundige inhoud wat aan onderwysstudente gedurende onderwyseropleiding geleer word en wat van hulle verwag word om in skole gedurende PO aan te bied. ’n Beter ooreenstemming tussen die universiteitswiskundekurrikulum en die skoolkurrikulum word voorgestel. Dit beteken nie dat die hoërskoolkurrikulum op universiteitsvlak aangebied moet word nie, maar wys na die behoefte daaraan om die onderwerpe en/of temas tussen die twee stelle kurrikula met mekaar in lyn te bring. Derdens het die studie ’n onthutsende wanbalans tussen die fokus op inhoudkennis (IK) aan die een kant en die pedagogiese inhoudkennis (PIK) en kurrikulumkennis aan die ander kant ontbloot. Dit word dus aanbeveel dat vir effektiewe wiskundeonderrig gedurende PO, die ontwikkeling van wiskunde-onderwysers op ’n holistiese wyse benader moet word, waar inhoudkennis (IK), pedagogiese inhoudkennis (PIK) en kurrikulumkennis doelbewus gedurende onderwyseropleiding geïntegreer word. Laastens suggereer die bevindings dat daar ’n verskil is tussen onderwysstudente se verwagtinge voor PO en hul ervarings gedurende PO. Die onderwysstudente ervaar probleme met die oordrag van aangeleerde vaardighede na klaskamerpraktyk en die veranderlike gehalte van die skoolgebaseerde mentorskapspraktyke deur toesighouers verklaar baie van die verskille tussen die verwagtinge en die werklike ervarings. ’n Hersiening van die universiteitsillabus om meer wiskundige pedagogie in te sluit, word dus gevra, tesame met ’n meer robuuste opleidingsprogram vir skool- en universiteitsgebaseerde toesighouers, asook verbeterde insentiewe vir skoolgebaseerde toesighouding. Om af te sluit herbevestig die huidige studie die belang van praktiese onderwys in onderwyseropvoeding in Zimbabwe, soos in ander lande. Praktiese onderwys verskaf geleenthede vir onderwysstudente in wiskunde om tyd in werklike klaskamers deur te bring en om te “leer om te onderrig” uit ervaring. Die studie het egter ook vasgestel dat praktiese onderwys nie net gaan oor die tyd wat in die praktyk deurgebring word nie, maar ook oor die ontwikkeling van talente en vaardighede vir effektiewe onderwys en toepassing van die bestudeerde beginsels en om verandering in die praktyk te bewerkstellig.
Thesis (Ph.D. (School of Mathematics Natural Sciences and Technology Education))--University of the Free State, 2016
Learning to teach, Teaching practice, Pre-service teachers, Mathematics knowledge, Pedagogical content knowledge, Pre-service teacher expectations, Pedagogy, Education, Secondary -- Zimbabwe