'n Prakties-teologiese basisteorie vir gemeente-analise

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Schoeman, Willem Jacobus
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University of the Free State
English: Looking at a congregation from a practical-theological viewpoint, the congregational building process plays an important part. Planning of the ministry is implemented as a method of stimulating the process of change in the congregation and setting a course for it. Although it is possible to approach the growth and development of a congregation from various angles, one of the primary questions to be asked will always be the importance and nature of the analysis of the current situation of the congregation. The essentiality of an effective and accountable analysis of the congregation, as a stimulus for purposeful growth of the congregation, therefore speaks for itself. By using the problem-setting as a point of departure, a theory is developed for a congregational analysis. The process for the development of this theory lies on the three levels set out below. 1. The orientation points describe the supposition used as the basic point of departure in a congregational analysis. A hermeneutic model is used as practical theological point of departure, which means that Word and context stand in asymmetrical relation; the covenant between God and human being leads to specific structures of service in the congregation; and there is supposed to be a critical assumption between Word and context. The congregation is scrutinised both as defined and empirical subject. The building of a congregation is a process, which assists a congregation in giving structure (form-giving) - from its identity within its service structures - to its being a congregation; so that the congregation finally reaches its goal. 2. The fundamental points of departure indicates the principles which are handled when a congregation is scrutinised. The identity of the congregation lies on the level of an exclusive covenant relationship with the Holy Trinity; a reformed congregation offering the Word of God and the sacraments in pure form; a congregation bound to the denomination by keeping it amongst themselves; and a congregation who uses the four characteristics of the church (unity, holiness, universality and apostolicity) as guidelines for their work. The purpose of the congregation belongs to the nature of the congregation and this is not negotiable; a healed world of which the congregation is a witness in word and deed. The four service areas integrate the total ministry of the congregation. Leitourgia - worship; Kerugma - preaching; Koinonia - love and acceptance; and Diakonia - to be of service to others. The concrete congregation can only be understood by looking at the Identity, purpose and service structures of the congregation. The spirituality of the congregation results in the congregation getting a concrete structure at a specific place, time, and in a specific way by giving the four service areas their set places. The congregation and its members are formed by the context and should be of service within the South African community. 3. The methodological suppositions indicate the way in which the procedures are followed in implementing an analysis of a congregation. A congregational analysis should comply with the following methodological requirements: Reliability, validity, and generalisation. In carrying out an analysis of a congregation,qualitative, quantitative or narrative methods may be used. Congregational analysis is a research method in its own right and it forms a part of the bigger process of building a congregation. This process is never completed.
Afrikaans: Indien vanuit 'n prakties-teologiese hoek na 'n gemeente gekyk word, speel die gemeentebouproses 'n belangrike rol. Bedieningsbeplanning word ingespan as 'n metode om die proses van verandering in die gemeente te stimuleer en daaraan koers te gee. Hoewel die groei en ontwikkeling van 'n gemeente uit verskeie hoeke benader kan word, bly een van die mees basiese vrae steeds die belangrikheid en die aard van die analisering van die huidige situasie van die gemeente. Die noodsaaklikheid van 'n behoorlike en verantwoordbare gemeente-analise, as ‘n stimulus vir doelgerigte gemeentegroei, spreek dus vanself. Aan die hand van die probleemstelling word ‘n teorie vir gemeente-analise ontwikkel. Die proses vir die ontwikkeling van dié teorie lê op drie vlakke: 1. Die oriënteringspunte beskryf aannames wat as grondliggende vertrekpunte in ‘n gemeente-analise gebruik word. ‘n Hermeneutiese model word as praktiese teologiese vertrekpunt gebruik wat beteken dat Woord en konteks in ‘n asimmetriese verhouding staan, die verbond tussen God en mens lei tot bepaalde diensgestaltes in die gemeente; en daar ‘n kritiese ingesteldheid tussen Woord en konteks moet wees. Die gemeente word sowel as ‘n gedefinieerde as ‘n empiriese subjek ondersoek Gemeentebou is ‘n proses wat ‘n gemeente begelei om, vanuit sy identiteit binne die gemeentelike bedieningsterreine, sodanig aan gemeentewees gestalte te gee (vormgewing), dat die gemeente sy doel bereik. 2. Die prinsipiële vertrekpunte wys op die beginsels wat hanteer word as daar na ‘n gemeente kyk word. Die gemeente se identiteit lê op die vlak van ‘n eksklusiewe verbonds-verhouding met die drie-enige God; ‘n gereformeerde gemeente wat die Woord en sakramente suiwer bedien en aan die belydenis verbind is deur dit onderling te bewaar; en ‘n gemeente wat die vier eienskappe van die kerk (eenheid, heiligheid, algemeenheid en apostolisiteit) as riglyne uitleef. Die doel van die gemeente behoort ononderhandelbaar tot die wese van die gemeente; ‘n Heelgemaakte wêreld waarvan die gemeente deur woord en daad ‘n getuie is. Die vier bedieningsterreine integreer die totale bediening van die gemeente: Leitourgia – aanbidding; Kerugma - verkondiging; Koinonia - liefde en aanvaarding; en Diakonia - diensbaarheid. Die konkrete gemeente kan net vanuit die gemeentelike identiteit, doel en bedieningsterreine verstaan word. Die gemeentelike spiritualiteit lei daartoe dat die gemeente op ‘n bepaalde tyd, plek en wyse konkreet gestalte kry deur aan vier die bedieningsterreine hulle regmatige plek te gee. Die gemeente en lidmate word deur die konteks gevorm en binne die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing moet die gemeente diensbaar wees. 3. Die metodologiese aannames wys op die pad of prosedures wat in die uitvoering van ‘n gemeente-analise gevolg word. ‘n Gemeente-analise behoort aan die volgende metodologiese vereistes te voldoen: Betroubaarheid, geldigheid en veralgemeenbaarheid. In die uitvoer van ‘n gemeente-analise kan van kwalitatiewe-, kwantitatiewe of narratiewe metodes gebruik gemaak word. Gemeente-analise is ‘n navorsingsproses op sigself en is wesenlik deel van die breër proses van gemeentebou. Die proses is nooit afgehandel nie.
Church renewal, Thesis (Ph.D. (Practical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2002, Theology, Practical