Healing of shame in the Christian faith community: a Korean perspective

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Park, Chin-Tae
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University of the Free State
English: The purpose of this study is to identify the shame that Koreans suffer from, and suggest that pastoral caregivers and the Christian faith community, in a Korean context, can help the recovery of the fragmented or depleted self, which has been caused by shame experiences, through forgiveness and acceptance by grace, by creating a healthy autonomy as the foundation of healthy growth and through the Christian faith community as a healing agent and healing ground. For the benefit of this study, the second chapter illustrates the phenomenon of shame. In this chapter, there is a discussion of a basic understanding of shame in the light of a phenomenological perspective and a psychological perspective. We find that shame is a source of a pathogenic force in the development and maintenance of various clinical disorders. In chapter three, the discussion focuses on Koreans’ experiences of shame in the light of a socio-cultural perspective and the Korean family system. It is pointed out, that in Korea, people learn to know shame in their earliest, most influential educational institution, the family. This occurs through “poisonous pedagogy” and/or “shame-bound parenting” or “toxic parenting.” Chapter four provides an understanding of shame from the perspective of a psychoanalytic understanding of shame. In this chapter an understanding of shame, in order to gain a good understanding of the shame issue of Koreans, is discussed based on the explanations given by Freud, Keren Horney, Alice Miller and Kohut’s self-psychology in relation to failed aspirations and ideals, plaguing and unsatisfactory early-object relationships, and narcissistic manifestations with shame at their core. In chapter five, there is a discussion on a biblical perspective of shame. In this chapter, we see how both the Old and New Testament address the issue of shame and find the ultimate solution of shame through the salvation of Jesus Christ. Chapter six provides some theological perspectives on shame based upon the investigations of the views of John Patton, Lewis Smedes, James Fowler, and Donald Eric Capps. These theologians; especially Capps’ view of shame, provides a theological foundation for a discussion of the healing of shame in a Korean context. In chapter seven, the discussion focuses on the method of healing shame in a Korean context, especially, healing shame through forgiveness and acceptance by grace, and by creating a healthy autonomy as the foundation of healthy growth. This is followed by a discussion of the faith community as a healing agent and healing ground. Lastly, in chapter eight, the discussion is about “how to” heal shame in a Korean context: how pastoral caregivers and counselors can be involved in the healing process, and the implications of this approach for pastoral care in a Korean context.
Afrikaans: Die doel van die studie is om: • Die voorkom van skaamte by Koreane te identifiseer. • Aan te dui hoe pastorale versorgers binne die Koreaanse Christelike geloofsgemeenskap die heling van gebroke mense, weens die ervaring van skaamte, kan bewerkstellig: Uit een te sit hoe die Christelike geloofsgemeenskap as bron kan dien waarbinne heling deur middel van vergifnis, aanvaarding van genade en die skep van gesonde outonomie as die grondslag van gesonde groei kan plaas vind. In hoofstuk een word die inleiding tot en oorsig van die verhandeling bespreek. Dit sluit in ‘n probleemstelling, ‘n hipotese, die doel van die navorsing, die navorsingsmetodologie en die uiteensetting van die studie. Die verskynsel van skaamte word in hoofstuk twee bespreek. In dié hoofstuk word die begrip skaamte in die lig van ‘n fenomenologiese en psigologiese perspektief bespreek. Dit blyk dat skaamte ‘n bydraende oorsaak tot die ontwikkeling en instandhouding van verskeie gedragsafwykings en geestesongesteldhede is. Hoofstuk drie handel oor Koreane se ervaring van skaamte in die lig van ‘n sosio-kulturele perspektief in die konteks van die Koreaanse gesinsisteem. Dit word beklemtoon dat die mense in Korea se eerste kennismaking met skaamte binne die invloedrykste opvoedkundige sisteem, naamlik die gesin, plaasvind. Ongewensde opvoedingsmetodes, byvoorbeeld ouers se optredes, wat inhou dat skaamte benut word om ‘n opvoedingsdoel te bereik. In hoofstuk vier word skaamte vanuit ‘n psigo-analitiese perspektief toegelig. Ten einde te kan begryp hoe die verskynsel van skaamte in die Koreaanse samelewing manifesteer, word die uiteensettings van Freud, Keren Horney, Alice Miller and Kohut se selfpsigologie bespreek. Die voorkoms van skaamte word in verband gebring met onvervulde verwagtinge en onbereikte ideale, die ervaring van onbevredigende verhoudings vanaf ‘n jong ouderdom en die manifestasie van narsisme. Hoofstuk vyf bevat ‘n bespreking van ‘n Bybelse perspektief op die verskynsel van skaamte. Sowel die Ou- as Nuwe Testament se beskouing van skaamte en hoe die verlossing in Jesus Christus die beste oplossing bied, word aangedui. In hoofstuk ses word gefokus op teologiese perspektiewe op skaamte gebaseer op die sienings van John Patton, Lewis Smedes, James Fowler and Donald Eric Capps. Hierdie teoloë, veral Capps se siening van skaamte bied ‘n teologiese grondslag vir ‘n bespreking oor die heling van skaamte binne ‘n Koreaanse konteks. Hoofstuk sewe bied ‘n bespreking oor die metode van die heling van skaamte binne die Koreaanse konteks met spesifieke verwysing na die heling van skaamte deur middel van vergifnis, die aanvaarding van genade en die skepping van ‘n gesonde outonomie as die grondslag vir gesonde groei. Dit word opgevolg met ‘n bespreking oor die geloofsgemeenskap as die helingsinstrument en omgewing waarbinne heling kan plaasvind. Ten slotte word daar in hoofstuk agt bespreek hoe om skaamte in die Koreaanse konteks te heel. Die fokus val op wyses hoe pastorale versorgers en -beraders betrokke kan wees in die helingsproses en die implikasies van hierdie benadering vir pastorale sorg binne ‘n Koreaanse konteks.
Dissertation (M.Th. (Practical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2006, Shame, Guilt, Pastoral care, Pastoral counseling, Face, Chemyoun, Self, Self-object, Narcissism, Mirroring, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Autonomy, Christian faith community, Psychology and religion, Pastoral counseling, Shame -- Religious aspects -- Christianity, Shame -- Psychological aspects