Vegetation ecology of the putative Palaeo-Kimberley and Palaeo-Modder rivers and their catchments, Free State, South Africa

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Van Aardt, Andri Corne
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University of the Free State
English: The Free State is often seen as a flat and boring landscape with no prominent features in the region. However, when looking at the western Free State an intriguing landscape with numerous pans is revealed. Several researchers have investigated this area and the reason for the existence of these pans is still unclear. Suggestions are that these pans might be the remnants of two putative palaeo-rivers (Palaeo-Kimberley and Palaeo-Modder). This study investigated the present-day vegetation found in the catchment and investigate data from Baden-Baden that can contribute towards the understanding of the vegetation during the past and specifically the Quaternary. This will contribute towards the understanding and predicting the vegetation and climatic changes in the future. This study was conducted in the western parts of the Free State between the Vet- and Modder Rivers. Southern Africa’s geology and topography was influenced by the break-up of Gondwana; some of these imprints are still present today. Geologically the Free State is mostly dominated by the Karoo Super Group with the Beaufort and Ecca Groups as well as dolerite outcrops prominent in the western Free State. The topography is relatively flat with some depressions bordered by the presence of lunette dunes on the south-eastern sides. Dolerite outcrops provide some small hills in the undulating landscape. Climatically the area falls within the Highveld climatic region with cold and dry conditions due to the high elevation. Rainfall is confined to the warm summer months (October to March), while the winters are mostly cold and dry (summer-rainfall). Thunder storms in the afternoon and early evenings are the main source of precipitation. The rainfall in the Free State decrease towards the western parts, while the evaporation increase. The high evaporation of the western Free State is much more important in terms of the semi-arid climate than the low rainfall of the area. Summer rainfall is highly variable as the past two years experienced below average rainfall in the area. Life on land depends on complex interactions between geology, climate, landscapes, organisms and community structures that are shaped by the features, but which themselves also contribute to the evolution of the ecosystem structure. Thus, a strong association exists between habitat shifts and species diversification. The geology, topography, soils and climate of the study area have changed over time. Landscapes are characterised by the three elements of structure, process and change. The landscape makes an imprint on the vegetation and changes in the landscape cause changes in the vegetation. Today’s vegetation in the western Free State is thus, the product of the present environment but also of the past. The region’s vegetation falls in two biomes. The Grassland biome (between sea level and an altitude of 2 850 m above sea level) occurs mostly on the central plateau of South Africa and the Savanna biome (present below 1 500 m above sea level) in areas with a strong seasonal rainfall and a dry season mostly in winter. Patches of Inland Azonal Vegetation (present at 1 000 m to 1 600 m above sea level) are also present in the western Free State. Eleven different vegetation types occur in the study area. During this study 410 sample plots were placed in homogenous vegetation types in the western Free State. The Braun-Blanquet method has been applied to study the present-day vegetation. Analysis of the present day vegetation led to the identification of 24 different plant communities, 43 sub-communities and 29 variants. The communities were grouped into community-groups that occur in the wetland and water related areas, the grassland and karroid communities occurring on the plains and the woody communities limited to the dolerite outcrops and some deep sandy areas on the plains. Reconstructing the changes in vegetation during the past is done by using fossil pollen from peat deposits around springs. These pollen deposits are limited to organic sediments which are rare in the semi-arid and arid areas of South Africa and thus the western Free State. Sites such as Florisbad, Deelpan etc. have been investigated in previous studies and revealed an alteration between wet and dry periods from these data sources gaps in the chronological timescale has been revealed. These gaps are partially filled by the data from Baden-Baden, a thermal spring near Annaspan. In this study pollen from the Baden-Baden sediments was extracted, mounted on slides, counted and identified under a microscope. The results revealed the first presence of pollen during isotope stage 2 in the central parts of South Africa. Future research can provide further insights into the development of the Grassland biome and the changes in climate. This will contribute towards understanding and predicting the vegetation and climatic changes in the future.
Afrikaans: Die Vrystaat word gesien as ‘n plat en vervelige landskap met min kenmerkende eienskappe. Wanneer daar egter gekyk word na die westelike Vrystaat, word die landskap gekenmerk deur die teenwoordigheid van verskeie panne. Verskeie navorsers het al die oorsaak van hierdie panne ondersoek. Hul oorsprong is egter steeds onduidelik. Voorstelle dui daarop dat die panne oorblyfsels van twee moontlike oer-riviere (Palaeo-Kimberley en Palaeo-Modder) kan wees. Hierdie studie ondersoek die huidige plantegroei wat in die opvangs gebied gevind word. Verder is data vanaf Baden-Baden bestudeer wat ‘n bydrae kan lewer om die oer-plantegroei, spesifiek uit die Quaternêre periode, te verstaan. Hierdie sal ‘n bydrae lewer tot die kennis en voorspelling van plantegroei- en klimaatsveranderinge in die toekoms. Die studie het plaasgevind in die westelike dele van die Vrystaat tussen die Vet- en Modderriviere. Die geologie en topografie van suidelike Afrika is beïnvloed deur die opbreek van Gondwana, sommige van hierdie oorblyfsels is steeds vandag sigbaar. Geologies word die Vrystaat deur die Karoo Super Group met Beaufort en Ecca Groepe asook doleriet indringings gedomineer. Hierdie gesteents is ook in die westelike Vrystaat sigbaar. Die topografie is relatief plat met panne wat begrens word deur windgewaaide duine aan die suid-oostelike kante. Die doleriet-indringings veroorsaak lae koppies in die golwende landskap. Klimaatsgewys, is die area in die Hoëveldse klimaat-streek geleë, met koue en droë toestande as gevolg van die hoë ligging. Reënval is meestal beperk tot die warm somer maande (Oktober tot Maart), hierteenoor is die winters meestal koud en droog (somerreënval). Donderstorms in die middag en vroeë aand is die hoof bron van reënval in die gebied. Die reënval in die Vrystaat neem af na die weste, terwyl die verdamping toeneem. Die hoë verdamping in die westelike Vrystaat is belangriker in terme van die semi-ariede klimaat as die lae reënval van die gebied. Somerreënval is hoogs wisselend met onder gemiddelde reënval die afgelope twee jaar in die gebied. Lewe op land, hang van komplekse interaksies tussen geologie, klimaat, landskappe, organismes af en gemeenskapsstrukture word gevorm deur eienskappe wat self ook ‘n rol in die ontwikkeling van die ekosisteem se struktuur speel. Dus is daar ‘n sterk verband tussen habitats verskuiwings en spesie-afwisseling. Landskappe word gekenmerk deur drie elemente naamlik; strukture, prosesse en veranderings. Die landskap het ‘n invloed op die plantegroei en verandering in die landskap veroorsaak veranderings in die plantegroei. Die hedendaages plantegroei van die westelike Vrystaat is dus die resultaat van die huidige omgewing, maar ook van die verlede. Die area se plantegroei val in twee biome. Die Grasveld-bioom (tussen seevlak en ‘n hoogte van 2 850 m bo seevlak) kom meestal voor op die sentrale plato van Suid-Afrika en die Savanna-bioom (teenwoordig laer as 1 500 m bo seevlak) in gebiede met ‘n sterk seisoenale reënval en ‘n droë seisoen meestal in die winter. Stande van Binnelandse A-sonale plantegroei (teenwoordig tussen 1 000 m tot 1 600m bo seevlak) is ook teenwoordig in die westelike gedeelte van die Vrystaat. Elf verskillende plantegroei-tipes kom in die studie area voor. Tydens die studie is 410 persele in eenvormige plantegroei-tipes in die studiegebied uitgesit. Die Braun-Blanquet-metode is gebruik om die huidige plantegroei te bestudeer. Die ontleding van die huidige plantegroei het tot die identifikasie van 24 verskillende plant gemeenskappe, 43 sub-gemeenskappe en 29 variante gelei. Die gemeenskappe is in gemeenskap groepe wat in vleilande en water verwante areas voorkom, die grasveld en karoo-agtige gemeenskappe, op die vlaktes, en houtagtige gemeenskappe wat tot die doleriet-indringings en diep sanderige areas op die vlaktes beperk is, saam gegroepeer. Die veranderings in die plantegroei gedurende die verlede word met behulp van fossielstuifmeel bepaal. Dit kom in organiese lae rondom fonteine voor. Die stuifmeelafsettings is beperk tot organiese sediment wat in die semi-ariede en ariede areas van Suid-Afrika en ook die westelike Vrystaat skaars is. Fossielstuifmeel uit plekke soos Florisbad, Deelpan en andere is al ondersoek en het ‘n wisseling tussen nat en droë periodes getoon. Uit hierdie inligting is die gapings in die chronologiese tydskaal geïdentifiseer. Hierdie gapings word gedeeltelik aangevul deur data van Baden-Baden, ‘n warmbron naby Annaspan. In hierdie studie is stuifmeel onttrek uit die sediment van die Baden-Baden fontein, gemonteer op voorwerpglasies en onder ‘n mikroskoop getel en geïdentifiseer. Die resultate toon die teenwoordigheid van stuifmeel tydens die tweede isotoop-fase in die sentrale deel van Suid-Afrika. Toekomstige navorsing kan verdere insigte verskaf in die ontwikkeling van die Grasveld-bioom en die veranderinge in die oer-klimaat.
Palaeo-rivers, Braun-Blanquet, Vegetation classification, Baden-Baden, Pollen analysis, Climate change, Plant ecology -- South Africa -- Free State, Thesis (Ph.D. (Plant Sciences (Botany))--University of the Free State, 2015