Perceptions of patients regarding diabetes-related health communication strategies in the Free State, South Africa

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Nyoni, Champion N.
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University of the Free State
English: BACKGROUND: Patients with diabetes are expected to manage their own condition throughout their lives. Self-management is enabled through health information presented using health communication strategies. Various health communication strategies related to diabetes are used within the Free State. Perceptions regarding health communication strategies affect adherence to disease management strategies and health outcomes, and are currently unknown. PURPOSE: The study explored the perceptions of patients with diabetes-regarding health communication strategies. METHODS: A descriptive, exploratory, qualitative design through a phenomenological approach was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in community health centres and primary health care clinics among patients with diabetes (N=34) within the Free State. Data was analysed integrating ATLAS.ti and Creswell’s steps of qualitative data analysis. RESULTS: Two themes emerged: Guidance and Self-management. The theme Guidance was divided into five categories: motive, content, source, technique and evaluation. The theme Self-management was divided into two categories: influencing factors and lifestyle modifications. The category influencing factors was divided into two sub-categories: intrapersonal factors and interpersonal factors, while the category lifestyle modification was divided into two sub-categories: nutrition and outcomes. Recommendations made were based on the findings of the study. CONCLUSION: Participating patients with diabetes valued the role of health communication strategies. Such perceptions will inform the development of a health dialogue model for patients with diabetes in the Free State.
Afrikaans: AGTERGROND: Daar word van pasiënte met diabetes verwag om hulle eie toestand dwarsdeur hulle lewens self te bestuur. Selfbestuur word moontlik gemaak deur gesondheidsinligting wat met behulp van gesondheidkommunikasiestrategieë aangebied word. Verskeie gesondheidkommunikasiestrategieë wat met diabetes verband hou, word in die Vrystaat gebruik. Persepsies ten opsigte van gesondheid-kommunikasiestrategieë het ʼn invloed op nakoming van strategieë vir die bestuur van siekte en gesondheidsuitkomste, en is tans onbekend. DOEL: Die navorsing het die persepsies van pasiënte met diabetes ten opsigte van gesondheidkommunikasiestrategieë verken. METODES: ’n Deskriptiewe, verkennende, kwalitatiewe ontwerp met ’n fenomenologiese benadering is gebruik. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met pasiënte met diabetes (N=34) in gemeenskapgesondheidsentrums en primêregesondheidsorgklinieke in die Vrystaat gevoer. Data is ontleed met inskakeling van ATLAS.ti en Creswell se stappe van kwalitatiewe dataontleding. RESULTATE: Twee temas het na vore gekom: Leiding en Selfbestuur. Die tema Leiding is onderverdeel in vyf kategorieë: motief, inhoud, bron, tegniek en evaluering. Die tema Selfbestuur is onderverdeel in twee kategorieë: beïnvloedende faktore en lewenstylveranderinge. Die kategorie beïnvloedende faktore is verder onderverdeel in twee subkategorieë: intrapersoonlike faktore en interpersoonlike faktore, terwyl die kategorie lewenstylverandering onderverdeel is in twee subkategorieë: voeding en uitkomste. Aanbevelings wat gemaak word, is gebaseer op die bevindinge van die navorsing. GEVOLGTREKKING: Pasiënte met diabetes wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, het die rol van gesondheidkommunikasiestrategieë op prys gestel. Dergelike persepsies sal die ontwikkeling van ’n gesondheidsdialoogmodel vir pasiënte met diabetes in die Vrystaat inspireer.
Diabetes, Communication in medicine, Dissertation (M.Soc.Sc. Nursing))--University Free State, 2015