Samuel Rutherford on law and covenant: the impact of theologico-political federalism on constitutional theory

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De Freitas, Shaun. A.
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University of the Free State
English: This thesis primarily concerns the constitutional theory postulated by the 17th-century reformed Scottish theologian and political theorist, Samuel Rutherford. In this regard the angle of approach is done against the setting of the political and constitutional concepts arising from theologico-political federalism formulated by the federalists – Heinrich Bullinger, Philippe DuPlessis-Mornay and Johannes Althusius. Included among these concepts are: the law – its content and status, the separation of powers principle, the office of magistracy, the civil and religious duties of the office of magistracy, the election of the ruler, sovereignty, the relationship between church and state, and active resistance to tyranny. In addition, theologico-political federalism entails in essence the idea of the biblical covenant, which concerns the biblically confirmed bilateral, mutual and conditional relationship between God and the Christian Community, as well as the political covenant between government and the governed within such a community. It was especially the relevance of the Divine law (summed up in piety and civility) as condition of the covenant that was emphasised by the federalists, and which gave a unique meaning to the concept of sovereignty as branch of the primary and absolute holder of sovereignty, namely God. It was to be from this basis that the content of the separation of powers principle, the office of magistracy, the election of the ruler, sovereignty, the relationship between church and state, and resistance to tyranny, were to be determined and given perspective. This thesis not only confirms that Rutherford and the mentioned federalists had much in common regarding political and constitutional content, but also and more specifically, that Rutherford’s view on the biblical covenant and the law as foundation of politics and constitutionality was similar to those of the federalists. It is also confirmed that theologico-political federalism rates among one of the most valuable and insightful formulations emanating from reformed constitutional thought in general. Theologico-political federalism, although not the only stream of thought to be applauded for its contribution to Western constitutional theory in the 16th and 17th centuries, contributed much to such theory. Amidst the development of secular constitutional theory during the period of the Reformation, the federalists provided a model of how the constitutional dispensation of the Christian Community should be structured, and as point of departure, political society’s status as a party to the covenant with God was postulated, this covenant relationship acting as the fundamental framework for political content and activity – albeit within the absolute grace and predestination of God. The personal relationship between God and the political community as not only an effective constitutional model, but also a biblically qualified and practical constitutional theory was proposed by the federalists. It will also be confirmed that not only did the federalists provide a well researched constitutional model to be applied to the ideal Christian Community, but also assisted in championing constitutional values such as liberty, equality, the rule of law, limited governance, and democracy. In conclusion, may it be said that it can be deduced from this thesis that Rutherford’s participation in the continuation and development of the legacy of theologico-political federalism was substantial, and consequently it is hoped that his already-respected contribution to reformed constitutional theory is duly enriched.
Afrikaans: Hierdie tesis is primêr gemoeid met die staatsregtelike teorie, gepostuleer deur die 17de-eeuse gereformeerde teoloog en politieke teoretikus, Samuel Rutherford. In hierdie opsig word die invalshoek gedoen teen die agtergrond van die politieke en staatsregtelike konsepte voortspruitend uit teo-politiese federalisme soos geformuleer deur die federaliste – Heinrich Bullinger, Philippe DuPlessis-Mornay en Johannes Althusius. Ingesluit by hierdie konsepte is: die wet – die inhoud en status daarvan, die-skeiding-van-magte-beginsel, die amp van die regeerder, die burgerlike en godsdienstige pligte van die amp van die regeerder, die verkiesing van die regeerder, soewereiniteit, die verhouding tussen kerk en staat en aktiewe verset teen tirannie. Daarbenewens behels teo-politiese federalisme in essensie die Skriftuurlike verbondsidee, wat die Bybels-bevestigde bilaterale, gemeenskaplike en voorwaardelike verhouding tussen God en die Christengemeenskap, asook die politieke verdrag tussen die regering en die burgers, insluit. Dit was veral die toepaslikheid van die Goddelike wet (opgesom in heiligheid en burgerlikheid) wat as voorwaarde van die verbond deur die federaliste beklemtoon is en wat ’n unieke betekenis aan die konsep van soewereiniteit as vertakking van die primêre en absolute bron van soewereiniteit, naamlik God, gegee is. Dit was dan ook vanaf hierdie basis wat die inhoud van die skeiding-van-magte-beginsel, die amp van die regeerder, die verkiesing van die regeerder, soewereiniteit, die verhouding tussen kerk en staat en verset teen tirannie, bepaal is en perspektief aan verleen is. Hierdie tesis bevestig nie net dat Rutherford en die genoemde federaliste baie in gemeen gehad het wat die politieke en staatsregtelike inhoud betref nie, maar ook, en meer spesifiek, dat 372 Rutherford se siening van die Bybelse verbond en die wet as grondslag van politiek en staatsregtelikheid dieselfde was as dié van die federaliste. Dit word ook bevestig dat teo-politiese federalisme onder een van die mees waardevolle en insiggewende formulerings, voortspruitend uit staatsregtelike denke in die algemeen, beskou word. Teo-politiese federalisme, hoewel nie die enigste denkrigting wat erkenning ontvang het vir hul bydrae tot die Westerse staatsregtelike teorie in die 16de en 17de eeue nie, het baie bygedra tot so ’n teorie. Te midde van die ontwikkeling van ’n sekulêre staatsregtelike teorie gedurende die periode van die Reformasie, het die federaliste ’n model verskaf van hoe die staatsregtelike bestel van die Christengemeenskap gestruktureer moes word. As vertrekpunt is die politieke gemeenskap se status as ’n party van die verbond met God gepostuleer, met hierdie verbondsverhouding wat dien as die fundamentele raamwerk vir politieke inhoud en aktiwiteit – hoewel dit binne die absolute genade en voorbeskikking van God is. Die persoonlike verhouding tussen God en die politieke gemeenskap as nie net ’n effektiewe staatsregtelike model nie, maar ook ’n Bybels-gekwalifiseerde en praktiese staatsregtelike teorie, is deur die federaliste voorgestel. Dit sal ook bevestig word dat die federaliste nie net ’n goed nagevorsde staatsregtelike model daargestel het vir die toepassing op die ideale Christengemeenskap nie, maar ook meegehelp het met die ondersteuning en beskerming van staatsregtelike waardes soos vryheid, gelykheid, regsoewereiniteit, beperkte owerheidsbestuur en demokrasie. Samevattend kan gesê word dat dit uit hierdie tesis afgelei kan word dat Rutherford se deelname aan die voortgang en ontwikkeling van die nalatenskap van teo-politiese federalisme wesentlik was en gevolglik word gehoop dat sy reeds gerespekteerde bydrae tot die reformatoriese staatsregtelike teorie tereg verryk is.
Church and state, Christian community, Federalism, John Knox, Samuel Rutherford, Biblical convenant, Heinrich Bullinger, Johannes Althusius, Philippe Duplessis-Mornay, Reformed constitutional theory, Rutherford, Samuel--1600?-1666--Political and social views, Church and state--History of doctrines--17th century, Dissertation (LL.M. (Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law))--University of the Free State, 2003