Shared Services for enhancing municipal planning efficiency in KwaZulu-Natal

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Subban, Mogie
Theron, Henk
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Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of the Free State
English: The past five years have seen a growing trend towards the notion of a Shared Services approach to enhancing municipal efficiency in the local government sector in South Africa. In KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), this approach is receiving more focused attention. In this regard, the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) is playing a pivotal role in supporting municipalities in KZN with regards to capacity-building and financial resources. The thrust of municipal service delivery is premised on its Integrated Development Plan (IDP), and the concept of Shared Services is being used as a conduit for municipalities to work towards ensuring that their organizational and developmental objectives are achieved in the short-, medium- and long-term. The article therefore examines the efficacy of municipal planning within the context of Shared Services.
Afrikaans: In die afgelope vyf jaar was daar ‘n toenemende neiging in plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika tot die instelling van Gedeelde Dienste om munisipale effektiwiteit te bevorder. In KwaZoeloe-Natal (KZN) veral het dié benadering baie klem gekry. In die verband speel die Department van Samewerkende Regering en Tradisionele Sake (DSRTS) ‘n deurslaggewende rol met die ondersteuning van munisipaliteite in KZN ten opsigte van kapasiteitsbou en hulpbronne soos finansies. Die basis van munisipale dienslewering is die geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplan (GOP). Die Gedeelde Dienste-konsep is die instrument waardeur munisipaliteite hul organisatoriese en ontwikkelingsdoelwitte op die kort-, medium- en langtermyn bereik. Die artikel ondersoek die effektiwiteit van munisipale beplanning binne die verband van Gedeelde Dienste.
SeSotho: Sekuphele iminyaka emihlanu sibona ukukhula kwe kombono woku sebenzisa iqhinga lentuthuko ehlanganyelwe phecelezi i-Shared Services ukwenza kangcono ukusebenza kukamasipala ekuletheni intuthuko kohulumeni basekhaya eNingizimu Afrika.KwaZulu Natali loluhlelo luthola ukunakwa ngokwengeziwe. Ngalokho ke i-Department of Co-operative Government and Traditional Affair ibamba iqhaza elikhulu ekusekeleni omasipala baKwaZulu Natal ekukhuliseni amandla nangemithombo yezimali.Umnyombo wokulethwa kwentuthuko omasipala kulele kumqingo wohlelo lwentuthuko oludidiyeliwe obizwa phecelezi nge Intergrated Development Plan futhi uhlelo lokwabelana ngentuthuko lusentshenziswa njenge thuluzi ngoMasipala ekufezeni izinjongozabo kanye nezentuthuko yomphakathi esikhathini esifushanyana,esibuqamama kanye nesikude. Lesi Isihloko sivivinya noma siqikelela ukuthi indlela ebekiwe yokusebenza kwamasipala ilandela ngendlela imigomo ebekiwe ye Shared Services.
Shared services, Local government sector in South Africa, Municipal service delivery
Subban, M., & Theron, H. (2011). Shared Services for enhancing municipal planning efficiency in KwaZulu-Natal. Town and Regional Planning, 58, 17-24.