Tracing some consensus regarding pre-scientific frameworks in philosophy of science

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Loubser, Ananka
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University of the Free State
English: The wide and sophisticated terminology of contemporary philosophy of science seemingly points toward a multitude of different pre-scientific frameworks (for example, worldviews, philosophy) directing our scientific investigations. This study, however, illustrates forms of consensus between the views of various prominent twentieth-century philosophers of science on the characteristics and functions of pre-scientific frameworks in scientific activity. It specifically highlights various helpful insights offered by reformational philosophy as its point of departure. This study finds that, on the pre-scientific level, fundamental motives and worldviews are usually recognised as pre-theoretical frameworks – with specific characteristics and functions – influencing scientific investigation. Reformational notions such as ‘ground motive’ and certain definitions of ‘worldview’ that did not originate in the context of ‘philosophy of science’ are introduced with a two-fold purpose: to establish a fruitful dialogue between reformational philosophers and more recognised philosophers of science, as well as to better equip us to trace what their views have in common.
Afrikaans: Die wye en gesofistikeerde terminologie van kontemporêre wetenskapsfilosofie dui oënskynlik op ’n veeltal verskillende voorwetenskaplike raamwerke (byvoorbeeld, wêreldvisies, filosofie) wat ons wetenskaplike ondersoeke rig. Hierdie studie illustreer egter vorme van konsensus tussen die standpunte van verskeie twintigste-eeuse wetenskapsfilosowe wat betref die klassieke kenmerke en funksies van voorwetenskaplike raamwerke in wetenskaplike aktiwiteit. As uitgangspunt word verskeie nuttige insigte uit die Reformatoriese filosofie in die besonder uitgelig. Die studie vind dat, op die voorwetenskaplike vlak, fundamentele motiewe, asook wêreldvisies gewoonlik herken word as pre-teoretiese raamwerke – met spesifieke kenmerke en funksies – wat wetenskaplike ondersoek beïnvloed. Reformatoriese begrippe soos die ‘grondmotief’, asook sekere definisies van ‘wêreldvisie’, wat nie in die konteks van ‘wetenskapsfilosofie’ ontstaan het nie, word ingevoer met ’n tweeledige doel: om ’n vrugbare dialoog te bewerkstellig tussen Reformatoriese filosowe en meer erkenne wetenskapsfilosowe, sowel as om ons beter toe te rus om na te speur wat hulle standpunte in gemeen het.
Philosophy of science
Loubser, A. (2013). Tracing some consensus regarding pre-scientific frameworks in philosophy of science. Acta Academica, 45(2), 59-84.