Cultural congruent nursing care of black patients in the maternity section of public hospitals in Bloemfontein

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Sesing, Agnes Seatile
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University of the Free State
Afrikaans: Die inwoners van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika is vanaf verskeie kulture afkomstig en toon 'n multikulturele aard. Die gesondheidsorg wat in alle gesondheidsorginstansies gelewer word, is op die westerse gesondheidsorgmodel geskoei. Die westerse gesondheidsorgmodel sluit geen kulturele gesondheidsbehoeftes, soos geopenbaar deur Afrika-etnosentriese bevolkings, in nie. Kulturele konflik en wanbegrip wat gekenmerk word deur geen samewerking tussen pasiënte en praktisyns, die nienakoming van die sorgplan deur pasiënte en die stereotipering van pasiënte deur verpleegkundiges, kom algemeen tussen pasiënte en gesondheidsorg praktisyns . Die doel van die studie was om vas te stelof vroedvroue oor die nodige kennis beskik rakende en sensitief is vir die kulturele gesondheidsbehoeftes van swanger- en lakterende vroue wanneer verpleegsorg verleen word. Die navorsingsontwerp is nie-eksperimenteel met 'n beskrywende en verkennende aard. Die opnaine-metode is gebruik om die data mee in te samel. Die volgende navorsingstegnieke is gebruik: 'n vraelys is deur die verpleegkundiges voltooi; 'n gestruktureerde onderhoud is met die moeders gevoer en die nodige gesondheidsorgdokumente (beleide en verpleegsorgverslae) is geouditeer. Die verwerking van alle oop-einde vrae is volgens die metode soos deur Tesch beskryf, gedoen. Alle data is op die nominale beskrywende vlak geanaliseer. Die resultate toon dat daar geen verband bestaan tussen kennis oor verpleegsorgpraktyke rakende kultuur-kongruente verpleging en die verpleegsorg wat pasiënte verwag en kry. Hierdie tendens word ook in die gesondheidsorgdokumente vergestalt daar kultuur-kongruente verpleegsorg nie onderskryf word nie en ook nie aangeteken word nie.
English: The inhabitants of the Republic of South Africa form a multicultural society. The care given in health care institutions is based on the western health care model. This model does not cater for traditioanl African people's cultural health care needs. Cultural conflict and misundestanding between patients and nursing staff are common, with uncooperativeness and non-compliance behaviours by patients and stereotyping of patients by nurses. The purpose of this study was to assess whether midwives are nowledgeable and sensitive to the mothers cultural needs when rendering nursing care. The design was non-experimental and descriptive and exploratory in nature. The survey method was used. The data were obtained by a questionnaire which midwives coinpleted; by conducting a structured interview with pregnant or lactating women and by the auditing of the relevant health care documents (policies and nursing care records). The data of all open-ended questions was analysed according to the method described by Tesch. All data was analysed on a nominal descriptive level. The study showed that the midwives knowledge and application of cultural orientation practices do not correlate with the care the mothers expected. This tendency was also reflected in the records as cultural congruent nursing care was not recorded. The problem of the lack of cultural congruent nursing can only be solved if health care educators and managers ensure that cultural congruent care is endorsed in health care education and practice. Nurses (including midwives) and all health care practitioners must be knowledgeable about and sensitive to the cultural health needs of our multi cultural society - individuals, their families and communities. Guide-lines for nurse educators, nurse manages and pactising nurses were also set. These guide-lines must be followed to prevent the deterioration of the quality of n
Ethnic groups -- Medical care -- South Africa -- Bloemfontein, Nursing -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Bloemfontein, Nursing -- South Africa -- Bloemfontein -- Cross-cultural studies, Dissertation (M.Soc.Sc.(Nursing))--University of the Orange Free State, 1999