Inheritance of freezing stress in South African potato (Solanum tuberosum) germplasm

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Venter, Carien
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University of the Free State
English: a) Frost damage caused by freezing stress is a major problem for potato growers in some parts of South Africa. In this study two South African potato cultivars, Darius and BP1, were compared for yield loss due to freezing stress during the late vegetative, early reproductive and late reproductive growth stages. The cultivars were subjected to temperatures of -2°C and -4°C for three and six hours. Significant genotype x treatment interactions were observed for stem and leaf damage in both cultivars. Genotype x treatment interactions were also significant for yield and some of the yield components. The cultivars were shown to be the most sensitive to freezing stress during the early reproductive growth stage, followed by the late reproductive growth stage. BP1 was identified to be more sensitive to freezing stress in the early and late reproductive growth stages. Stem damage was positively associated with tuber number, whereas leaf damage correlated with tuber mass. b) Electrophoretic separations of proteins were done to study the polymorphisms as a result of freezing stress at -2°C and -4°C for three and six hours. The plants were treated during the late vegetative, early reproductive and late reproductive growth stages. The freezing treatments caused large variability in the protein profiles of Darius. Various new protein bands developed while others disappeared. Differences in the intensity of the bands were also recovered. A protein band of approximately 29/33 kDa developed consistently at -2°C treatment during the early reproductive growth stage. Plants subjected to -4°C for three and six hours developed protein bands of approximately 40/49 kDa during the three growth stages tested. c) In this study fourteen selected C1 progenies of a Caren x Bravo cross with the two parents were included, subjected to freezing temperatures of -4°C for four hours to study the heritability of potato yield under freezing stress conditions. The plants were treated during the early reproductive growth stage (the most sensitive growth stage). Freezing stress (-4°C) treatment during the early reproductive growth stage reduced potato yield, tuber diameter, tuber mass and number of tubers significantly. Significant genetic variability was found among offspring for leaf damage, yield, tuber diameter, tuber mass and number of tubers under freezing stress conditions. Tuber diameter (r=0.56), tuber mass (r=0.86) and number of tubers (r=0.75) were significantly correlated with yield for percentage damage caused by freezing stress. The freezing treatment had no significant effect on the correlation coefficients between potato yield and yield components. Relatively high broad sence heritabilities were recorded for potato yield (h2 =0.74) tuber diameter (h2=0.91), tuber mass (h2=0.87) and number of tubers (h2=0.79).
Afrikaans: a) Ryp, wat vriesskade by plante veroorsaak, hou ‘n groot bedreiging vir Suid- Afrikaanse aartappelprodusente in. Twee Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelkultivars, Darius en BP1 is in hierdie studie ten opsigte van hul opbrengsverliese wat ontstaan as gevolg van die voorkoms van vriesskade vergelyk. Hierdie eksperiment is tydens die laat vegetatiewe, vroeg reproduktiewe en laat reproduktiewe groeistadiums van die aartappelplante gedoen. Die plante van elke kultivar is blootgestel aan -2°C en -4°C vir drie en ses ure. Vir stam- en blaarskade is ‘n betekenisvolle genotipe x behandeling interaksie by beide kultivars gevind. Die genotipe x behandeling interaksies vir opbrengs en sommige van die opbrengskomponente was ook betekenisvol. Beide kultivars het die grootste sensitiwiteit teenoor vriesskade getoon vir blootstelling aan vriestemperature gedurende die vroeë reproduktiewe groeistadium, gevolg deur die laat reproduktiewe groeistadium. BP1 het groter sensitiwiteit teenoor vriesskade in die vroeë en laat reproduktiewe groeistadiums as Darius getoon. Stam- en blaarskade was positief gekorreleer met die hoeveelheid knolle per plant en knolgewig onderskeidelik. b) Om polimorfismes as resultaat van vriesskade op aartappelplante by -2°C en -4°C blootstelling vir drie en ses ure afsonderlik te bestudeer, is aartappelblaarproteïene ektroforeties geskei. Plante is tydens die laat vegetatiewe, vroeg reproduktiewe en laat reproduktiewe groeistadiums behandel. Hierdie gesimuleerde rypbehandeling het verskeie veranderings in die kultivar se proteïenprofiel tot gevolg gehad. Verskeie nuwe proteïenbande het ontwikkel, terwyl ander verdwyn het. Verskille tussen die intensiteit van sommige bande is ook waargeneem. ‘n Proteïenband van ongeveer 29/33 kDa het herhaaldelik in die vroeë reproduktiewe groeistadium tydens die -2°C behandeling voorgekom. Aartappelplante wat by -4°C vir drie en ses ure gelaat is, het nuwe proteïenbande van ongeveer 40/49 kDa by al drie groeistadiums gevorm. c) Veertien geselekteerde C1 nageslagte van ‘n Caren x Bravo kruising, tesame met die ouers, is blootgestel aan gesimuleerde ryptoestande van -4°C vir vier ure. Hierdie eksperiment is gedoen om die oorerflikheid van opbrengs by aartappels onder ryptoestande te bestudeer. Die plante is tydens die vroeë reproduktiewe groeistadium (die mees sensitiewe groeistadium) behandel. Rypskade (-4°C) tydens vroeë reproduktiewe groei, het die opbrengs, knoldeursnit, knolmassa en hoeveelheid knolle per plant betekenisvol verminder. Betekenisvolle genetiese variasie is tussen die nageslagte vir blaarskade, opbrengs, knoldeursnit, knolmassa en die hoeveelheid knolle per plant onder rypskade toestande gevind. Die opbrengs was betekenisvol gekorreleer met knoldeursnit (r=0.56), knolmassa (r=0.86) en die hoeveelheid knolle per plant (r=0.75) vir die persentasie skade wat ontstaan het as gevolg van die vriestemperatuurbehandeling. Hierdie lae temperatuurbehandeling het geen betekenisvolle invloed op die korrelasiekoeffisiënt vir opbrengs en opbrengskomponente gehad nie. ‘n Relatiewe hoë breësin van oorerflikheid (h2 B) is waargeneem vir opbrengs (h2 =0.74) knoldeursnit (h2=0.91), knolmassa (h2=0.87) en die hoeveelheid knolle per plant (h2=0.79).
Dissertation (M.Sc. (Plant Science (Plant Breeding))--University of the Free State, 2006, Potatoes -- Genetics, Potatoes -- Effect of stress on, Potatoes -- Climatic factors, Heritability, Growth stage, Proteins, Solanum tuberosum, Yield components, Freezing stress