Development and evaluation of a soft-copy mammographic viewing protocol to improve radiological reporting

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Meyer, Carin
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University of the Free State
English: INTRODCUTION: Switching from screen-film mammography to digital mammography entails a lot more for the reporting radiologists, than switching from a light box to a computer monitor. Soft-copy viewing of the digitally processed image demands different skills and thus knowledge from the radiologist. The image processing option on digital mammography units is vendor dependant and the optimal processing options have not yet been established. The main aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a soft-copy viewing protocol for mammography through participative learning to improve radiological reporting. METHODS A phantom-based method was used to identify a smaller set of processing options to be evaluated for image quality assessment on clinical images. Three (3) radiologists were trained in the new modality with specific emphasis on how to address the challenges of soft-copy viewing. The viewing protocol was developed through participative learning. The radiologists scored the image quality on thirty six (36) medio-lateral oblique images processed with four (4) different image processing options (MUSICA2, MUSICA2 Invert, Unprocessed, and Unprocessed Invert). An image quality score was calculated to find the best processing option for the anatomical structures overall, anatomical structures individually, masses, calcifications, noise, and the early detection of breast cancer. A viewing protocol was recommended based on the findings. The effect of the viewing protocol was assessed by comparing diagnostic accuracy of the radiologists before and after the viewing protocol. They reported on eighty (80) mammograms using the breast imaging and reporting data system (BI-RADS) of the American College of Radiology. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and BI-RADS category 3 were calculated and compared. RESULTS The phantom-based method found Unprocessed Invert, MUSICA2, MUSICA2 Invert, and Unprocessed to provide the best image quality. These processing options were therefore identified for image quality assessment on clinical images. For the anatomical structures overall, MUSICA2 provided significantly superior image quality compared to Unprocessed (p<0.0001) and Unprocessed Invert (p<0.0001). MUSICA2 Invert also provided significantly superior image quality compared to Unprocessed (p<0.0001) and Unprocessed Invert (p=0.0003) for that. The only significant difference between MUSICA2 and MUSICA2 Invert was found for skin outline for which MUSICA2 Invert showed superiority (p=0.0563). The image quality of vessels in dense parenchyma was found be significantly inferior to that of all other anatomical structures with all processing options, even with the processed images (p<0.0001). For calcifications MUSICA2 provided significantly superior image quality compared to Unprocessed and its Invert (p=0.0066 and p=0.0001 respectively). However, no significant difference was found between any of the processing options for masses (p>0.05). Noise was significantly less visible for Unprocessed compared to MUSICA2 (p = 0.016) although it was still acceptable to all three radiologists in 97.2% of cases with MUSICA2. For the early detection of breast cancer, MUSICA2 was found to be significantly superior to Unprocessed (p=0.0003) and Unprocessed Invert (p=0.0005). The recommended default processing option for the viewing protocol was MUSICA2 Invert. After the development of the viewing protocol, sensitivity increased for two of the radiologists [from 90% to 95% (p=0.6752)], and from 90% to 97.5% (p =0.3589) respectively]; specificity increased for two of the radiologists [from 61.5% to 72.5% (p=0.2999), and from 70% to 85% (p=0.1082) respectively]; PPV increased for all three radiologists [from 71.7% to 77.6% (p=0.6198), from 75% to 86.4% (p=0.1699), and from 83.7% to 84.8% (p=0.8907) respectively]. The percentage BI-RADS category 3 cases decreased for two of the radiologists [from 15% to 12.5% (p=0.6461) and from 28.8% to 22.5% (p=0.2810) respectively]. CONCLUSIONS Although not significant, the study found improvement in diagnostic accuracy after the development of the viewing protocol. Training of radiologists in the new modality and knowledge of the effect of image processing on image quality is regarded as important. The development of the viewing protocol through participative learning of the radiologist provided evidence to the radiologists that they could confidently use the proposed viewing protocol in clinical practice.
Afrikaans: INLEIDING Vir die rapporterende radioloog behels die oorskakeling vanaf skerm-film mammografie na digital mammografie baie meer as slegs die oorskaling vanaf ‘n ligboks na ‘n rekenaarskerm. Sagte-kopie besigtiging van die digital geprosesseerde beeld vereis ander vaardighede en dus kennis van die radioloog. Die beeldprosesserings-opsie op ‘n digitale mammogafie eenheid hang af van die vervaardiger daarvan en die optimal prosesserings-opsies is nog nie vasgestel nie. Die hoof doel van die studie was om ’n sagte-kopie besigtigingsprotokol vir mammografie te ontwikkel en te evaluaeer deur middel van deelnemende leer om sodoende radiologiese rapportering te verbeter. METODES ‘n Fantoom-gebaseerde metode is gebruik om ‘n kleiner aantal prosesseringsopsies te identifiseer vir die assessering van beeldkwaliteit op kliniese beelde. Drie (3) radioloë is opgelei in die nuwe modaliteit met spesifieke klem op hoe om die uitdagings van sagte-kopie besigtiging die hoof te bied. Die besigtigingsprotokol was ontwikkel deur middel van deelnemende leer. Die radioloë het die beeldkwaliteit bepunt op ses-en-dertig (36) mediolateraal skuins beelde wat met vier (4) verskillende beeldprosesseringsopsies (geïdentifiseer met die fantoom-gebaseerde metode) geprosesseer is. ‘n Beeldkwaliteitspunt is bereken om die prosesseringsopsie te vind vir die anatomiese strukture in geheel, anatomiese strukture individueel, massas, kalsifikasies, steuring en die die vroeë opsporing van kanker. ‘n Besigtigingsprotokol is op grond van die bevindinge aanbeveel. Die effek van die besigtigingsprotokol is geëvalueer deur die diagnostiese akkuraatheid van die radioloë voor en na die besigtigingsprotokol te vergelyk. Die radioloë het op tagtig (80) mammogramme gerapporteer deur gebruik te maak van die ‘breast imaging en reporting data system’ (BIRADS) van die Amerikaanse Kollege vir Radiologie. Sensitiwiteit, spesifisiteit, positiewe voorspelbaarheidswaarde (PPV) en BI-RADS kategorie 3 was bereken en vergelyk. RESULTATE Die fantoom-gebaseerde metode het bevind dat Ongeprosesseerd Invers, MUSICA2, MUSICA2 Invers en Ongeprosesseerd die beste beeldkwaliteit verskaf het. Hierdie prosesseringsopsies is dus geïdentifiseer vir gebruik om beeldkwaliteit op kliniese beelde te evalueer. Vir die anatomiese strukture in geheel, het MUSICA2 betekenisvol beter beeldkwaliteit gelewer in vergeyking met Ongeprosesseerd (p<0.0001) en Ongeprosesseerd Invers (p<0.0001). MUSICA2 Invers het ook betekenisvol beter beeldkwaliteit daarvoor gelewer in vergelyking met Ongeproseesserd (p<0.0001) en Ongeprosesseerd Invers (p=0.0003). Die enigste betekenisvolle verskil tussen MUSICA2 en MUSICA2 Invers was gevind vir die buitelyn van die vel waarvoor MUSICA2 Invers superior was (p=0.0563). Die beeldkwaliteit van vate in digte parenchiem was betekenisvol laer as al die van ander anatomiese strukture, selfs met die geprosesseerde beelde (p<0.0001). MUSICA2 het betekenisvol beter beeldkwaliteit gelewer vir kalsifikasies in vergelyking met Ongeprosesseerd en sy Invers (p=0.0066 en p=0.0001 onderskeidellik). Vir massas aan die anderkant is geen betekenisvolle verskil tussen enige van die prosesserings-opsies gevind nie (p>0.05). Steuring was betekenisvol minder sigbaar vir Ongeprossesseerd in vergelyking met MUSICA2 hoewel dit steeds aanvaarbaar was vir al drie radioloë in 97.2% van gevalle met MUSICA2. Vir die vroeë opsporing van borskanker was MUSICA2 betekenisvol meer aangedui as Ongeprosesseerd (p=0.0003) en Ongeprosesseerd Invers (p=0.0005). Die aanbevole “default” prosesserings-opsie vir die besigtigingsprotokol was MUSICA2 Invers. Na die ontwikkeling van die besigtigingsprotokol het sensitiwiteit vir twee van die radioloë verhoog [van 90% tot 95% (p=0.6752) en van 90% tot 97.5% (p=0.35890] onderskeidellik; spesifisiteit het verhoog vir twee8van die radioloë [van 61.5% tot 72.5% (p=0.2999) en van 70% tot 85% (p=0.1082) onderskeidellik]; PPV het toegeneem vir al drie radioloë [van 71.7% tot 77.6% 9p=0.6198), van 75% tot 86.4% (p=0.1699) en van 83.7% tot 84.8% (p=0.8907) onderskeidellik]. Die persentasie BI-RADS kategorie 3 gevalle het afgeneem vir twee van die radioloë [van 15% tot 12.5% (p=0.6461) en van 28.8% tot 22.5% (p=0.2810) onderskeidellik]. GEVOLGTREKKINGS Alhoewel nie betekenisvol nie, het die studie ‘n verbetering in diagnostiese akkuraatheid van die radioloë gevind na die ontwikkeling van die besigtingingsprotokol. Opleiding van radioloë in die nuwe modaliteit en kennis van die effek van beeldprosessering op beeldkwaliteit word beskou as belangrik. Die ontwikkeling van die besigtigingsprotokol deur middel van deelnemende leer van die radioloog het aan die radioloë bewyse verskaf dat hulle die voorgestelde besigtigingsprotokol met vertroue in kliniese praktyk kan gebruik.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Radiographic Sciences))--University of the Free State, 2012, Breast -- Radiography, Breast -- Imaging, Breast -- Cancer -- Diagnosis, Radiography, Medical -- Image quality, BI-RADS, Diagnostic accuracy, Unprocessed image, MUSICA2, Digital image processing, Image quality assessment, Viewing protocol, Digital mammography training, Soft-copy display, Digital mammography