Isolation and genetic charcterization of a microbial consortium capable of cyanide degradation

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Meyer, Wilmarí
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University of the Free State
English: Cyanide is highly toxic to living organisms due to the potent inhibitory effect on the respiration system. This toxic compound can be deposited in the environment through various sources. Naturally occurring cyanide compounds can be synthesized (cyanogenesis) by various taxa including fungi, plants and bacteria. Cyanogenesis in bacteria is mostly linked to antagonistic activity against various microorganisms competing for the same nutrients in the same environment. Anthropogenic sources of cyanide include a wide variety of industries but the major contributor is the cyanidation process. This process extracts gold (silver can also be extracted) from ore and is responsible for the formation of metal-cyanide complexes in soil which can dissociate to form free cyanide under the correct conditions. Various microorganisms are capable to degrade free cyanide. The aims of this study were to identify microorganisms capable of utilizing cyanide as both a carbon and nitrogen source and to elucidate the mode of degradation. Samples were obtained from the Klipspruit Calcium Cyanide Factory site and were inoculated into minimal medium supplemented with NaCN. Eighteen isolates were identified from the samples and included organisms that could possibly be novel isolates based on the maximum identity percentage obtained when the 16S rRNA gene sequences (~1 500 bp) were used in a BLAST analysis against the NCBI database. The MIC was calculated for each of the 18 isolates and indicated that most of the organisms were capable of degrading cyanide at concentrations of above 2 M. This, in correlation with literature, is far above average. Gram stains were performed on the eighteen isolates. Five isolates were chosen for further studies based on 16S rRNA sequencing results, MIC determinations as well as information from literature that states that Bacillus and Pseudomonas species are often employed in bioremediation strategies. The five selected organisms included three gram positive (Bacillus sp.; Paenibacillus sp. and Leifsonia sp.) and two gram negative (Achromobacter sp. and Brevundimonas sp.) isolates. For comparative studies three control organisms (Bacillus pumilus, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas stutzeri) that are known and described in literature to be capable of cyanide degradation, were included in this study. The cyanide assay (100 mM NaCN) was performed on the five selected and three control organisms. The control organisms were unable to utilize the cyanide as the sole carbon and nitrogen source at this high concentration. In contrast, the selected organisms were capable of increasing their biomass over time indicating that these organisms can utilize the NaCN as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. To elucidate the mode of cyanide degradation primers were designed specific for the known genes involved in cyanide utilization in the three control organisms, and screening the five isolates with these primers for the presence of the these genes. The genes targeted were cyanide dihydratase (Bacillus pumilus), hydrogen cyanide synthase (Pseudomonas fluorescens) and cyanide degrading enzyme (Pseudomonas stutzeri). The specifically designed primers were used on the gDNA from the selected organisms and this led to various non-specific product formations and in many of the samples no product was obtained. With the failure to identify the presence of known cyanide degrading genes in the five selected organisms, one of these organisms, Bacillus sp. B4H3, was selected for pyrosequencing to elucidate the complete cyanide metabolism in this microorganism. The sequencing data was analyzed and it was observed that the 16S rRNA gene sequence obtained in Chapter 2, section was not present in the genome of the isolate after pyrosequencing. The pyrosequencing data was analyzed and a total of twenty one enzymes involved in the cyanide metabolism of this isolate were identified. From the complete metabolic pathway it can be concluded that the single nitrogen can be utilized through the conversion of cyanide to formamide which in turn can be converted to ammonia. The utilization of the single carbon is based upon the hypothesis that the reaction between cyanide and glycine is reversible. This will lead to the carbon fixation metabolism which will prove that the isolate is capable of utilizing the single carbon as the sole carbon source.
Afrikaans: Sianied is toksies en inhibeer die respirasie sisteem van alle lewende organismes. Hierdie toksiese verbinding kan gedeponeer word in die omgewing deur middel van verskeie bronne. Sianied kom natuurlik in die omgewing voor deur die sintese van sianied deur verskillende organismes insluitende fungi, plante en bakterieë. Die sintese van sianied deur bakterieë help in die oorlewing van die organisme deur kompeterende organismes te inhibeer. Sianied kan ook deur verskeie industrieë in die omgewing opeindig en die hoof oorsaak van besoedeling is die gebruik van sianied in die sianidasie proses. Die proses word gebruik vir die ekstraksie van goud uit myn afval. Die oorblywende sianied vorm verbindings met verskeie metale en die verbindings kan onder die korrekte omstandighede dissosieer en tot die vorming van vrye sianied lei. Verskeie mikroörganismes beskik oor die vermoë om sianied te degradeer na minder skadelike komponente. Die doelpunte van die verhandeling was om mikroörganismes te isoleer en te karakteriseer wat oor die vermoë besit om sianied as die enigste bron van beide koolstof en stikstof te gebruik en om die wyse van degradasie te beskryf. Monsters was geneem by die Klipspruit Kalsium Sianied Fabriek en is geïnokuleer in minimale medium wat NaCN bevat het as die enigste bron van koolstof en stikstof. Die 18 geïdentifiseerde isolate sluit moontlike unieke organismes in. Die stelling is gebaseer op die maksimum identiteit persentasie nadat die 16S rRNS geen (~ 1 500 bp) vergelyk is deur gebruik te maak van ‘n BLAST analise teen die NCBI databasis. Die minimale inhiberende konsentrasie was bereken vir elk van die 18 isolate en die meeste van die organismes het gegroei by konsentrasies hoër as 2 M sianied. In vergelyking met die literatuur is die konsentrasie ver bo die gemiddeld. Gram kleurings is gedoen op die 18 isolate. Vyf isolate was geselekteer vir verdere eksperimente gebaseer op die resultate verkry vanaf die Sanger basispaaropeenvolgingsbepaling, die minimale inhiberende konsentrasie bepalings asook bestaande kennis in literatuur waar dit bekend is dat Bacillus en Pseudomonas spesies huidiglik suksesvol geïmplementeer word in bioremediërings strategieë. Die geselekteerde vyf organismes het drie gram positiewe (Bacillus sp.; Paenibacillus sp. en Leifsonia sp.) en twee gram negatiewe (Achromobacter sp. en Brevundimonas sp.) organismes ingesluit. Drie kontrole organismes (Bacillus pumilus; Pseudomonas fluorescens en Pseudomonas stutzeri) wat beskryf word in die literatuur as sianied degraderende bakterieë, was gebruik in die studie vir vergelykende doeleindes. Die drie kontrole en vyf geselekteerde organismes was gebruik in groei studies waar 4 mM of 10 mM NaCN bygevoeg is by die minimale medium. Die kontrole organismes het ‘n hoër maksimum groei tempo getoon by die laer sianied konsentrasie (4 mM) as die geselekteerde organismes. In die teenwoordigheid van 10 mM NaCN was die maksimum groei tempo’s van die geselekteerde organismes aansienlik hoër as dié van die kontrole organismes. Die sianied toets (100 mM NaCN) was uitgevoer op die kontrole en geselekteerde organismes. Die kontrole organismes het nie ‘n toename in sel konsentrasie getoon wat aandui dat dié nie die NaCN by die hoë konsentrasie kan gebruik as die enigste bron van koolstof en stikstof nie. Die geselekteerde organismes was wel in staat om die NaCN te gebruik as die enigste bron van koolstof en stikstof gebaseer op die toename in die sel konsentrasie. Priemstukke spesifiek vir die gene teenwoordig in die drie kontrole organismes betrokke by sianied afbraak was gesintetiseerd om die manier van sianied degradering te ondersoek in die geselekteerde organismes. Die teiken sianied degraderende gene was sianied dehidratase (Bacillus pumilus), waterstof sianied sintase (Pseudomonas fluorescens) en die sianied degraderende ensiem (Pseudomonas stutzeri). Die spesifiek ontwerpte priemstukke was gebruik op die genomiese DNS van die geselekteerde organismes en dit het gelei tot verskeie nie-spesifieke of geen produk vorming. Die onsuksesvolle identifisering van die bekende sianied degraderende gene het gelei tot die seleksie van die Bacillus sp. isolaat vir piro basispaaropeenvolgingsbepaling om die sianied metabolisme van hierdie isolaat uit te klaar. Gevolglik is een-en-twintig ensieme geïdentifiseer wat betrokke is by sianied metabolisme. Deur die metaboliese baan te analiseer kan die gebruik van die enkel stikstof bron as enigste bron van stikstof verduidelik word deur die omskakeling van sianied na formamied waarna dié omgeskakel word na ammoniak. Die gebruik van die enkel koolstof as enigste bron van koolstof is gebaseer op die hipotese dat die reaksie tussen sianied en glisien omkeerbaar is. Die omskakeling sal verseker dat die enkel koolstof die koolstof fikserende metabolisme sal binnegaan om sodoende energie te verskaf aan die isolaat.
Dissertation (M.Sc. (Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology))--University of the Free State, 2010, Cyanides -- Metabolism, Pyrosequencing, MIC, DGGE, Cyanogenesis, Cyanide metabolism, Cyanide degradation, Cyanidation