Measuring market integration for apples on the South African fresh produce market : a threshold error correction model

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Uchezuba, David Ifeanyi
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University of the Free State
English: Apples constitute the bulk of deciduous fruit produced in South Africa, i.e. in 2000, apples made up the largest percentage of the deciduous fruit crop (43%). From 1991/92 to 2002/03 production averaged 574 850 tons per annum with a standard deviation of 43 922 tons. The average distribution of the apple crop between the local market, exports and processing is more or less even. Because of its potential lucrative nature much emphasis in the apple industry is afforded to exports, but relatively little is known about how price transmission takes place on the domestic fresh produce markets (FPMs). Moreover, it is increasingly recognized that the formulation of market-enhancing policies to increase the performance of the local market requires a better understanding of how the market functions. Aggregate market performance is better understood by studying the level of market integration that exists, which in turn is affected by transaction costs in the value chain. Hence, the primary objective of this study was to measure market integration for apples on the South African FPMs to determine the existence of long-run price relationships and spatial market linkages. Specific issues addressed in this study include, (i) determination of the effect of deregulation of the marketing of agricultural products in 1997 on average real market prices, price spread and volatility (risk), (ii) determination of how FPMs where apples are sold are linked and how prices are transmitted across these markets, (iii) determination of the threshold prices beyond which markets adjust and return to equilibrium, and (iv) establish the response of the FPMs to price shocks and how long it takes for shocks to be eliminated. The FPMs included in this study are Johannesburg, Cape Town, Tswhane, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Kimberley and Pietermaritzburg. The criteria for selecting the FPMs were based on net market positions (surplus or deficit area), geographical distribution, the volume of trade and the importance of the market to the national apple trade flow. The investigation revealed a statistically significant decline in real prices in six of the eight markets investigated, a statistically significant relation in prices (price spread) between the Johannesburg FPM and five other FPMs, as well as that the price spreads between these markets declined after deregulation, and that the variation in real apple prices declined for five of the eight markets after deregulation. Standard autoregressive (AR) and threshold autoregressive (TAR) error correction models were compared to determine whether transaction cost has significant effects in measuring market integration. Larger adjustment coefficients were found in the TAR model. This is an indication that price adjustments are faster in threshold autoregressive TAR models than in AR models. Also half-life deviations in the TAR model are much smaller than in the AR model. The TAR model requires less time for one-half of the deviation from equilibrium to be eliminated than the standard AR model. Therefore, it is better to use TAR models than AR models because TAR models give a more reliable result. In addition, the parameter estimates of the threshold vector error correction model were analyzed. The results show that bidirectional and unidirectional causality exist between Johannesburg FPM prices and other markets. Regime switching estimates to investigate market integration in the selected markets show that no persistent deviation from equilibrium existed for all but one market pair and no clear evidence was found to support improved market integration after market deregulation in 1997. A nonlinear impulse response function to investigate the impact of positive and negative price shocks in the Johannesburg FPM on other FPMs revealed that it takes about six to twelve months for positive and negative shocks to be completely eliminated in all the markets. Generally, the results obtained confirmed strong market integration in terms of apples for selected FPMs.
Afrikaans: Appels maak die grootste gedeelte uit van sagte vrugte wat in Suid-Afrika geproduseer word. In 2000 byvoorbeeld, het appels die grootste persentasie van die sagte vrugte opbrengs (43%) verteenwoordig. Vanaf 1991/92 tot 2002/03 is ‘n gemiddelde produksie van 574 850 ton per jaar behaal met ‘n standaard afwyking van 43 922 ton. Die gemiddelde verspreiding van die appel-oes tussen die plaaslike mark, uitvoere en prosessering is min of meer eweredig. Weens die potensiële winsgewendheid daarvan, word die aandag in die appelbedryf veral op die uitvoermark toegespits, maar relatief min is bekend oor prysoordrag op die plaaslike varsprodukte markte (VPM’e). Verder word al hoe meer erken dat die formulering van markopheffende beleidsrigtings om die doeltreffendheid van die plaaslike mark te verhoog, beter begrip vereis van hoe die mark bedryf word. ‘n Beter begrip van markprestasie in die geheel word verkry deur die bestudering van die bestaande vlak van markintegrasie, wat weer deur die transaksiekoste in die waardeketting beïnvloed word. Die primêre doelwit van hierdie studie was dus om markintegrasie van appels op die Suid- Afrikaanse VPM’e te bepaal om vas te stel of daar bestaande langtermyn prysverwantskappe en ruimtelike markskakeling is. Bepaalde sake waaraan in hierdie studie aandag geskenk is, sluit in (i) die vasstelling van die uitwerking van deregulasie van die bemarking van landbouprodukte in 1996 op gemiddelde reële markpryse, prysverspreiding en onsekerhede (risiko), (ii) die vasstelling van hoe VPM’e waar appels verkoop word gekoppel is en hoe pryse tussen die markte oorgedra word, (iii) die vasstelling van die drempelpryse waarná markte aanpassings maak en die balans herstel, en (iv) om vas te stel wat die reaksie van die VPM’e op prysskokke is en hoe lank dit neem om die skokke te verwerk. Die VPM’e waarna in hierdie studie verwys word is in Johannesburg, Kaapstad, Tswhane, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Kimberley en Pietermaritzburg. Die maatstawwe waarvolgens die VPM’e gekies is, is gebaseer op netto mark posisies (surplus of te kort gebied), geografiese verspreiding, die omvang van die handel en hoe belangrik die mark vir die nasionale handel in appels is. Die ondersoek het ‘n statisties beduidende afname in reële pryse aan die lig gebring op ses van die agt markte wat ondersoek is, asook ‘n statisties bepalende verwantskap in pryse (prysverspreiding) tussen die Johannesburg VPM en vyf ander VPM’e. Dit het ook daarop gedui dat die prysverspreiding tussen hierdie markte ná deregulasie afgeneem het en dat die variasie in reële appelpryse by vyf van die agt markte ná deregulasie afgeneem het. Standaard outoregressiewe (OR) en drempel outoregressiewe (DOR) foutregstellingsmodelle is vergelyk om te bepaal of transaksiekoste ‘n beduidende uitwerking op die meting van markintegrasie het. Groter aanpassingskoëffisiënte is in die DOR model gevind. Dit dui daarop dat prysaanpassings vinniger plaasvind in DOR modelle as in OR modelle. Halflewe afwykings in die DOR-model is ook heelwat kleiner as in die OR-model. Die DOR-model kan die helfte van die balansafwyking gouer uitskakel as die OR-model. Dit is daarom beter om die DOR- modelle, eerder as die OR-modelle te gebruik, omdat die DOR-modelle meer betroubare resultate lewer. Daarbenewens is die parameterskattings van die drempelvektor foutregstellingsmodel ontleed. Die resultate toon dat twee- en eenrigting oorsaaklike verbande tussen die pryse op Johannesburg se VPM en ander markte bestaan. Ramings ten opsigte van regime wisselings om markintegrasie in die verkose markte te ondersoek, het behalwe vir een markpaar, geen volgehoue afwyking van die ewewig aan die lig gebring nie. Daar is ook geen duidelike bewys gevind ter ondersteuning van verbeterde markintegrasie ná markderegulering in 1997 nie. ‘n Nie-liniêre impuls respons funksie om die uitwerking van positiewe en negatiewe prysskokke op die Johannesburg VPM op ander VPM’e te ondersoek, het daarop gedui dat dit op al die markte ongeveer ses tot twaalf maande neem voordat positiewe en negatiewe skokke geheel en al uitgeskakel is. Die resultate behaal bevestig oor die algemeen sterk markintegrasie ten opsigte van appels vir uitgesoekte VPM’e.
Dissertation (M.Sc.Agric. (Agricultural Economics))--University of the Free State, 2005, Produce trade -- Market share -- South Africa, Farm produce -- Marketing, Apples -- South Africa -- Marketing, Threshold error correction, Cointegration, Market integration, Autarky, Arbitrage, Impulse response, Market segmentation