Supervisor-student relationship : a leadership model for enhancing postgraduate research at a university of technology

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Van der Linde, Anna Sophia
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University of the Free State
English: This study was undertaken against the backdrop and importance of leadership in the postgraduate supervision environment in universities of technology (UoTs) in South Africa. Although many higher education institutions (HEIs) realise the importance of postgraduate supervision and research, universities need to implement effective leadership strategies in order to address external competitiveness, challenges and complexities in the learning and teaching environment. The literature review provided guidelines for HEIs in terms of postgraduate supervision in a complex and challenging academic learning and teaching environment. These institutions are governed by law and have experienced numerous changes in policies and procedures, coupled with funding pressures, a demand for higher pass rates, more enrolments and outputs, and improved communication processes, as well as the challenge of managing the postgraduate student-supervisor relationship within a challenging South African higher education context. The new higher education dispensation brought on by the merger and incorporation process that occurred some years ago, whereby former technikons became universities of technology, challenges South African HEIs to revisit their in-house postgraduate supervision environment within a relatively new and young research milieu so as to attend effectively to a more diverse adult student population. The purpose of this study was to develop a model for supervisory leadership in the postgraduate supervision relationship and research environment within the Faculty of Management Sciences of a South African UoT. This research was based on a pragmatic approach to gain insight into the views and experiences of postgraduate supervisors in terms of leadership in the supervision environment. A mixed-method design was used, incorporating a developmental phase, a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews, which combined qualitative and quantitative research methods that provided valuable data collected from respondents from four UoTs in South Africa. The significance of the study lies in the development of a leadership model for postgraduate supervisors in the supervision environment in South African UoTs. The study incorporated the views and perceptions of respondents within the higher education context in South Africa. The model is not only based on sound theoretical principles (as discussed in the literature review), but also provides a practical model that could be used by novice postgraduate supervisors within the developing research environment, and affords an opportunity to enhance the research capacity of UoTs in South Africa. The study could be applicable to other UoTs in South Africa.
Afrikaans: Hierdie studie is onderneem teen die agtergrond en belang van leierskap in nagraadse studieleiding in universiteite van tegnologie (UvT‟s) in Suid-Afrika. Alhoewel baie hoër-onderwys-instellings besef hoe belangrik nagraadse studieleiding en navorsing is, moet universiteite in doeltreffende leierskap- strategieë belê om sodoende eksterne mededingendheid, uitdagings en kompleksiteite in die leer- en onderrigomgewing die hoof te bied. Die literatuuroorsig het riglyne verskaf oor hoër-onderwys-instellings en nagraadse studieleiding in ‟n akademiese leer- en onderrig-omgewing van ‟n komplekse en uitdagende aard. Hierdie instellings word deur die wet beheer en ervaar talle veranderings in beleide en prosedures; befondsingsdruk; eise ten opsigte van ‟n beter sukseskoers, meer inskrywings en uitsette en verbeterde kommunikasieprosesse asook die uidaging om die nagraadse student- studieleierverhouding in ‟n uitdagende Suid-Afrikaanse hoër-onderwys-konteks te bestuur. Die nuwe hoëronderwysbedeling wat deur die samesmeltings en opnames teweeg gebring is, waardeur voormalige technikons na universiteite van tegnologie verander het, daag Suid-Afrikaanse hoër-onderwys-instellings uit om hul interne nagraadse-studieleiding-omgewing in ‟n relatief nuwe en jong navorsingsomgewing te hersien ten einde ‟n meer diverse volwasse studente populasie doeltreffend te kan hanteer. Die doel van die studie was om ‟n model vir leierskap in studieleiding in die nagraadse studieleiding-verhouding in ‟n navorsingsomgewing binne ‟n Bestuurswetenskappe Fakulteite van „n spesifieke UvT in Suid-Afrika te ontwikkel. Die navorsing is gegrond op ‟n pragmatiese benadering om insig te verkry oor die sienings en ervarings van nagraadse studieleiers met betrekking tot leierskap in die studieleidingomgewing. ‟n Gemengde metode-ontwerp is gebruik deur die gebruik van ‟n ontwikkelingsondersoek-, ‟n vraelysopname en onderhoude, wat kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes gekombineer het om waardevolle data van respondente van vier UvT‟s in Suid-Afrika in te samel. Die belang van die studie lê in die ontwikkeling van ‟n leierskapsmodel vir nagraadse studieleiers in die studieleidingomgewing in UvT‟s in Suid-Afrika. Die studie het die sienings en persepsies van respondente in die hoër-onderwys- konteks in Suid-Afrika byeen gebring. Die model is nie net op grondige teoretiese beginsels (soos in die literatuuroorsig bespreek) gegrond nie, maar verskaf ook ‟n praktiese raamwerk wat deur nuweling-nagraadse studieleiers die ontwikkelende navorsingsomgewing gebruik kan word asook geleentheid om die navorsingskapasiteit van UvT‟s in Suid-Afrika te verbeter. Die studie kan op ander UvT‟s in Suid-Afrika toegepas word.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Higher Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2012, Supervisors -- Training of -- South Africa, Interpersonal relations -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa, Graduate students -- Supervision of -- South Africa, Mentoring in education, Postgraduate supervisors, Postgraduate students, Higher education institutions, Leadership