Strategies for the implementation of further education and training learner attainment improvement plan

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Shangase, Blossom B.
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University of the Free State (Qwaqwa Campus)
English: The study is about the formulation of innovative strategies to assist teachers towards the effective implementation of the Learner Attainment Improvement Plan (LAIP). In terms of (DoE, 2009:42-43), teachers have to be competent, dedicated and caring in order to sustain learner attainment, and they have to understand the kind of learner that is envisaged by the requirements of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS). A challenge currently facing teachers together with the school management teams (SMTs) is how the goals and the values of social justice, equity and democracy can be interwoven across the curriculum. Policy on norms and standards for educators further, describes the roles and their associated competencies for the development of a teacher in South Africa; however, teachers still face challenges in fulfilling them. The results of the findings for the study revealed that the inadequate implementation of the LAIP results from public schools still being owned by the state. Hence, such schools are still having less power to enact their decisions. They are still voiceless and ostracised. The study therefore argues for a greater use of social capital, whereby the voices of all stakeholders, from the grassroots level to the top, would be heard and recognised, thus creating opportunities to strengthen communication and collaboration among them. The study is therefore informed by critical theory, employing the principles of participatory action research. Through this methodology and theoretical framework, participants engage as equal partners in identifying innovative strategies to assist teachers towards sustaining learner attainment. In contrast with the positivists’ approach where the researcher distances himself or herself from the human subjects being studied. The human subjects are being treated as molecules in the laboratory or as respondents who provide the researcher with data. As researchers we have to be mindful of the saying that it takes the whole village to educate a child. Opportunities for communities who better know the challenges that the schools are faced up with in terms of the implementation of effective implementation of policies such as LAIP need to be taken into cognisance. Hence, solutions to these challenges will come from them to effect change in the education system as a way of improving academic learner performance. Based on the literature review and the discussions with the participants, strategies towards the implementation of LAIP in order to improve the academic learner performance were formulated. Also, the words of Abraham Lincoln who wrote in his 1862 message to the congress: “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion piled high with difficulty, and we must rise to the occasion. As our case is new, so must we think anew”, drove the participant, (Lincoln, 1953: 537).
Afrikaans: Hierdie studie handel oor die formulering van innoverende strategieë om leerkragte te help met die effektiewe implementering van die Nasionale Strategie vir Leerderprestasie (NSLP). In terme van die Department van Onderwys (DoE, 2009: 42-43) moet onderwysers vaardig en toegewyd wees, en beskik oor empatie ten einde leerderprestasie te bevorder. Hulle moet ook die tipe leerder soos genoem in die vereistes van die Nasionale Kurrikulum Verklaring (NKV) verstaan. ’n Uitdaging wat onderwysers en skoolbeheerliggame tans in die gesig staar is hoe die doelwitte, en die waarde van sosiale regverdigheid, gelykheid en demokrasie verweef kan word regoor die kurrikulum. Beleide vir onderwysers t.o.v. die norme en standaarde beskryf verder die verskillende rolle en hul geassosieerde vaardighede vir die ontwikkeling van ’n onderwyser in Suid-Afrika, maar onderwysers staar steeds uitdagings in die gesig ten opsigte van die vervulling hiervan. Die resultate van die bevindings van hierdie studie onthul dat die onvoldoende implementering van die NSLP ’n gevolg is van openbare skole wat nog steeds aan die regering behoort. Gevolglik beskik hierdie skole oor minder mag om hul besluite deurgevoer te kry, en is dus nog steeds stemloos en uitgesluit. Hierdie studie beywer hom daarvoor vir ‘n groter gebruik van sosiale kapitaal waar die stemme van alle belanghebbendes, van die laagste tot die hoogste vlak, gehoor en herken kan word, en daardeur geleenthede skep om kommunikasie en samewerking met mekaar te verbeter. Hierdie studie is gedoen aan die hand van kritiese teorie, met die implementering van die beginsels van deelnemende aksie-navorsing. Deur gebruik te maak van hierdie metodologie en teoretiese raamwerk kan deelnemers as gelyke vennote optree in die identifisering van innoverende strategieë om onderwysers te help om leerderprestasie te volhou. Hierdie is in kontras met die positivistiese metode waar die navorser hom/haarself distansieer van die humanitêre onderwerpe wat bestudeer word. Hierdie onderwerpe word behandel soos molekules in ‘n laboratorium of soos deelnemers wat die navorser van inligting voorsien. As navorsers moet ons versigtig wees vir die gesegde waarvolgens dit die hele gemeenskap se verantwoordelik is om ‘n kind op te voed. Geleenthede vir gemeenskappe wat bewus is van die uitdagings wat skole in die gesig staar, in terme van die implementering of effektiewe implementering van beleide soos die NSLP, moet in ag geneem word. Die gevolg is dat die oplossings tot hierdie uitdagings en die teweeg bring van verandering in die onderwysstelsel as maniere om leerders se akademiese prestasie te verbeter, deur hulle sal kom. Die formulering van strategieë, ten opsigte van die implementering van die NSLP as ‘n poging om leerders se akademiese prestasies te verbeter, is gebaseer op die literatuurstudie sowel as op die besprekings met die deelnemers. Vervolgens is die deelnemers ook aangespoor deur die woorde van Abraham Lincoln tydens sy 1862 toespraak aan die parlement: “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion piled high with difficulty and we must rise to the occasion. As our case is new, so must we think anew” (Lincoln, 1953: 537)
Social capital, Professional learning communities, Collective capacity, Articulated vision, Collaboration, Implementation strategies, Further Education and Training, Participatory Action Research, National Senior Certificate results, Learner Attainment Improvement Plan, Academic achievement -- South Africa, School management and organization -- South Africa, Education and state -- South Africa, Dissertation (M.Ed. (Education Management))--University of the Free State (Qwaqwa Campus), 2013