Analysis of the language techniques and thematic aspects of the Basotho accordion music

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Phafoli, Lehlohonolo Samuel
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University of the Free State
English: Informed by the functionalist perspective, the study analyzes the Basotho accordion music over the period 1980 – 2005. Of particular importance are the various themes addressed by the verbal text that comes up in the music. Specifically, the study analyzes the language used in the composition of the songs accompanying the Basotho accordion music; the rationale behind the use of such language. The study also looks at the status of the composers or artists of the music as well as the role of their music among Basotho; and last, it looks at the reception of the Basotho accordion music by Basotho. In order to address the above purposes of the study, the qualitative method was used to interpret the songs. The population of the study was all the Basotho artists, radio presenters of the music, shop owners selling the music, street vendors and the public that listens to the music and buys it. A stratified random sampling method was used to select with the subjects of the study. A total of 100 songs were analyzed while 81 subjects were interviewed for this study. The findings of the study on the issues investigated are that, Basotho accordion music promotes or helps in the aesthetics of the Sesotho language; that it is a reservoir of rich language. The recurring themes in the music range from social, political and economic issues. The music forges patriotism among Basotho by promoting customs, norms and values of the nation. In terms of status, the artists are either illiterate or semi-literate and the music is their main means of livelihood. On the whole, most Basotho are receptive to Basotho accordion music in many different ways. The study concludes that Basotho accordion music is part of the oral traditional music of Basotho since it retains some features of oral traditional music. Accordion music is very rich in a variety of linguistic techniques common in oral traditions of Basotho. The music also reflects the lifestyle of Basotho because of its historicity and coverage of concerns of the nation.
Afrikaans: Die studie is onderneem vanuit ‘n funksionalist iese perspektief en daarin word Basotho Trekklaviermusiek gedurende die periode vanaf 1980 tot 2005 geanaliseer. Van besondere belang is the verskeidenheid temas wat na vore kom uit die verbale teks met die musiek wat daarmee gepaardgaan. In hierdie studie word die taal van die liedere, wat met die bypassende Basotho Trekklaviermusiek gesing word, in meer besonderhede ontleed. Die doel hiermee is om die onderliggende motivering vir die taalgebruik in die gekomponeerde liedere te probeer vasstel. In die studie word ook na die status van die komponiste of skrywers van die musiek gekyk, sowel as na die rol wat hul musiek in die Basothokultuur speel; en laastens, wat die ontvangs van Basotho Trekklaviermusiek onder Basothomense is. Ten einde die bogenoemde aspekte van die studie te ondersoek, is daar van die kwantitatiewe metode vir die interpretasie van die liedere gebruik gemaak. Die omvang van die studiegroep bestaan uit al die Basothokunstenaars, radio-omroepers wat die musiek speel, winkeleienaars wat dit verkoop , smouse en die publiek wat daarna luister en dit aankoop. ‘n Gestratifiseerde ewekansige streekproefmetode is gebruik om die proefpersone van die studie te selekteer. ‘n Totaal van 100 liedere is geanaliseer, terwyl daar met 81 proefpersone onderhoude vir die studie gevoer is. In die studie van die onderwerpe wat ondersoek is, het geblyk dat Basotho Trekklaviermusiek die estetika van die Basothotaal promoveer of aanhelp; dit is ‘n reservoir van ryke taalgebruik. Die herhalende voorkoms van temas in die musiek strek oor sosiale, politiese en ekonomiese kwessies. Die musiek bevorder patriotisme onder die Basotho deur gebruike, norme en waardes van die nasie te bevorder. Die kunstenaars is stat usgewys óf ongeletterd óf semigeletterd en die musiek is hul hoofbron van inkomste. Die meeste Basotho is oor die algemeen en op baie verskillende wyses ontvanklik vir Basotho Trekklaviermusiek. Die studie se bevinding is dat Basotho Trekklaviermusiek deel vorm van die mondelinge tradisionele musiek van Basotho, aangesien dit sommige elemente van die mondelinge tradisionele musiek bevat. Trekklaviermusiek is baie ryk aan ‘n verskeidenheid taalkundige tegnieke wat algemeen in die mondelinge tradisies van die Basotho voorkom. Die musiek reflekteer ook die leefwyse van die Basotho as gevolg van die geskiedkundigheid daarvan en die oorsig wat dit bied van die nasie se belange.
Thesis (Ph.D. (African Languages))--University of the Free State, 2009, Songs with accordion, Accordion music -- Analysis, appreciation, Sotho (African people) -- Songs and music -- History and criticism, Migrant labor -- Lesotho -- Songs and music, Soloist, Thematic aspects, Lead-singer, Language techniques, Functionalism, Accordion artists