Evaluation of South African high quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines under optimum and low nitrogen conditions and the identification of suitable donor parents

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Masindeni, Dimakatso Roselina
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University of the Free State
English: Genetic improvement of QPM can assist to better the livelihoods of resource poor communities and farmers in SA who rely on maize. QPM germplasm from the ARC-GCI was evaluated to generate information to assist breeders in improving the breeding programme through designing efficient selection procedures that will reduce the time and cost required to develop lines with improved nutritional quality; in the process benefiting small-scale farmers. Pollen parent effect was determined by selfing and cross-pollinating 12 QPM inbred lines for tryptophan content. The two pollination methods did not differ significantly for tryptophan content. Single ANOVAs detected genotypic differences for grain quality traits, while combined ANOVAs across eight environments detected highly significant genotype, environment and GEI effects for all traits except endosperm hardness. The AMMI and GGE biplot analyses explained more than 60% of GEI variation. GGE biplots were the best for visualisation of environments and cultivar performance. AMMI and GGE biplots were similar in identifying high performing genotypes for all traits except for oil content, and the most stable genotypes except for starch and tryptophan content. The GGE biplots identified the ideal genotypes as KO54W, KO54W, Hans Male, SO503W and CML144 for QI, tryptophan, protein, oil and starch content respectively. GGE biplots identified Cedara optimum N as the most representative and discriminating environment for QI, tryptophan and starch content, Tshiombo optimum N for protein and Potchefstroom optimum N for oil content. Twenty QPM and non-QPM genotypes were evaluated under low and optimum N conditions in two locations and highly significant environment effects were observed for all traits, whilst significant genotypic differences and GEI were observed for tryptophan content and QI. Most of the traits improved with increased N level. QPM varieties performed significantly better than non-QPM varieties for tryptophan content and QI in all environments. Tryptophan content was highly significantly correlated with QI (r = 0.95, 0.98 and 0.97), while starch content was significantly negatively correlated with oil content (r = -0.72, -0.65 and -0.67) in low, optimum and across N environments. Line x tester analyses of QPM inbred lines showed highly significant GCA mean squares of lines and testers for most traits and highly significant SCA mean squares for all traits except endosperm hardness. Contribution of SCA (lines x testers), was higher than that of GCA for lines and testers for most traits, with contribution of between 29-83% to the sum of squares; except for endosperm hardness. For endosperm hardness GCA for tester was the highest contributor to total sum of squares by 50%. Larger GCA of females than males showed the importance of maternal effects in most of the traits. Among the testers CML144, SO607W and SO503W had the best GCA for the majority of the traits. Four crosses viz., K64R x SO503W, T1162W x RO452W, K64R x RO452W and K64R x SO713W were promising for endosperm hardness, tryptophan content, QI and protein content, respectively. In general RO452W was the best specific combiner. The present study provides novel results on pollination methods, GEI, AMMI and GGE analyses, line x tester analysis, and correlation of grain quality traits of QPM germplasm in SA.
Afrikaans: Genetiese verbetering van QPM kan bydra tot die verbetering van lewenskwaliteit van hulpbronarm gemeenskappe in SA wat afhanklik is van mielies. QPM kiemplasma van die LNR-SGI is geëvalueer om inligting te genereer wat telers kan help met die verbetering van teelprogramme deur effektiewe seleksieprosedures te ontwerp wat die tyd en koste vir die ontwikkeling van lyne met verbeterde voedingswaardes sal verminder, wat gelyktydig ook bestaansboere sal bevoordeel. Stuifmeelouer effekte is bepaal deur die self- en kruisbestuiwing van 12 QPM ingeteelde lyne vir triptofaan inhoud. Die twee bestuiwingsmetodes het geen betekenisvolle verskille vir triptofaan inhoud getoon nie. Enkel ANOVAs het genotipiese verskille getoon vir graankwaliteitseienskappe, terwyl gekombineerde ANOVAs oor agt omgewings hoogs betekenisvolle verskille getoon het vir genotipe, omgewing en GEI effekte vir alle eienskappe behalwe endosperm hardheid. Die AMMI en GGE “biplot” analises het meer as 60% van die GEI variasie verklaar. GGE “biplots” was die beste vir die visualisering van omgewings and cultivar prestasie. AMMI en GGE “biplots” was soortgelyk vir die identifikasie van hoogs produktiewe genotipes vir alle eienskappe behalwe stysel en triptofaan inhoud. GGE “biplots” het die mees ideale genotipes geïdentifiseer as KO54W, KO54W, Hans Male, SO503W en CML144 vir QI, triptofaan, proteïen, olie en stysel inhoud onderskeidelik. GGE “biplots” het Cedara optimum N as die mees verteenwoordigende en diskriminerende omgewing geïdentifiseer vir QI, triptofaan en stysel inhoud, Tshiombo optimum N vir proteïen, en Potchefstroom optimum N vir olie inhoud. Twintig QPM en nie-QPM genotipes is geëvalueer onder lae en optimum N omstandighede in twee omgewings, en hoogs betekenisvolle omgewingseffekte is gesien vir alle eienskappe, terwyl betekenisvolle genotipiese verskille en GEI gesien is vir triptofaan inhoud en QI. Meeste van die eienskappe het verbeter onder hoër N toestande. QPM genotipes het betekenisvol beter as nie-QPM genotipes gepresteer ten opsigte van triptofaan en QI in alle omgewings. Triptofaaninhoud was betekenisvol gekorreleer met QI (r=0.95, 0.98 en 0.97), en styselinhoud was betekenisvol negatief gekorreleer met olie inhoud (r=-0.72, -0.65 en -0.67) in lae, optimum en oor N omgewings. Lyn x toetser analises van QPM ingeteelde lyne het hoogs betekenisvolle GCA gemiddelde kwadrate van lyne en toetsers vir meeste eienskappe getoon, en hoogs betekenisvolle SCA gemiddelde kwadrate vir alle eienskappe behalwe endosperm hardheid. Bydrae van SCA (lyne x toetsers) was hoër as die van GCA vir lyne en toetsers vir meeste eienskappe, met bydraes tussen 29-83% van die som van kwadrate, behalwe vir endosperm hardheid. Vir endosperm hardheid was GCA vir die toetser die hoogste bydraer tot totale som van kwadrate van 50%. Groter GCA van wyfies as mannetjies het die belangrikheid van moedereffekte in meeste van die eienskappe getoon. Van die toetsers gebruik het CML144, SO607W en SO503W die beste GCA gehad vir die meeste eienskappe. Vier kruisings nl. K64R x SO503W, T1162W x RO452W, K64R x RO452W en K64R x SO713W het potensiaal getoon vir endosperm hardheid, triptofaan inhoud, QI en proteïen, inhoud, onderskeidelik. Oor die algemeen was RO452W die beste spesifieke kombineerder. Hierdie studie het nuwe data gegenereer ten opsigte van bestuiwings metodes, AMMI en GGE analises, lyn x toetser analise, en korrelasie van graankwaliteitseienskappe van QPM kiemplasma in SA.
Corn -- Breeding -- South Africa, Corn -- Economic aspects -- South Africa, Lline x tester analysis, Combining ability, Pollination effect, Stability, GGE biplot, AMMI, GEI, QPM, Thesis (Ph.D (Plant Sciences : Plant Breeding))--University of the Free State, 2013