Some psychological and biographical predictors of computer proficiency: an analysis of the potential of a novice to become a good computer user

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Burger, Andries Johannes
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University of the Free State
English: As a result of the proliferation of computers throughout the business world, more and more demands are placed on workers to develop computer skills. There are a variety of training methods by means of which workers can obtain these much-needed skills. It is nevertheless true that with identical training methods, it is quite likely that different people will end up with different computer abilities. It was thus the primary objective of this study to investigate the role that certain biographical, psychological and cognitive variables play in the prediction of computer proficiency. The variables that were included as possible predictors were personality type, learning style, general anxiety, three-dimensional perceptual ability (spatial 3D), numerical ability, computer attitude, grade 12 final examination mark and mathematical ability. The se condary objective of this study was to determine whether computer attitude and its three components (computer anxiety, computer liking and computer confidence) were influenced by computer experience. Culture was taken into account as a moderator variable in both the primary and secondary studies. To ensure that all the research participants were on the same level of computer literacy, only students enrolled for the basic computer literacy course at the University of the Free State were used in the study. Because the research was used to develop predictor formulas for computer proficiency, the research participants were tested early in February 2003, before the introductory computer literacy course commenced. This was to ensure that the participants’ attitudes, abilities and feelings regarding computers were assessed prior to their exposure to computers. The only test that was repeated (on the same students) towards the end of the semester course was the so-called Computer Attitude Scale (CAS). Apart from measuring a person’s attitude towards computers, the test also contains sub-tests that measure computer anxiety, computer liking and computer confidence. The researcher needed these retest scores to determine whether users’ computer attitude, as well as the three mentioned components, had changed as more computer experience was gained. The primary study resulted in the formulation of two formulas which can be used to predict the computer proficiency of white and black students enrolled for an introductory computer literacy course. The prediction formula for the white students is made up of six variables – grade 12 final examination mark, computer confidence, the learning modes of abstract conceptualisation (AC) and concrete experience (CE), mathematical ability and the conscientiousness (C) domain of personality. The prediction formula for the black students is also made up of six variables – spatial 3D, the L, Q3 and Q4 scores of the IPAT Anxiety Scale, computer confidence and the learning mode of abst ract conceptualisation (AC). It was thus found that different variables predict the computer proficiency of white and black students. The only variables that are shared by both formulas are computer confidence and the learning mode of abstract conceptualisation (AC). In contrast with previous research on the topic, a negative relationship between computer attitude and computer experience was found in the secondary study. The statistical results indicated that as the students gained more experience on computers their computer confidence and computer liking decreased while their computer anxiety increased. As these three constructs are the components of computer attitude, it was not surprising that computer attitude also decreased. Computers play an integral role in the lives of many individuals and therefore the improvement of computer skills is a continuous and important process. This study provided valuable inputs by identifying predictors of computer proficiency for students enrolled in an introductory computer literacy course.
Afrikaans: As gevolg van die geweldige toename in die gebruik van rekenaars in die sakewêreld, word steeds groter vereistes aan werkers gestel om rekenaarvaardighede te ontwikkel. Daar bestaan ’n verskeidenheid van opleidingsmetodes waardeur werkers hierdie noodsaaklike vaardighede kan bekom. Nogtans is dit waar dat verskillende mense, selfs na identiese opleidingsmetodes, waarskynlik verskillende rekenaarvermoëns sal hê. Die primêre doel van die navorsing was dus om die rol wat sekere biografiese, psigologiese en kognitiewe veranderlikes in die voorspelling van rekenaarbekwaamheid speel, te ondersoek. Die veranderlikes wat ingesluit is as moontlike voorspellers was persoonlikheidstipe, leermetode, algemene angstigheid, driedimensionele waarnemingsvermoë (ruimtelik-3D), numeriese vermoë, rekenaar-gesindheid, graad 12 finale eksamenpunt en wiskundige vermoë. Die sekondêre doel van die navorsing was om vas te stel of rekenaar-gesindheid en die drie komponente daarvan (rekenaar- vrees, rekenaar-voorliefde en rekenaar-selfvertroue) beïnvloed is deur rekenaar-ervaring. In beide die primêre en sekondêre navorsing is kultuurverskille as ’n gemagtigde vera nderlike beskou. Om te verseker dat al die deelnemers aan die ondersoek op dieselfde vlak van rekenaargeletterdheid is, is slegs studente wat vir die basiese rekenaargeletterdheidskursus by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat ingeskryf is, in die navorsing gebruik. Aangesien die ondersoek gebruik is om voorspeller-formules vir rekenaarbekwaamheid te ontwikkel, is die respondente vroeg in Februarie 2003 getoets, voordat die inleidende rekenaarvaardigheidskursus ’n aanvang geneem het. Dit was om te verseker dat die deelnemers se gesindheid, vermoëns en gevoelens omtrent rekenaars bepaal is voordat hulle daaraan blootgestel is. Die enigste toets wat teen die einde van die semesterkursus (op dieselfde studente) herhaal is, is die sogenaamde Computer Attitude Scale (CAS). Behalwe dat die toets die persoon se gesindheid teenoor rekenaars getoets het, het dit ook subtoetse bevat wat rekenaar-vrees, rekenaar-voorliefde en rekenaar-selfvertroue gemeet het. Die navorser het die resultate van die hertoetse nodig gehad om te bepaal of die gebruiker se rekenaar-gesindheid, sowel as die drie genoemde komponente, verander het met die toename van rekenaar-ervaring. Die resultate van die primêre navorsing is die formulering van twee formules wat gebruik kan word om die rekenaarbekwaamheid van wit en swart studente wat vir ’n inleidende rekenaargeletterdheidskursus ingeskryf is, te voorspel. Die voorspellingsformule vir die wit studente bestaan uit ses veranderlikes – die graad 12 finale eksamenpunt, rekenaar-selfvertroue, die leermetodes van abstrakte begripsvorming, en konkrete ervaring, wiskundige vermoë en die pligsgetrouheidsfaset van persoonlikheid. Die voorspellingsformule van die swart studente bestaan ook uit ses veranderlikes – ruimtelik-3D, die L-, Q3- en Q4-tellings van die IPAT-Angsskaal, rekenaar-selfvertroue en die leermetode van abstrakte begripsvorming. Daar is dus gevind dat verskillende veranderlikes die rekenaarbekwaamheid van wit en swart studente voorspel. Die enigste veranderlikes wat by albei formules voorkom, is rekenaar-selfvertroue en die leermetode van abstrakte begripsvorming. In teenstelling met vorige navorsing oor die onderwerp, is daar ’n negatiewe verband tussen rekenaar-gesindheid en rekenaar-ervaring in die sekondêre navorsing gevind. Statistiese gegewens het aangetoon dat, wanneer die studente meer ervaring met rekenaars opgedoen het, hulle rekenaar- selfvertroue en rekenaar-voorliefde afgeneem het, terwyl hulle rekenaar -vrees toegeneem het. Aangesien hierdie drie konstrukte die komponente van rekenaar-gesindheid is, is dit geensins verbasend dat rekenaar-gesindheid ook afgeneem het nie. Rekenaars speel ’n integrale rol in die lewens van baie individue en daarom is die verbetering van rekenaarvaardighede ’n deurlopende en belangrike proses. Hierdie navorsing het waardevolle bydraes verskaf deur voorspellers van rekenaarbekwaamheid vir studente wat vir ’n inleidende rekenaarvaardigheidskursus ingeskryf is, te identifiseer.
Dissertation (M.Com. (Computer Science and Informatics))--University of the Free State, 2003, Ability -- Testing, Human-computer interaction -- Evaluation, Computer literacy, Computers -- Psychological aspects, Informatics, Computer proficiency, Grade 12 final examination mark, Mathematical ability, Computer liking, Computer anxiety, Computer confidence, Cultural differences