Plagiaat in die akademie: 'n beleids- en opvoedkundige perspektief

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Olivier, Aletta Petronella
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University of the Free State
English: In this dissertation, the notion of plagiarism is examined in the context of academic writing. The development of the notion of plagiarism is first of all put in historical perspective, because the problems revolving around the notion emerged with the first etymological reference to it as plagiarius (“kidnapper”). One of the factors that complicate plagiarism is that it is confused with copyright in the wake of copyright legislation. Other extrinsic and complicating factors include unreliable statistics on plagiarism, the phenomenon of intertextuality as opposed to plagiarism, the Internet, varying cultural views on plagiarism and the influence of second language issues. Although the existence of plagiarism in academic writing is undisputable, its nature and management vary. Approaches to plagiarism in academic writing are as complex as the phenomenon of plagiarism itself. The approaches to plagiarism discussed here represent the general trends over the past decade. The sequence of discussion corresponds with the development of the approaches to plagiarism during the given period: first the ethical, then the policing, followed by the intentional, the developmental and learning, the textual, and the contextual approaches. With this complex situation in mind, definitions of plagiarism in 13 institutional policy documents are discussed in terms of six elements: the corpus, appropriation, source, reference, intention and scope. The vision and mission, values, academic and/or integrity issues and prescribed approach of each university are accounted for in the respective policies. This study prioritises the educational approach. Acts of plagiarism are often committed through lack of writing skills, especially in the case of inexperienced students that are still apprentices in the craft of academic writing. Basic writing techniques and transformational writing strategies are demonstrated with reference to Van Dijk’s (1971) transformation theory. The transformation types addition, deletion, repetition, structuring and argumentation are illustrated by means of examples. There is no simple solution to the complex dilemma of plagiarism. This dissertation indicates that an implementation plan for the prevention of plagiarism in academic writing comprises three aspects: a transparent policy, the didactic use of detection mechanisms, and the specific teaching of academic writing skills. The emphasis on the educational approach and proactive writing instruction entails that the focus in combating plagiarism is on education. Plagiarism as an unacceptable form of academic writing can be remedied by the teaching of acceptable writing techniques and strategies.
Afrikaans: In hierdie verhandeling word die begrip plagiaat in akademiese konteks ondersoek. Die ontwikkeling van die plagiaatbegrip word allereers in historiese perspektief geplaas, omdat die problematiek rondom die begrip reeds in die eerste etimologiese verwysing daarna as plagiarius (kinderdief) na vore tree. Outeursregwetgewing bring mee dat plagiaat met kopiereg verwar word, een van die faktore wat plagiaat kompliseer. Ander ekstrinsieke kompliserende faktore is die onbetroubare statistiek oor plagiaat, plagiaat en die verskynsel van intertekstualiteit, die Internet, verskille in kulturele beoordelings van plagiaat en die invloed van die tweedetaalproblematiek. Hoewel die bestaan van plagiaat in die akademie onbetwisbaar is, staan die aard en hantering daarvan nie vas nie. Net so kompleks as wat die plagiaatverskynsel is, is die benaderings tot plagiaat in die akademie. Die benaderingswyses wat in hierdie studie uiteengesit word, is die algemeenste die afgelope twee dekades. Die volgorde van bespreking hou verband met die ontwikkeling van plagiaatbeoordeling in hierdie tydvak: die etiese, die reaktiewe polisiërings-, die intensionele, die ontwikkelings- en leer-, die tekstuele en die kontekstuele benadering. Teen die agtergrond van hierdie komplekse situasie word die plagiaatdefinisies van dertien universitêre beleidskrifte aan die hand van ses elemente bespreek: die korpus, die appropriasieterm, die bron, verwysing, bedoeling en bestek. Elke universiteit se visie, missie en waardes, akademiese en/of integriteitskwessies word in beleidskrifte verdiskonteer, asook die benaderingswyses wat die beleidstuk voorskryf. Hierdie studie stel die opvoedkundige benadering voorop. Plagiaat word dikwels gepleeg weens ʼn gebrek aan skryfvaardighede, veral deur onervare studente wat nog vakleerlinge in die akademiese skryfambag is. Basiese skryftegnieke en transformasionele skryfstrategieë word aan die hand van die transformasieteorie van Van Dijk (1971) gedemonstreer. Die transformasietipes wat bespreek word, is byvoeging, weglating, herhaling, ordening en argumentasie, telkens deur voorbeelde geïllustreer. 199 ʼn Eenvoudige oplossing vir die komplekse plagiaatdilemma is nie moontlik nie. Hierdie verhandeling toon aan dat ʼn implementeringsplan vir die voorkoming van plagiaat in die akademie drie aspekte behels: ʼn duidelike beleid, didaktiese gebruik van opsporingsmeganismes en die spesifieke onderrig van akademiese skryfvaardighede. Die opvoedkundige benadering en die proaktiewe skryfonderrig beteken dat die fokus in die bekamping van plagiaat op onderrig val. Plagiaat as ʼn onaanvaarbare vorm van akademiese skryf, kan deur die onderrig van aanvaarbare skryftegnieke en –strategieë geremedieer word.
Plagiarism detection, Ethics, Intention, Copyright, Plagiarism approaches, Plagiarism definition, Intertextuality, Transformation, Writing skills, Patchwriting, Plagiarism, Academy, Policy, Pedagogy, Dissertation (M.A. (Afro-Asiatic Studies, Sign Language and Language Practice))--University of the Free State, 2010