Die onderrig van professionele praktyk in die geïntegreerde, vierjaar verpleegkunde program

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Botha, Delene Ellen
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University of the Free State
English: Florence Nightingale was 206 years ago of opinion that Nursing is not a household sercide or charity service and that nurses should be educated Nursing today is acknowledged as a profession and the aim of Nursing Education, as formulated by the South African Nursing Council (SANC) is that student nurses should be holistically developed. In contrast to 20 years ago, professional nurses today have to function autonomously, scientifically, within legal and ethical frameworks as well as cultural congruently. It is no more expected from professional nurses to only act on doctors’ prescriptions, to perform technical procedures or to only observe patients and record information. They have to practice as independent practitioners. In accordance to SANC requirements, students are educated in the science and art of Nursing, other related sciences as well as Ethics and Professional Practice (Björkstrom, et al., 2006:505; Davis, Tschudin & de Raeve, 2006:21; Jormsri, Kunaviktikul, Ketefian & Chaowalit, 2005, intyds; Gastmans, 2002:intyds; Taft, 2000:intyds; Hussey, 1996:251) When students apply for registration with SANC after they have completed their studies, they actually declare that they comply with the autonomy, responsibility, values and norms of Nursing and are prepared to practice accordingly. This implies that they declare that they have developed a professional identity. Development of professional identity is an ongoing process and has to be addressed, amongst others, in the teaching of Ethos and Professional Practice. The aim of this study was to understand what the nature of Professional Practice is and to assess the process of teaching of Ethos and Professional Practice at national level. The research was explorative, descriptive and explainatory in nature and both quantitative techniques and qualitative techniques were used for gathering of data. Data gathering was done in different phases, namely analysis of disciplinary hearings, focus groups, literature analysis as well as telephone interviews. The results indicate that the majority of nursing institutions teach the content appropriate to SANC’s guidelines. These guidelines were drafted in 1985 and is currently being revised. The profile of the students who are entering Nursing has changed. It is therefore a concern that traditional teaching techniques, such as lectures, class room discussions as well as written assessment are still mostly used in teaching Ethos and Professional Practice. These techniques do not improve development of professional identity. The time allocated to the teaching of [Ethos and] Professional Practice is problematic if the development of professional identity is required. Teaching and following-up of students with regard to [Ethos and] Professional Practice in the clinical setting was found to be insufficient. Taking this into account as well as the fact that there are not sufficient positive role models present, make it impossible for students to develop a professional identity. Students who do not develop a professional identity have a greater risk of unprofessional conduct. A framework, aimed at teaching [Ethos and] Professional Practice in order to develop a professional identity was compiled. This aims to enhance professional conduct.
Afrikaans: Florence Nightingale het 206 jaar gelede die mening gehuldig dat Verpleging nie ‘n huishoudelike- of liefdadigheidsdiens is nie en dat verpleegkundiges onderrig moet word. Vandag word Verpleging in die algemeen as ‘n professie erken en die doel van Verplegingsonderrig, soos geformuleer deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad op Verpleging (SARV), is daarop gerig om die studentverpleegkundiges, holisties te ontwikkel. Professionele verpleegkundiges moet, anders as 20 jaar gelede, outonoom op wetenskaplike wyse, binne wetlike en etiese raamwerke en kultuurkongruent kan funksioneer. Professionele verpleegkundiges moet nie meer net voorskrifte van geneeshere na kom, tegniese prosedures uitvoer en waarneming van pasiënte doen nie, maar hulle moet as onafhanklike praktisyns hulle professie beoefen. Volgens SARV vereistes word studente tans in die wetenskap en kuns van Verpleging, ander verwante wetenskappe asook in etiek en professionele praktyk onderrig (Björkstrom, et al., 2006:505; Davis, Tschudin & de Raeve, 2006:21; Jormsri, Kunaviktikul, Ketefian & Chaowalit, 2005, intyds; Gastmans, 2002: intyds; Taft, 2000: intyds; Hussey, 1996:251). Wanneer studente as afgestudeerdes by die SARV vir registrasie as professionele verpleegkundiges aansoek doen, verklaar hulle daarmee dat hulle die identiteit van Verpleging deel van hulle “self” gemaak het en bereid is om daarvolgens te praktiseer. Hulle verklaar dus dat hulle ‘n professionele identiteit ontwikkel het. Vorming van professionele identiteit is ‘n voordurende proses en behoort onder andere in die onderrig van Etos en Professionele Praktyk aangespreek te word. Die doelstelling van die studie was om ‘n begrip te vorm van wat die aard van professionele praktyk is en om die proses van onderrig van Etos en Professionele Praktyk op nasionale vlak te beraam. Die navorsing was verkennend, beskrywend en verklarend van aard en daar is van beide kwantitatiewe- en kwalitatiewe tegnieke vir data-insameling gebruik gemaak. Data-insameling is in verskillende fases afgehandel, naamlik ontleding van dissiplinêre sake, doen van fokusgroepe, literatuuranalises sowel as die doen van telefoniese onderhoude. Die resultate toon dat die inhoud wat tans by die meerderheid van onderriginstansies onderrig word, ooreenstem soos deur die SARV voorgeskryf. Hierdie riglyne, wat in 1985 saamgestel is, is in die proses van hersiening. Die profiel van die studente wat tans tot Verpleging toetree het verander. Dit is daarom kommerwekkend dat tradisionele onderrigtegnieke soos die aanbied van lesings, klasbesprekings sowel as geskrewe assesseringstegnieke oorwegend in die onderrig van [Etos en] Professionele Praktyk gebruik word. Hierdie tegnieke bevorder nie die ontwikkeling van ‘n professionele identiteit nie. Die tyd afgestaan aan onderrig van [Etos en] Professionele Praktyk is ook problematies indien professionele identiteit werklik ontwikkel moet word. Onderrig en opvolg van studente in die praktyk word nie effektief ten opsigte van [Etos en] Professionele Praktyk toegepas nie. Met ‘n gebrek aan voldoende positiewe rolmodelle, min onderrig asook opvolg in die praktyk is dit moontlik dat studente nie ‘n professionele identiteit sal ontwikkel nie. Sodanige studente loop die risiko om onprofessioneel op te tree. ‘n Raamwerk, met die doel om onderrig van [Etos en] Professionele Praktyk sodanig te rig dat ‘n professionele identiteit ontwikkel word, sodat professionele gedrag daaruit kan vloei, is saamgestel.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Nursing))--University of the Free State, 2006, Nursing -- Study and teaching -- South Africa, Emotional intelligence, Ethical conduct, Ethos of Nursing, Development of professional practice, Professional development