WISH as a water management tool in opencast and underground collieries

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Lukas, Eelco
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University of the Free State
English: Over the last 15 years the Windows Interpretation System for the Hydrogeologist (WISH) was developed by the author of this thesis. The program is used by numerous mines and consultants all over South Africa and abroad. WISH does not discriminate between mining types as it is just as capable of handling all water issues in the gold mines, platinum mines, iron mines or as the title of this thesis implies coal mines. Many other water related software packages are available. Most of them are developed for a single purpose. (Borehole logs, pumping tests, chemistry graphs or mapping) WISH is different because it can do it all. WISH was developed with the Hydrogeologist in mind. When a graph is requested WISH will create one first and subsequently allow the user to modify the graph. The volume calculations for opencast and underground mines are a breeze and no other existing software can do this with so much ease. Many collieries in South Africa are using WISH, not only for the chemistry and time data capabilities, but also for the management of large volumes of water. Many collieries trust WISH to calculate water capacity and water volumes in the mines. Decisions are taken to build 200 million rand water treatment plants. This thesis discusses the development and existence of WISH. A comparison with all other (ground) water related software available worldwide followed by a more in detail description of WISH and a quick starter guide on how to create a WISH document. A chapter is dedicated to recharge and decant followed by a discussion on how to use WISH in a real life project.
Afrikaans: WISH die “Windows Interpretation System for the Hydro-geologist” is oor die afgelope 15 jaar deur die outeur van hierdie tesis ontwikkel. Hierdie rekenaar program word by talle myne en konsultante in Suid Afrika en in die buiteland gebruik. WISH maak geen onderskeid tussen die verkillende tipes myne nie en kan waterkwessies gemaklik hanteer nie alleen van goud-, platinum- en yster myne nie maar ook in steenkool myne soos die titel van hierdie tesis impliseer. Baie sagteware pakette wat met water verband hou is beskikbaar maar die meeste van hulle is ontwikkel om net een enkele aspek te hanteer dit kan boorgat logs, pomp toetse, chemiese grafieke of die maak van kaarte wees. WISH is anders want WISH kan dit alles doen. WISH is ontwikkel met die geo-hidroloog in gedagte. As ‘n WISH gebruiker ‘n grafiek wil hê dan word een gemaak, daarna kan die grafiek verander word. Die volume berekeninge vir oopgroef en ondergrondse myne is baie gemaklik. Geen ander sagteware bestaan wat dit met so ‘n gemak kan doen. Baie steenkoolmyne in Suid Afrika gebruik WISH nie alleen vir die chemiese grafieke en tyds-afhanklike data vermoëns maar ook vir die bestuur van groot volumes water. Baie steenkoolmyne vertrou op WISH om die water volumes in die mine en die oorblywende stoor vermoë te bereken. Gebasseer op dit, word besluite geneem om 200 miljoen rand se waterbehandelingsaanlegte te bou. Hierdie tesis bespreek die ontwikkeling en die bestaansreg van WISH. ‘n Vergelykende ondersoek met ander (grond)water sagteware wat gevolg word deur ‘n volledige beskrywing van WISH en ‘n wegspring handleiding wat verduidelik hoe om ‘n WISH dokument te maak. ‘n Hoofstuk gewy aan aanvulling en oorloop gevolg deur ‘n bespreking hoe om WISH te gebruik met ‘n wesenlike projek.
Dissertation (M.Sc. (Institute for Groundwater Studies))--University of the Free State, 2012, Hydrology -- Computer programs, Mines and mineral resources -- Computer programs