The experiences and expectations of registered nurses in Lesotho regarding perfomance appraisal

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Lethale, 'Mateboho Ntsoaki
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University of the Free State
English: There is a human tendency to make judgements about those one is working with, as well as about oneself. Performance appraisal seems to be both inevitable and universal. With its absence, people tend to judge the work performance of subordinates naturally, informally and arbitrarily. A qualitative study was undertaken to explore and describe the experiences and expectations of registered nurses in Lesotho regarding performance appraisal. Recommendations are made according to the results of the study and these will assist the NGOs which were part of this study and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Lesotho in the planning and implementing of the performance appraisals of registered nurses. Six phenomenological focus group interviews were conducted within the selected institutions to ascertain the participants’ experiences and expectations in relation to performance appraisal. The meaning of these experiences and expectations was also explored. Basic steps in qualitative analysis as outlined by Ulin, Robinson, Tolly, & McNeill (2002) were used to analyse the data. The participants reported various experiences regarding performance appraisal. They reported experiences such as an increase in motivation and performance, receiving training, gaining insight into their own performance and being able to refer problems to supervisors as a result of performance appraisal. There were also feelings of dissatisfaction such as performance appraisal being seen as a threat, a lack of commitment, poor appraisal skills, unreliable instruments, no benefits, unclear purpose and the poor administration of performance appraisals. They also expressed their expectations regarding performance appraisal. Most of them would like the organisations to clarify the purposes of performance appraisals and their involvement in them. Both appraisers and appraisees should be trained in performance appraisal. The instruments should be reviewed, consistency in the appraisal process should be ensured and organisational decisions should be based on the results of the appraisal. The poor attitude and weak appraisal skills, inconsistencies in the appraisal process, the unclear purpose, the inability of appraisers to provide feedback and do follow-up, and also organisational decisions such as salary increments not based on the results of appraisal, were a concern across all the focus group interviews. Recommendations were made in view of both the experiences and expectations of these registered nurses. The organisation should define and clarify the purpose and the relationship between appraisal, performance and rewards, the results of the performance appraisal should be analysed and used for making organisational decisions. The full involvement of appraisees, the training of both appraisees and appraisers, more frequent appraisals throughout the year, the development and availability of standards of nursing care, the review and development of appraisal instruments, and further research are needed.
Afrikaans: Daar bestaan ‘n neiging by mense om ‘n oordeel oor hulself sowel as die persone saam met wie hulle werk, te vel. Prestasiebeoordeling blyk beide onvermydelik en universeel te wees. In die afwesigheid daarvan word die werkprestasie van ondergeskiktes natuurlik, informeel en lukraak beoordeel. ‘n Kwalitatiewe studie om die ervaring en verwagtinge van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges in Lesotho ten opsigte van prestasiebeoordeling te ondersoek en te beskryf, is onderneem. Aanbevelings is volgens die restultate van die studie gevorn het, sowel as die Ministerie van Gesondeheid en Welsyn in Lesotho in die beplanning en implementering van prestasiebeoordeling van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges, te ondersteun. Ses fenomenologiese fokusgroeponderhoude is binne die geselekteerde instellings geloots om vas te stel wat die deelnemers se ervaringe en verwagtinge ten opsigte van prestasiebeoordeling is. Die betekenis van hierdie ervaringe en verwagtinge is ook ondersoek. Die basiese stappe in kwalitetiewe analise soos uiteengesit in Ulin, Robinson, Tolly & McNeill (2002) is gebruik om data te analiseer. Die deelnamers het verskillende ervarings omtrent prestasiebeoordeling uitgelig. Ervarings soos ‘n toename in motivering, prestasie, opleiding, insig in hulle eie prestasie en die geleentheid om probleme na toesighouers te verwys, is aan perstasiebeoordeling toegeskryf. Ontevredenheid met prestasiebeoordeling was dat die as ‘n bedreiging ervaaar word; daar ‘n gebrek aan toewyding en swak beoordelingsvaardighede by beoordelaars beoordelaars 5 voorkom; instrumente onbetroubaar is; beoordeling geen voordele inhou nie; die doel van beoordeling onduidelik is; en dat die administrasie van die proses ontoereikend is. Deelnemers het ook hulle verwagtinge ten opsigte van prestasiebeoordeling iutgespreek. Meeste deelnemers verwag dat organisasies die doel van prestasiebeoordeling en hulle betrokkendheid daarby moet uitklaar. Alle btrokkenes behoort ook opleiding in prestasiebeoordeling te ontvang. Die betroubaarheid van instrumente en konsekwentheid in die proses moet verseker word en organisatoriese besluite moet op die resultate van beoordeling berus. Die swak houding en beoordelingsvaardighede; inkonsewenthede in die proses; die onduidelike doel; die onvermoë van beoordelaars om terugvoer te verskaf en opvolg te doen; en ook organisatoriese besluite soos salarisaanpassings wat nie op beoordeling berus nie, was bekommernisse wat deur al die groepe tydens die fokusonderhoude uitgespreek is. Aanbevelings is ten opsigte van beide die ervarings en verwagtinge van hierdie geregistreerde verpleegkundiges gedoen. Die organisasie behoort duidelikheid omtrent die doel van beoordeling te kry. Die verhoudingtussen prestasiebeoordeling en beloning behoort geanaliseer en tydens organisatoriese besluite inaggeneem te word. Persone wat aan prestasiebeoordeling onderwerp word behoort deurlopend verskaf te word. Die ontwikkeling en beskikbaarheid van verpleegsorgstandaarde, die hersiening en ontwikkeling van instrumente en verdere navorsing behoort aandag te geniet.
Nurses -- Rating of -- Lesotho, Dissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Nursing))--University of the Free State, 2005