Communication through musical symbols: a comparative study of selected piano pieces by Frédéric Chopin

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Bezuidenhout, Daniel Hanno
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University of the Free State
English: Communication is omnipresent and semiotic in nature. Within communication, a message is typically sent through a channel by means of a system of symbols, which is verbal and/or nonverbal in nature. Music is a communication channel, which can, unlike spoken language, communicate across language barriers. During the communicating of the message, the musical symbols within the music score function as a unit. For various reasons, publishers make modifications to music scores. This study aimed to investigate the impact that modifications have on the communicated message. Additionally, a more holistic understanding of communication phenomena within the context of music was obtained and the importance of selecting the appropriate edition demonstrated. This is achieved by analysing four nocturnes by the Romantic composer Frédéric Chopin to investigate meaning modifications within different editions of the same piano compositions. To achieve this, quantitative analyses were conducted to identify any modifications within the sample. This was followed by a qualitative semiotic analysis of each composition. There is shown in this study that the most frequent modifications are made to phrase markings, dynamic symbols, articulation symbols, and pedal markings. In addition, it was found that changes were made to some of the notes and/or rests used within certain compositions. These changes have an impact on the communicated message of each composition in the sense of changing the emotion and atmosphere, and hence the communicated message. The findings of this study highlight the importance of considering the implications of making changes to an original score and choosing the most appropriate edition for a performance.
Afrikaans: Kommunikasie is alomteenwoordig en semioties van aard. Binne kommunikasie word ’n boodskap tipies deur ’n kanaal gestuur deur middel van ’n simboolsisteem wat verbaal of nieverbaal van aard is. Musiek is ’n kommunikasiekanaal wat, anders as gesproke taal, oor taalgrense heen kan kommunikeer. Gedurende die kommunikering van die boodskap, funksioneer die musieksimbole as ’n eenheid binne die bladmusiek. Redakteurs maak veranderinge aan bladmusiek vir verskeie redes. Hierdie studie het beoog om die impak wat veranderinge op die gekommunikeerde boodskap het, te ondersoek. Voorts is ’n meer holistiese begrip van kommunikasiefenomene binne die konteks van musiek verkry en die belangrikheid daarvan om die mees geskikte uitgawe te kies, gedemonstreer. Dit is bereik deur vier nokturnes deur die Romantiese komponis Frédéric Chopin te ontleed vir betekenisverskille binne verskillende weergawes van dieselfde komposisie. Om dit te bereik is kwantitatiewe ontledings onderneem om veranderings te identifiseer. Dit is gevolg deur kwalitatiewe semiotiese ontledings van elke komposisie. Daar is aangedui in hierdie studie dat die meeste veranderings gemaak is aan fraseringsboë, dinamiese aanduidings, artikulasie-aanduidings, en pedaal- aanduidings. Verder is daar bevind dat daar veranderings aan die note- of rustekens binne sekere komposisies gemaak is. Alle veranderings het ’n invloed op die gekommunikeerde boodskap van ’n komposisie, deurdat dit die emosie en atmosfeer beïnvloed. Die resultate van hierdie studie beklemtoon die belangrikheid daarvan om die implikasies van veranderings maak aan die oorspronklike bladmusiek te oorweeg en die mees geskikte uitgawe te kies vir ’n uitvoering.
Dissertation (M.A. (Communication Science))--University of the Free State, 2019, Communication, Musical communication, Musical meaning, Peircean semiotics, Frédéric Chopin