AT 1999 Volume 19 Issue 2

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    Worship and spirituality as a praxis-orientated apologetic in a postmodern world (the New Age) - an incarnational engaged approach
    (Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State, 1999) Foshaugen, E. K.
    This article highlights certain tenets of postmodernism and then attempts to provide an evangelical Christian response. Postmodern ideology and its religious face as reflected in the New Age movement need not cause disquietude or be derided. Rather, postmodern thought should be allowed to challenge any premodern fundamentalism and modern rationalism char the evangelical Church has uncritically internalised or embraced. Postmodernism provides an incredible opportunity to develop new methods to demonstrate the Gospel message of love and hope. In this article it is argued that this is best done through the supernatural power of an incarnational, engaged worship and spirituality (of adoration and action). Then, uncondidonal and sacrificial love is demonstraced as a praxis-orientated apologetic through the Christian's life-story. Christian truth claims need to be authenticated, convictions must be acted out, to provide plausibility, persuasion, incentive and inducement in a pluralistic and relativistic postmodern world that is aware and hungers after spirituality.
  • ItemOpen Access
    An incarnational engaged worship and spirituality
    (Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State, 1999) Foshaugen, E. K.
    Modern culture is sick with secularism resulting in a growing recognition permeating our culture that all life is at root spiritual. Whilst not necessarily recognised in Christian terms, there is a growing awareness and craving for spirituality. People are turning ro exotic cultures and esoteric practices in search of intimacy - a desire to experience human love and trust, meaning and purpose; and transcendence - recognition of the divine. Through developing a theology of spirituality and worship chis article attempts to define a practical theological theory for worship and spirituality. Worship and spirituality are incarnational engaged lifestyles that give voice to the nature, character and will of God and are reflected in the Christian's human activities of adoracion to God and action in the world. This incarnational engaged approach, expressed in adoration and action, provides intimacy and access to the transcendent, and replaces the religiosi(y and secularisation in the Church with a message of love and hope.
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    Die goedkeuring van kerkrade vir 'n nuwe verband in die NG Kerkfamilie?
    (Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State, 1999) Strauss, P. J.
    English: This article probes the question of which assembly within a reformed church denomination - in this case the family of Dutch Reformed Churches - should have the jurisdiction in deciding on the alteration of the confession(s) and especially, the constitution and contents of this denomination. The conclusion is a fairly simple one. If it is accepted that che congregation, as governed by consistories, is a fully fledged church and that congregations constitute a specific denomination, then the consistories involved should decide the matter. Congregations should be able to give their consent co the new denomination they enter into. On che one hand the undefined and general structural unity of rhe church, is a Biblical principle. On the ocher hand, the formulation and constitution of confessions and specific denominations is a matter for the believers within a certain historical concext. They should also be able to enter into a structure of church unity willingly and in the belief - because the church is an institution of faith - that it is the will of God.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Die problematiek rondom die lied van die NG Kerk: enkele bevindings vanut 'n sosiaal - wetenskapleke invalshoek
    (Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State, 1999) Viljoen, M.
    This article investigates viewpoints regarding the hymn of the Dutch Reformed Church over the lase few decades by way of a document analysis of polemics from Die Kerkbode, the official publication of the DRC. Historically, there has always been conflict around the hymnic tradition of the Dutch Reformed Church, manifesting specifically as resistance against the official church-hymn. The longing for a simpler, experience-oriented hymn was stimulated especially by rhe influence of 19rhcentury Revival hymnody, a tendency still applying roday. An analysis of the polemics involved reveals that the duality within the hymnic practice of the DRC has co do particularly with two clashing types of devoutness within the church. Those opposing the official church-hymn are particularly burdened by the "unsingabilicy" of the melodies, as well as the fact char these hymns are foreign to the field of experience of the 20th-century person. The thesabilicy of an ecclesiastical identification with contemporary secular culture is however a complex question which also involves controversy regarding the retention of the true reformed nature of the church.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Implikasies van 'n postmodernistiese lees van die Ou Testament vir die terreine van die teologie, die bybelwetenskap, die publiek en die kerk
    (Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State, 1999) Wessels, J. P. H.
    Traditionally textual analysis of the Old Testament is done within a modernist framework. However, a postmodernist approach opens up new avenues in this regard. The reading strategy of critical deconstruction, based on the premise chat meaning in a cext is not fixed but is rather something elusive of which only traces can be found in a text, creates exciting possibilities for the reading of the Hebrew Bible. This reading strategy has implications when applied to the Bible. Besides the implications for textual meaning, this approach also has implications for biblical science, the public and the church.
  • ItemOpen Access
    'n Perspektief op makrogemeentes vanuit die wesensaard van die kerk volgens die Nuwe Testament
    (Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State, 1999) Van Zyl, H. C.
    The article argues the case for New Testament guidelines to the phenomenon of macro congregations today - churches in excess of 3 500 church members. After dealing with some methodological matters, the following topics are created: the church being both an eschatological community - a foreign body in che world - and part of this world. Sub-topics like the church as small group and large community, unity and diversity, and charism and office in the church, are created. The article concludes with a view remarks from the above exposition with a view co macro congregations.