Doctoral Degrees (Church History and Polity)

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    Die selfstandigwording van die Bantoekerk; met spesiale verwysing na die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Sendingkerk in Noord-Rhodesië
    (University of the Free State, 1958-12) Cronjé, Johan Marthinus; Van Schalkwyk, A.
    Abstract not available
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    'n Kerkhistoriese ondersoek na die begrip heiligmaking by die N.G. Kerk met besondere verwysing na De (Gereformeerde) Kerkbode 1849-1899
    (University of the Free State, 2004-11) Keller, Leon; Britz, R. M.
    English: In this study theology of sanctification in the Dutch Reformed Church is looked at from 1849-1899. As a result of the specific historical context sainthood has played a prominent roll in the theology of the Dutch Reformed Church. It was a century in which there was a great interest in the sanctification movements and revivals. What also contributed towards this interest was the declining state of the church and the rising of the liberal movements. The revival experienced by the Dutch Reformed Church in 1860 and everything associated with it, led to a need for a more profound spiritual life. Several ministers who had served in the Dutch Reformed Church were influenced by Methodism and Reveil movements during their lives. The emphasis on prayer and the search for revival was an important part of their ministry. The prominent figure who had a great influence in the forming of the sainthood theology was the Reverend Andrew Murray. He played a prominent roll during the demarcation time of this study. His influence was not only felt during 1849-1899, but for decades to follow. His influence was not only in South Africa, but also in other parts of the world. He was an international well known author of 250 publications and his works were translated into 15 different languages. He played a prominent roll at the Keswick conferences which focussed on the theme of sanctification. In the search for answers for the situation in the church, a solution in different forms of sanctity is looked upon. It is influenced by various people and movements in other parts of the world. Unfortunately, these searches have led to incorrect interpretation of some points, which have left their mark on the Dutch Reformed Church. The different and various views have come up for discussion in this study. As basis for evaluation the reformed articles of faith was used.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Women in the charismatic churches in Malawi: a historical and theological perspective
    (University of the Free State, 2015-10) Gadama, Richard Gracious; Hofmeyr, J. W.
    This research work is first historical and theological study on the women in charismatic churches since the inception of the charismatic movement in Malawi in 1970’s. It is a historical and qualitative empirical research about the critical roles and experiences of women in the Charismatic Movement in Malawi. It therefore uses a feminist narrative method of enquiry. In order to get a full picture regarding the roles, and experiences of women in the Church, the study used the following research methods besides the historical: in-depth interviews, group discussions and participant observation. A group of twenty-nine pastors' wives from PAWLP are randomly selected and interviewed by the researcher. In addition, several audit focus group discussions are carried out in various Charismatic congregations under study. During these interviews, 150 church members i.e. men, women and the youths are also interviewed in order to determine different congregations’ perception on the roles of women in the Charismatic Churches in Malawi. In a nutshell, the purpose of this study was to investigate the history of the role of women in the Charismatic Churches in Malawi. By presenting a synthesis of the various perspectives on the experiences of women participation in the Charismatic Churches, this study has demonstrated that doctrine, ecclesiastic congregation and culture of society influence the participation of women in different positions of the Church. All these are embedded in patriarchal ideologies. The research hypothesis was that much as it seems that many Churches are now allowing women to take different roles in the church, Charismatic denominations seem to lag behind, as the core roles in the Church are monopolized by men while women take the more traditional roles. The research findings have shown that the charismatic churches allow few women to take leading roles in the church while men still dominates in church positions and in church activities in the charismatic churches. The critical analysis of the history and experience of women in the charismatic churches in Malawi has necessitated the re-reading of the Bible and critically analyzing it with the lenses of history of the religious revival background that is fortified by feminist theology, human
  • ItemOpen Access
    A history of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) as a federative denomination (1924-2015)
    (University of the Free State, 2015-10) Munyenyembe, Rhodian; Hofmeyr, J. W.
    This study is about the history of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) as a federative denomination in South-Central Africa. This denomination comprises five synods that are more or less independent of each other and function in a kind of federation known as the General Assembly. The research issue was identified by observing that following the Presbyterian system of church government, one would expect that the church's courts would continue to become stronger and more powerful from the session to the General Assembly. However, what one actually sees on the ground is that real administrative and ecclesiastical power ends with the synods, so much so that the General Assembly appears to be a kind of umbrella organisation of no real significance. This is so despite the transformation of the constitution of the General Assembly in 2002, which aimed at giving more power to the General Assembly over and above the synods. This means that despite the CCAP clergy's intention to give more power to the General Assembly, the autonomy of the synods makes them more powerful than the General Assembly itself. The aim of this research was to investigate the history and nature of the CCAP as a federative denomination. The study makes a conscious departure from most research activities on the CCAP which confine themselves to the histories of individual synods and or issues related to them without trying to engage with a composite history of the synods together with their General Assembly. This study therefore makes an original contribution to knowledge in the area of Church History and Polity by engaging with an integrated history of the synods and General Assembly of one of the mainline Protestant churches in South-Central Africa, thereby enriching our knowledge of Church History in this region. The research was done through gathering of material from archival sources and contemporary documents and conducting informal and formal in-depth interviews with key informants. The material gathered from these activities was analysed systematically following the procedures of qualitative research. The study shows that the CCAP Synods share their theological and historical roots all the way to the Reformation through the life and ministry of John Calvin in Geneva. The study also shows that the CCAP is a child of revivals as the missions that gave birth to the denomination were actually influenced by the spirit of revivals. It has been shown that during the formation of the CCAP there was much cooperation among the missionaries, indicating that the synods have always been one in cooperation and not in competition with one another, at least in their early history. However, things began to change with the actual process of the formation of the CCAP as the different attitudes of missionary personnel from the three original missions began to manifest. The result of such differences was that the formation of the CCAP endured many compromises for the sake of the success of its unity. Consequently, many things were not ironed out during the formative years of this federative denomination. Besides, the emerging African leadership did not play a significant role in the formation of the union and yet they were the ones to be entrusted with its future life. Consequently, the indigenous leadership of the CCAP has had to struggle with an elusive unity of the denomination over the course of its history. The study validates the research hypotheses that the CCAP, with its ongoing inner wrangles and its own leadership’s recognition of lack of real unity, has lost its denominational bearings, having become in fact a loose umbrella body of five distinct ‘denominations.’ The study further demonstrates that the original intention of the founding fathers of the CCAP to retain Synodical autonomy in respect of the mother churches arrested the development of the CCAP into a single and fully united denomination. In view of these observations it follows that whatever unity the future of the CCAP holds, it must first of all be acknowledged that there is actually no one CCAP denomination but five denominations. It must also be realised that the CCAP has actually never been a single denomination before, except in assumption. The efforts of the CCAP to move forward in its unity have often been hampered by references to a history that cannot be fully apprehended as it was beyond the grasp of African leadership to take full control of the CCAP while the missionaries, who were the initiators of the project, belonged to their own exclusive camps. The onus is therefore on the current leadership to re-orientate the denomination since current developments show that the denomination has reached a stage where a drastic landmark decision in its history is supposed to be made. I argue that this re-orientation of the denomination can only be successful if the leaders of the synods are concerned more with the future of the CCAP and its contribution to the Kingdom of God than with current divisions or the glorious past of the missionary era from whence the CCAP synods have come.
  • ItemOpen Access
    J. A. Heyns en die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk en apartheid
    (University of the Free State, 2006-01) Williams, Henry Hofmeyr; Strauss, P. J.
    Abstract not available
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    Kerkbegrip, belydenis en kerkorde in die kerkherenigingsproses van die NG kerkfamilie in Suid-Afrika
    (University of the Free State, 2009-04) Kleynhans, Hermanus Johannes; Strauss, P. J.
    English: The Lord wants His church on earth to be One, as He is One, “in order that the world may know” (John 17:23) – for the sake of the credibility and the effectiveness of the preaching of the Gospel and its testimony. This unity is first and foremost a spiritual unity of faith, but then also a visible unity in the institutionalising of His church. Churches relate to one another due to a common confession of faith and the main features of church institution and church government. In the first chapter it was indicated clearly that, in the resolutions of the Dutch Reformed Church family, there is a recognition of the Godly gift of and commission to visible church unity. Every member desires visible church unity, keeping in mind that there are obstacles that have to be removed first. Research has also been done about the understanding of the image of a church and the church doctrines of the members of the Dutch Reformed Church family, which showed resemblance to a great extent with the Dutch Reformed Church according to the reformed principles of the presbyterial-synodal church governing system. However, numerous influences from other governing systems could also be indicated. In chapter two the common, above-historical and universally accepted creeds, which linked believers together over time and space, was pointed out. True creeds stem from a certain situation, but formulates those truths of the Gospel which are of a core, timeless nature. Denominations are therefore the relation between congregations sharing the same confessions and the main principles of church institution, and is formed to strengthen their church-being, to enrich them spiritually and to save them from one-sidedness. The conclusion was also made that Belhar does not answer to the requirements of a reformed creed. In chapter three an analysis was made of the content and implications of the constitution, supreme court verdicts and legal opinions to point out several legal indications for the church reunion process in the Dutch Reformed Church family, from which it was obvious that the law in South-Africa sees the church as a “universitas” which must be judged according to the law of contrasts. In chapter four, it was attempted to indicate the direction on the way forward with church reunion, and it was indicated that the Dutch Reformed Church family in South-Africa must urgently tend to the following matters: 1. To clarify a common foundation for a creed for the united church. 2. To clarify the structure and the form of governing of the united church. 3. To clarify the process through which church unity can be accomplished. 4. Clarification of the material matters of the churches at church unity. 5. Clarification of the RCA’s insisting on keeping its own identity. 6. Clarification of matters such as theological training, the mutual recognition of the legitimacy of clergymen, the name, the language and the liturgical matters in the new denomination. 7. Lastly that recognition in mutual relationships is of vital importance.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Arnold Dallimore (1911-1996): Reformed Evangeliscalism and the search for a usable past
    (University of the Free State, 2014) Clary, Ian Hugh; Neele, Adriaan C.; Haykin, Michael
    Abstract not available