TRP 2021 Volume 78

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  • ItemOpen Access
    An explorative approach to the evolving municipal landscape of South Africa: 1993-2020
    (University of the Free State, 2021) Jeeva, Zaakirah; Cilliers, Juan
    The establishment of municipalities in South Africa has been a long and difficult process, which still appears to be evolving 25 years later. In 1994, the new democratic government undertook to restructure the country’s racially segregated administrative structure, by integrating areas to form cohesive municipal entities that would allow for the more efficient management of the municipal areas. However, the demarcation approach was easier to pen on paper than to implement in practice. This article explores the South African spatial reform process from 1993 to 2020, by analysing literature and legislative frameworks, in order to determine how municipalities were demarcated and the challenges they experienced. The study found that the spatial restructuring process was particularly complex, due to limited knowledge of the spatial landscape and the many unresolved spatial administrative issues. The study calls for further research to support the formation of more efficient municipal areas.
  • ItemOpen Access
    English-Afrikaans bilingual building dictionary
    (University of the Free State, 2021) Oosthuizen, Pierre
    With originating roots scattered across the globe, this playful language derived its name from Africa. What is more unique to South Africa than Afrikaans? A communication medium amalgamated, adapted and applied by mothers from different cultures and continents who not only chose South Africa as their domicilium citandi et executandi, but also to raise their children through a unique South African mother tongue. By accommodating variety, this language tends to be inclusive against the norm, which might explain why Afrikaans is the preferred lingua franca in many parts of the country. Since the tower of Babel, building sites are recognised as a gathering of miscellaneous cultures and languages in dire need for a bridging communication medium. Phenomenally, evolved through time, building terms were and still are being born.