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Item Open Access A rabbit phantom study to reduce neonatal radiation dose without compromising image quality.(University of the Free State, 2015-02) Erasmus, Anita; Herbst, C. P.English: Neonates who are ill at birth often require a large number of radiographs during the period of hospitalization. Radiography refers to the imaging of body parts using x-rays and plays an important role in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients suffering from various medical conditions. X-rays fall into the category of ionizing radiation which has the potential to cause cell damage and therefore are associated with a radiation risk. The radiation risk to these neonates is higher than in adults. Therefore the dose should be kept as low as reasonable achievable (ALARA) while still rendering images that comply with the diagnostic task. Large variations have been found with respect to the beam parameters used to acquire neonatal anterior posterior (AP) chest x-ray images, emphasizing the need for optimization. Changing the beam parameters will not only influence the radiation dose, but also the image quality. Although physical image quality metrics such as contrast, resolution and noise can be used to quantify image quality these metrics do not give an indication of the diagnostic image requirements. Subjective image evaluation using appropriate phantoms is therefore also required. Aim The aim of this phantom study was to reduce neonatal radiation dose while maintaining diagnostically adequate image quality for neonatal radiography. Methods Entrance surface doses (ESD) and exit doses were determined for the beam parameters (55 kV, 2 mAs no additional filtration) used to acquire neonatal AP chest x-rays at Universitas Academic Hospital (UAH). Beam parameter combinations, reducing the ESD by 50 % or more compared to the current practice, were then selected keeping the dose to the Computed Radiography imaging plate (detector) constant. The effect of using different beam parameters on the image quality was investigated, using a chicken corpse as a phantom to simulate the neonatal chest. The contrast as well as contrast to noise ratios were determined. Ten observers comprising radiographers, radiologists and a medical physicist were then tasked to evaluate the overall subjective image quality using a multiple rank order method. Based on the image quality ranking the beam parameters delivering acceptable image quality were then used to image five living (sedated) rabbits with a weight of approximately 2000g, simulating the neonatal chest with a heart and lungs. Eight radiology registrars gave their opinion on the diagnostic quality of the images using a five-point scale. These radiologists then evaluated the image quality subjectively using the multiple rank order method with the focus on three anatomical regions namely the lung patterns, the heart borders and the diaphragm. Results and Discussion The contrast and contrast to noise ratio stayed constant in the range 55 – 66 kV, indicating the influence of post processing on digital images. Large variation in observer opinion of image quality was seen for both the chicken and rabbit phantom images obtained with different beam parameters (different dose values). Even amongst a single observer large variation in their opinion was seen when evaluating images of different rabbits at the same beam parameters. All the images were regarded as being diagnostically acceptable. This indicates that a lower dose option could be selected without compromising the diagnostic value of the images. Conclusion The chicken phantom proved to be a good simulation of the neonatal chest; however when one needs to investigate clinical features the rabbit phantom would be recommended. This study shows a possible dose reduction of 64 % when using beam parameters 60 kV, 2.0 mAs and 2 mm Al additional filtration. Afrikaans: Inleiding Siek neonate benodig ‘n groot aantal x-straal beelde tydens hospitalisasie. X-straal beelde val in die kategorie van ioniserende straling en hou dus ‘n stralingsrisiko in. Hierdie stralingsrisiko is hoër in neonate as in volwassenes. Dit is om hierdie rede belangrik om te verseker dat die laagste moontlike stralings dosis gebruik word. Die variasie in bundel parameters (kV, mAs en filtrasie) wat gebruik word vir neonatale anterior posterior borskas x-straal beelding dui op die noodsaaklikheid van optimalisering. ‘n Verandering in die bundel parameters beinvloed nie die stralings dosis alleenlik nie, maar ook die beeld kwaliteit. Alhoewel beeldkwalitiet parameters soos kontras, resolusie en geruis gebruik word om die beeld kwaliteit te kwantifiseer gee die parameters egter nie ‘n aanduiding of die beeld aan die diagnostiese vereistes voldoen nie. Vir hierdie doel is subjektiewe evaluasie van beeldkwaliteit met gebruik van die geskikte fantome genoodsaak. Doel Die doel van die fantoom studie was om die neonatale stralings dosis te verminder sonder om die diagnostiese beeldkwaliteit te verlaag. Metodes Die ingangsdosis en uitgangsdosis was bepaal vir die bundel parameters (55 kV, 2 mAs en geen addisionele filtrasie) huidiglik in gebruik by die Universitas Akademiese Hospitaal (UAH). Bundel parameter kombinasies wat die ingangs dosis met 50 % of meer verminder het, terwyl die detektor dosis konstant gehou is, is gebruik. ‘n Hoender fantoom is gebruik om die neonatale borskas te simuleer in ‘n poging om die effek van die gekose bundel parameters op die beeldkwalitiet te ondersoek. Die kontras en kontras-tot-geruis vehoudings is bepaal. Tien waarnemers wat radiograwe, radioloë en ‘n mediese fisikus insluit, het die beelde geëvalueer op grond van algemene beeldkwaliteit mbv. ‘n veelvuldige rangorde metode. Die bundel parameters wat aanvaarbare beeldkwaliteit gelewer het, is gebruik om x-straal beelde van vyf lewendige (gesedeerde) konyne, met ‘n massa van ongeveer 2000g, te verkry. Die konyne is gebruik om die neonatale borskas met ‘n hart en longe te simuleer. Agt radiologie kliniese assistente het die konyn beelde geëvalueer m.b.v. ‘n vyf-punt skaal. Die beeldkwaliteit is ook subjektief geëvalueer mbv. die veelvuldige rangorde metode met die fokus op drie anatomiese dele naamlik die long patrone, hart rande en diafragmas. Resultate en Bespreking Die kontras en kontras-tot-geruis verhoudings het konstant gebly in die reeks 55 – 66 kV. Dit gee ‘n aanduiding van die invloed wat “post” verwerking op die digitale beeld het. Groot variasies in waarnemer opinie van beeldkwaliteit is waargeneem, in beide die hoender en konyn fantoom beelde, met die gebruik van verskillende beeld parameters. Die verskille was selfs waargeneem vir ‘n enkele waarnemer tydens die evaluasie van die vyf konyn beelde by ‘n bundel parameter kombinasie. Al die beelde was van aanvaarbare diagnostiese kwaliteit wat aandui dat ‘n bundel parameter kombinasie met ‘n laer stralings dosis gebruik kan word. Gevolgtrekking Die hoender fantoom het die neonatale borskas goed verteenwoordig. Die konyn fantoom word egter aanbeveel wanneer gedetaileerde kliniese strukture evalueer moet word. Die studie bewys dat ‘n dosis vermindering van 64 % moontlik is met die gebruik van bundel parameters 60 kV, 2.0 mAs en 2 mm Al addissionele filtrasie.