School of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology Education
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Item Open Access Institutionalising teacher clusters in South Africa: dilemmas and contradictions(Faculty of Education, University of the Free State, 2012) Jita, Loyiso C.; Mokhele, Matseliso L.Increasingly, teacher clusters are being used as a substitute for the more traditional approaches to the professional development of teachers. With this goal in mind, many provincial education departments in South Africa have sought to institutionalise and encourage the formation of teacher clusters as vehicles for the continuing professional development of teachers. What are the challenges of this institutionalisation and to what extent has it served teachers in their quest to learn from and with each other in clusters? In this article, we use a qualitative case study approach to examine the dilemmas of the institutionalisation of teacher clusters in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa. Using mostly interview data with all the key central office administrators responsible for science and mathematics in the province, and a sample of the participating cluster (teacher) leaders and observations of their cluster activities, we discuss how the institutionalisation processes may have led to rather undesirable outcomes. We examine the way in which institutionalisation may have resulted in a reduction of the “opportunities to learn” for the participating teachers. We argue that, while the intentions of the policymakers to provide support and recognition for the teacher clusters were noble and progressive, the consequences of their intervention were somewhat negative and tended to bureaucratise clusters, thereby alienating teachers from these traditionally bottomup structures of professional development. We conclude the article by exploring what the possibilities are for teachers reclaiming the spaces created by the teacher cluster “movement” in South Africa.Item Open Access 'n E-onderwysgebaseerde benadering tot die implementering van die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring vir fisiese wetenskappe: 'n didaktiese perspektief(University of the Free State, 2012-11-11) Van Breda, Jacobus; Du Toit, E. R.English: Since the South African government decided in 1997 to replace traditional education with outcomes-based education, curriculum transformation has as yet for various reasons not realised in the Physical Sciences classroom, thus resulting in poor marks in Physical Sciences. This study was prompted by the above realities and the fact that education reform in South Africa cannot occur in isolation from globalisation and the demands of 21st-century teaching-and-learning. The overarching aim of the study thus was to propose guidelines for an ICT-integrated approach to teaching and for a learning environment that can lead to the successful implementation of the Physical Sciences curriculum in the classroom. In order to achieve this aim, the research had, on the one hand, to focus on those aspects against which successful curriculum implementation can be measured and, on the other, be directed at the contribution which the use of digital technology could make in curriculum implementation. The above led to a comprehensive literature study during which Physical Sciences curriculum documents and other teaching-and-learning literature were investigated within the context of UGO, constructivism as well as effective principles of learning. Ultimately eleven so-called “implementation principles” were identified (see 2.7.1). Thereafter it was established how different ICT usages can be practically and feasibly used in order to contribute to the realisation of the implementation principles in the Physical Sciences classroom. Due to the fact that today’s learners belong to the Y generation, with their unique needs, as well as the fact that over 80% of all South African learners are taught Science in a language that is not their home language (see, much attention was paid to these aspects in this study. A quantitative research design was used and data were collected by means of a questionnaire, as measuring instrument. Although multi-choice and binary-type questions were also used, the questionnaire mainly consisted of five-point Likert-type questions (see 4.10). The questions in the various sections of the questionnaire dealt with “daily ICT applications”, learners’ home environment, language of teaching-andlearning, the availability and use of ICT in the school environment, learners’ experience of the ICT Laboratory (see 1.2.3) as learning environment as well as their experience of ICT applications in the Laboratory. The test sample consisted of 110 Physical Sciences learners who visited the ICT Laboratory regularly. The Statistical Processing unit of the ICT services at the University of the Free State processed the questionnaires by means of the SPSS computer package. The information gleaned from the literature study as well as the empirical research enabled the researcher, from a didactical perspective, to propose guidelines for an e- Education-based approach to the implementation of the National Curriculum Statement for Physical Sciences (see 6.4). The study emphasises the essential role of the teacher in identifying suitable ICT applications that can be used to the benefit of teaching-and-learning within a 21stcentury learning environment and in service of the implementation of a Physical Sciences curriculum.Item Open Access Teaching and learning of fractions in primary schools in Maseru(University of the Free State, 2013-01) Marake, ‘Maphole Georgina; Du Toit, G. F.Throughout the world governments and other education stakeholders advocate quality education and education for all. Among others, mathematics education is seen by governments as essential in the advancement of the development of countries. Lesotho is no exception in this regard hence mathematics is one of the core subjects in Lesotho’s education system. Though Mathematics education is seen as pivotal to the development of countries, analysis of mathematics Junior Certificate (JC) examination results in Lesotho indicates that performance in mathematics is not good. This study therefore aspired to investigate teaching strategies predominantly employed by primary mathematics teachers and assess their effect on learners’ meaningful learning of fractions. In order to meet this aim the study attempted to determine what literature said about effective learning and teaching of fractions, the level of training given to mathematics teachers and determine whether effective learning and teaching materialised in the three classrooms that were studied. The existing literature proposed different teaching strategies that resulted in significant learning of fractions. To investigate dominant teaching strategies that teachers used in the teaching of fractions, class observations of three teachers were conducted. Teachers were observed in their classrooms over a period of time and follow-up interviews were conducted. Samples of the teachers’ documents and the learners’ work were analysed to evaluate the extent to which effective learning and teaching of fractions were taking place in these respective classes. Literature indicates that effective learning, of fractions, entails meaningful construction of the concept through handling of concrete materials and formation of relationship between concepts. Effective teaching on the other hand entails the ability to create situations in which learning is facilitated. Teachers are said to possess both mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) and Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in order to be able to teach effectively. In order to fully understand the level of training that the teachers received teacher trainers were interviewed. It was found that teachers did not engage learners in high order reasoning and problem solving, instead they gave close-ended questions which learners answered by practising rules and procedures that teachers taught. Learners therefore did not use their own strategies when writing solutions to questions. It was recommended that teachers should use readily available materials like paper and papers and when planning lessons they should think of possible errors, misconceptions and difficulties that learners were likely to have.Item Open Access The effect of metacognitive intervention on learner metacognition and achievement in mathematics(University of the Free State, 2013-02) Du Toit, Daniël Stephanus; Du Toit, G. F.; Wilkinson, A. C.English: International and national measures point to the poor mathematics achievement of South African learners. The enhancement of the quality of mathematics education is a key priority of the Department of Basic Education in South Africa. Several studies have found a correlation between learner metacognition and mathematics achievement. Metacognition entails knowledge and regulation of one’s cognitive processes. Previous studies point to the positive effect of metacognitive interventions on learner metacognition and mathematics achievement. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a metacognitive intervention (MI) on learner metacognition and the mathematics achievement of Grade 11 learners in the Free State from a predominantly pragmatic perspective. The MI was developed by combining aspects of a mathematical perspective on De Corte’s (1996) educational learning theory with aspects of previous metacognitive intervention studies in mathematics. A mixed methods research design was employed where qualitative data were embedded within a quasi-experiment. Data were collected from an experimental group (N=25) and a control group (N=24). Quantitative data on learner metacognition were obtained from the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), while quantitative data on mathematics achievement were obtained from the learners’ Terms 1 and 4 report marks. Qualitative data were acquired by means of teacher interviews, problem-solving sessions, and learner and teacher perspectives on the MI process. The mixed methods research question investigated the extent to which the findings from the qualitative phase of the study support the findings from the quantitative phase regarding the effect of MI on learner metacognition and mathematics achievement. The quantitative findings indicated that MI had a statistically significant impact on learner metacognition in respect of the MAI total score, the Knowledge of cognition (KC) factor, the Regulation of cognition (RC) factor, and the subscales Declarative knowledge, Planning, and Monitoring. The impact of MI on mathematics achievement was less pronounced, as inferences had to be drawn from the correlation between learner metacognition and mathematics achievement. The quantitative findings showed a statistically significant correlation between KC and mathematics achievement, as well as between Declarative knowledge and mathematics achievement. Since MI had a statistically significant impact on KC and Declarative knowledge, it is concluded that MI also had a positive impact on mathematics achievement. The qualitative findings strongly support the quantitative findings regarding the positive impact of MI on learner metacognition. The quantitative findings in respect of the correlation between learner metacognition and mathematics achievement were only partially supported by the qualitative data. Main recommendations emerging from this study relate to the improvement of learners’ mathematics achievement by enhancing their Declarative knowledge, the enhancement of learners’ problem-solving skills, and the need to implement metacognitive interventions in mathematics particularly in schools where the teachers are inexperienced or underqualified.Item Open Access Obstacles that hamper learners from successfully translating mathematical word problems into number sentences(University of the Free State, 2014) Reynders, Amaria; Junqueira, K. E.; Du Toit, D. S.Various research studies show that the language ability and Mathematics performance of primary school learners are closely related. In South Africa, as is elsewhere, the language issue at schools has always been shifted from the academic battlefield into the political battlefield. The Minister of Education has always been a politician and therefore the current curriculum in SA is politically inspired and do not always address the needs of learners, according to Sedibe (2003). Many primary school learners with an African background are taught in a second language and not in their mother tongue due to the policy of the National Education Department. It is mostly these learners who find it difficult to relate to the language of instruction and the meaning-making of that language in a Mathematical context. The Annual National Assessment (ANA), an initiative of the National Education Department, shows that most of the primary school learners in South Africa are still not on track concerning Numeracy and Literacy skills. Language barriers for learners who are not taught in their mother tongue lead to misunderstanding regarding Mathematical word problems. The interpretation of word problems has throughout the years been a concern of Mathematics teachers, even if the learners were taught in their mother tongue. The purpose of this study was to investigate, by means of a case study, the barriers primary school learners experience with the translation of mathematical word sums into number sentences. Qualitative research was conducted. The study was grounded in the interpretivist paradigm, hence the reasons for the learners’ problems in converting word problems into number sentences and perations were investigated in real-life situations. Data was collected through observations. Audio-visual material was used. Activities of Grade four learners, from a primary school in the Motheo teaching district of the Free State Province, was recorded audio visually, while being busy with group work. The group work was done in the form of a worksheet, which contained two word problems. The learners had to discuss the word problems in order to compile number sentences. The learners could use any language during their discussions. A Sotho translator translated the discussions into English for analysis purposes. The research findings support the research problem, as it was clear that although learners were presented with word problems in a language other than their mother tongue, they preferred to discuss the content of the word problems in their mother tongue. The main recommendations emerging from this study is that teachers should become more aware of the linguistic issues in learning and teaching Mathematics and must develop tools for talking about language in ways that enable them to engage productively with learners in constructing mathematical knowledge. Teachers in culturally diverse school settings need to develop “tools” to enable learners to understand the mathematical vocabulary better via the language of instruction. The following recommendations regarding these tools can be made. Teachers who teach Mathematics in the foundation phase should compile a Mathematics dictionary as part of their literature studies. These teachers must consult language interpreters in order to find mother tongue words for words that explain mathematical concepts. These words should be repeated regularly throughout their contact time with the learners, even if it is not the Mathematics period. The Mathematical concepts and content must be carried over to non-mother tongue learners in such a way that they can identify the context of their everyday lives in it. Only then will the learners make meaning of word problems and will they be able to compile numbers sentences from the word problem in order to carry out the correct Mathematical operations.Item Open Access Learning to teach secondary school mathematics from practice: an exploration of the Zimbabwean pre-service teachers’ year-long field experiences(University of the Free State, 2016) Makamure, Chipo; Jita, L. C.𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 Previous research in teacher education has examined teaching practice (TP) as an important part of teacher preparation. Accordingly, a number of Zimbabwean researchers have also focused on teaching practice in order to explore its influence on ‘learning to teach’ generally. In mathematics education, the focus on TP partly reflects the belief that ‘learning to teach’ mathematics without practice would be difficult, if not impossible. Despite the importance that is attached to mathematics as a subject and teaching practice as playing a pivotal role in the improvement of mathematics teaching, pre-service teachers’ training has not been helpful in addressing performance deficits in secondary school mathematics. Student achievement in mathematics has remained low in Zimbabwe and across the world. In search of possible solutions to this challenge of poor performance in mathematics, the present study explored the significance and possible contribution of teaching practice to teacher knowledge and expertise which are required to improve secondary school mathematics in Zimbabwe. A mixed methods research approach, based on a sequential explanatory design, was selected for the study. Pre-service teachers and school-based mentors answered questionnaires and focus group interviews. At the same time, college supervisors participated in semi-structured interviews on the connections between pre-service teachers’ expectations and experiences of TP. The first set of findings from the study suggests that before going on TP, pre-service teachers have positive, but perhaps exaggerated, expectations about teaching mathematics and these expectations seem to affect the way they teach in the classroom during TP. The study thus recommends that teacher education needs to address these expectations more directly prior to school placement. The second set of findings point to the apparent discord between the mathematics content that is taught to pre-service teachers during teacher preparation and what they are expected to teach in schools during TP. A better alignment between the college mathematics curriculum and the school curriculum is suggested. This does not mean teaching the high school curriculum in college, but points to the need to align topics and/or themes between the two sets of curricula. Thirdly, the study uncovered a disturbing imbalance between the focus on content knowledge (CK) on the one hand and the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and curriculum knowledge on the other. It is therefore suggested that for effective mathematics teaching during TP, the development of mathematics teachers needs to be approached in a holistic manner where content knowledge (CK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and curriculum knowledge are integrated deliberately during teacher preparation. Finally, the findings suggest that there is a difference between pre-service teachers’ expectations before TP and their experiences during TP. The pre-service teachers’ struggle with the transfer of learned skills into classroom practice and the variable quality of the school-based mentorship practices by supervisors explain much of the differences between the expectations and actual experiences. A review of the college syllabus to include more mathematics pedagogy is thus called for, together with a more robust training programme for school and college-based supervisors, in addition to improved incentives for school-based supervision. In conclusion, the current study re-affirms the importance of teaching practice in teacher education in Zimbabwe, as it is in other countries. Teaching practice provides opportunities for mathematics pre-service teachers to spend time in real classrooms and ‘learn to teach’ from experience. However, the study has also established that teaching practice is not just about the time spent in the field, but more about the development of skills and competences for effective teaching and application of principles studied to teach and to bring about change in practice.Item Open Access Middle management and instructional leadership: a case study of natural sciences’ heads of department in the Gauteng Province(University of the Free State, 2016-02) Malinga, Cynthia Baxolile Balamlile; Jita, L. C.𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 Natural Sciences (NS) Heads of Department (HODs) in schools often find themselves in the middle, shuttling between a role in the management of the school and another as ordinary classroom teachers. This is in addition to their role as subject leaders, a role which is made even more complex by the fact that NS is a conglomerate subject which brings together at least four science disciplines, each with its own disciplinary culture and expectations. Leading such a multidisciplinary subject department requires, among others, competence in each of the sub-disciplines and how to teach them effectively together with the ability to provide support and guidance to other members of the department by setting and monitoring standards of performance in the classrooms. This is a tall order for many HODs under the best of circumstances. The history of under-privilege in many South African schools and the relatively weak subject matter competence among many of the science teachers and HODs makes this even more complicated. How do NS HODs in South Africa negotiate their roles as middle managers to provide effective instructional leadership in their subject departments? Furthermore, what is their capacity to provide such subject leadership and how can it be enhanced? The study uses a mixed methods research approach with questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and observation of subject department meetings as data sources to understand the realities of providing subject leadership for NS in selected schools within the Gauteng province of South Africa. The findings are reported in five articles that address different research questions. The first article explores the ways in which HODs in South Africa provide instructional leadership for NS specifically. The second article examines the nature and quality of support and guidance that the HODs receive from their principals and the subject advisors in respect of the multidimensional roles as subject leaders and middle managers. The third article provides a comparative perspective of instructional leadership for NS among six formerly segregated schools in the Gauteng province. The fourth article examines the perceptions of the NS teachers on the quality of instructional leadership provided by the science HODs. The final article discusses the issue of “capacity to lead” and examines the possibilities and opportunities for enhancing the capacities of the NS HODs. The first set of findings suggests that most science HODs do not teach NS and/or do not have the instructional experience needed for all the sub-disciplines under their leadership. Some are not adequately qualified to teach NS at all and/or do not have the subject matter competency, the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), or the professional credibility to lead NS instruction. As a result, they often resort to monitoring instruction through desk-top reviews of teachers’ and students’ work rather than conduct any meaningful classroom observations or spend time discussing curriculum issues with the teachers. This limits their capacity to provide effective instructional leadership. The second set of findings have to do with the conglomerate arrangement of the science departments in the schools, which makes it difficult for science HODs to focus attention on NS relative to the other subjects in the mix. As a result, the NS teachers feel marginalised and are overshadowed by the senior secondary subject teachers, whose subjects receive more attention because of their prominence in the Grade 12 national examinations. The third set of findings uncovered the rather weak position of the science HODs as middle managers within the overall leadership hierarchy of the school. By virtue of their position within the school leadership hierarchy, the science HODs do not have much of a say on who gets allocated to teach NS, how the subjects are grouped within the science departments and how time is allocated and/or protected for subject meetings and professional development of teachers. The fourth set of findings unpack the observation that subject advisors and other district support officials often choose to work directly with the NS teachers in providing professional development and/or curriculum support on the new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) with no similar support for the HODs specifically. While the HODs benefit from such support by the district, the benefits relate more to their roles as teachers rather than as subject leaders. The final set of findings show that neither the school leadership teams nor the district offices engage in any periodic reviews of the school-based subject leadership structures and practices to determine their effectiveness, thereby limiting the possibilities and opportunities for enhancement of subject leadership at the school level. The study concludes with a discussion of the complexities of leading NS departments within the current school contexts and configurations. Firstly, the requirements for multi-disciplinary expertise and competency in all of them represent a tall order for many HODs. Secondly, the current allocation of NS teachers by school leaders does not carefully consider their specialisation and that of the HODs who are expected to provide support for improved instruction. Thirdly, the success of the science HODs in supporting instruction depends on how the school arranges its systems and infrastructure to support instruction and its improvement in each subject. Lastly, the capacity of science HODs to provide effective instruction leadership is compromised by their middle management position, which provides neither the time and resources nor the required authority for such subject leadership. The study recommends a review of the structures and practices for subject leadership in schools in order to provide the time, resources and authority for HODs to improve their capacity to lead. School leaders and district officers need to re-examine their criteria and processes for allocation of both the NS teachers and the HODs in order to foster subject competence and better leadership. Furthermore, subject specific training and support in the NS sub-disciplines, especially the physical sciences strands, is required for science teachers and their HODs. Finally, the relationship between HODs and subject advisors needs to be strengthened by forming a professional learning community (PLC) for these subject leaders in order to enhance the capacity to lead NS in schools. ___________________________________________________________________Item Open Access Student's experiences with distance and online learning of university-level undergraduate mathematics in Nigeria(University of the Free State, 2016-06) Reju, Comfort Okwuegbune; Jita, Loyiso C.; Moloi, Tshele J.English: Enrolment and success rates in undergraduate mathematics are relatively low, even for the face-to-face mode of study. The situation is worse for distance and online modes. At the same time, distance and online learning is becoming progressively more popular with higher learning institutions across the globe. In order to increase enrolment in undergraduate mathematics and to boost success rates at open and distance learning (ODL) institutions, a clear understanding of the needs of distance and online mathematics students is required. In particular, it is important to understand their current experiences with four elements of provision: instructional delivery (ID), assessment procedures (AP), learning facilitation (LF) and support services (SS). The key question being answered by this study is: What are the students’ experiences with distance and online learning of university-level mathematics at two major distance-learning universities in Nigeria? The research uses a mixed-methods approach involving questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and document analysis to understand the way distance and online students perceive their mathematics experiences, with regard to these four elements, in two major ODL institutions in Nigeria. The analysis of data included descriptive methods, inferential statistics and specifically Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression to test for relationships between variables and students’ narratives. Experiential learning theory (ELT), transactional distance theory (TDT) and cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML), which are found to be influential in distance and online education, were used as lenses to explain student perceptions of ID, AP, LF and SS. The findings reveal that teacher/tutor availability to facilitate and regulate learning and to mitigate the many challenges of learning mathematics in this mode is possibly the most critical success factor. Significant challenges also emerged in the Nigerian context, especially with internet availability and in obtaining adequate and self-explanatory course materials. Students frequently have to reach beyond the basic resources provided in their institutions by seeking textbooks and course materials from other ODL institutions. Consequently, the students called for better inclusion of more up-to-date technologies (with special emphasis on accessible hardware, user-friendly software and stable internet access) in the ID, AP and LF of distance and online mathematics learning. The institutional failure to satisfy this demand is another major finding of this study. The ELT, TDT and CTML models of learning, which call for distance and online students’ maximum commitment to the learning experience, are relevant in terms of their emphasis on enabling understanding, content sharing and online interaction using technologies. It is evident from the findings that, despite the rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) in our present time, there needs to be far more effective incorporation of modern technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics at ODL institutions, including training teachers/tutors to use it optimally. The study also recommends that distance and online mathematics learners need to be supported in the construction of their own knowledge, by restructuring the learning processes to be more learner-centred. Moreover, regulatory agencies such as the National Universities Commission (NUC) in Nigeria, set up for quality assurance purposes, need to actively oversee the support of mathematics learning at university-level in order to strengthen the experiences of students and learning in online and distance modes. Finally, the pedagogical issues of ensuring that mathematics students at ODL institutions are not disadvantaged require that priority and resourcing be given to mathematics and perhaps other similar scarce-skills subjects.Item Open Access The level of metacognitive awareness of pre-service mathematics teachers at a higher education institutions(University of the Free State, 2017) Du Toit, Henriette; Junqueira, K. E.; Du Toit, D. S.; Mahlomaholo, S.𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 There are ongoing concerns about educational institutions not empowering learners with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for school achievement, lifelong learning, and the workplace of the new millennium. In particular, South African learners have performed poorly in recent national and international assessments of mathematical proficiency. As a result, the Department of Basic Education has asserted the importance of enhancing the quality of Mathematics teaching and learning. Enhancing the ability to teach Mathematics has the potential to improve educational outcomes, as well as increase future employment and higher education opportunities for young South Africans. The poor Mathematics results point to the need to enhance, among other things, learners’ metacognitive awareness. Metacognitive awareness entails the knowledge and regulation of one’s cognitive processes. Enhancing metacognition could not only support learners in solving mathematical problems, and so improve mathematical achievement, but could also enhance productive and lifelong learning in learners. Fostering metacognitive awareness within Mathematics learners involves first fostering metacognitive awareness in Mathematics teachers, who are responsible for facilitating quality Mathematics teaching and learning. However, research suggests that teachers generally do not teach or model metacognitive awareness to their learners, or display metacognitive adaptive competence in their own teaching practice. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of metacognitive awareness of Mathematics pre-service teachers at a Higher Education Institution. Framed within a post-positivist/interpretivist paradigm, a mainly quantitative research approach with a minor qualitative enquiry informed the study. The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) was distributed to fourth-year Mathematics pre-service teachers at a South African Higher Education Institution in order to determine their metacognitive awareness regarding Knowledge of cognition (comprising of Declarative knowledge, Procedural knowledge, and Conditional knowledge) and Regulation of cognition (comprising of Planning, Information management, Monitoring, Debugging, and Evaluation). To enrich the findings of the quantitative analysis, the qualitative data generated from a think-aloud problem-solving session—where the pre-service teachers recorded their thought processes whilst solving a problem—was analysed to determine the extent to which their reported metacognitive awareness translated into successfully solving a Mathematics problem. In the quantitative findings on the MAI, the pre-service teachers reported a moderately high level of metacognitive awareness; in addition, they reported a higher level of metacognitive knowledge (Knowledge of cognition) than of metacognitive skills (Regulation of cognition). Findings from the think-aloud problem-solving session, meanwhile, point to an inadequate level of metacognitive awareness, indicating a gap between what the pre-service teachers report to do in the learning and problem solving of Mathematics and what they can actually do in a problem-solving context. There is historical precedent for this gap, as noted in the scholarship. The close of the study highlights the need to enhance the metacognitive awareness and reflective practice of these Mathematics pre-service teachers by enhancing their metacognitive skills—Monitoring, Debugging, and Evaluation—and enhancing their problem-solving skills. It is further recommended that reflective problem-solving opportunities built around complex, novel problems be incorporated into Mathematics modules in teacher training, to facilitate prolonged and deliberate reflection. More broadly, it recommends that metacognitive reflective and problem-solving opportunities are provided for novice and underqualified teachers. Such opportunities will aid prospective and current Mathematics teachers to become mathematically proficient and metacognitively aware themselves, to deal with novel scenarios in Mathematics and their teaching practice and to translate this metacognitive adaptive competence for their learners.Item Open Access The integration of information and communication technologies into teaching of physical science in Lesotho(University of the Free State, 2017-01) Lisene, Lucia Nthooa; Jita, L. C.; Jita, T.Change is anon-goingprocess that is affected by the person’s capabilities and emotions associatedwith the innovation. The knowledge of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for teaching has recently become increasingly important because of the impact of ICTs on our daily lives. However, many teachers worldwide do not take full advantage of the potential brought by the availability of modern technologies in their daily professional activities.The proposed change to the high school physical science curriculum – the integration of (ICTs) into the subject – is thus likely to depend on teachers’ feelings and abilities. As a result, the researcher examined the practices of the teachers in terms of the ICT resources they may be using and the manner in which they may be using them. The researcher also aimed to answer the question of the type of knowledge the teachers apply in their use and/or integration of ICTs as well as the types of concerns they may be experiencing during the implementation of the ICT-based physical science curriculum. Therefore, the aim of the present studywas to explore the practices, knowledge and concerns of physical science teachers regarding the integration of ICTs into the curriculum in selected Lesotho high schools. As the study is organised into two articles,one of the theoretical frameworks underpinning thefirst article is constructivismbecause this theory emphasises the involvement of the learners in their own learning and so does teaching with ICTs. The other framework that guided the researcher in article 1 is the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) lens, which is widely employed by researchers to assessteachers’ preparedness to teach efficiently with ICTs. The concerns-based adoption model (CBAM) was utilised for the second article to examine the teachers’ beliefs and aptitudes that manifest as concerns because they are capable of influencing the implementation of the integration of ICTs into teaching. Data were collected from a random cluster sample of 23 schools using a questionnaire based on theCBAM stages of concern questionnaire (SoCQ) and the TPACK survey instrument. The statistical analysis software (SAS) was employed to analyse the quantitative data obtained to get the descriptive results and the ANOVA on the two null hypotheses. The first article addresses the teachers’ practices and knowledge. The first set of results discussed in article 1 reveals that 77% of the teachers used ICT resources such as mobile phones, computers and the Internet for teaching while 80% used them outside the classroom. This demonstrates that many teachers used ICTs even though they used them more for other professional activities than for teaching. The study therefore, concludes that Lesotho teachers integrate ICTs into their teaching of physical science. Nonetheless, the physical science teachers need to be supported in a variety of ways in order to increase the percentages of teachers who use and integrate ICTs from 70 and 80 as well as widen their knowledge to the entire array of ICTs to which they have access. The second set of results from article 2 reveal that the teachers’ TPACK mean score was 2.88 and this score was below the average of 3.0 for the Likert points of the items on teachers’ TPACK, which falls on moderate knowledge. This score demonstrates a lower perception of TPACK, which means a lack of understanding of the integration of technology into pedagogy and content.This implies that the teachers may not have the necessary skills for effective integration of ICTs into teaching even though they attempt to integrate them. The mean for PCK was the highest at 3.89.This is indicative of the teachers’ ability to integrate pedagogy into content successfully. Consequently, there is a need to increase the in-service support to teachers for successful integration of technological knowledge into the curriculum in high schools in the kingdom of Lesotho in terms of maximising the use and integration of a variety of technologies. Article 2 considered the teachers’ concerns regarding the integration of ICTs into their teaching. The results examined in article 2 indicate that the most intense concerns are the informational self-concerns with the highest percentile score at 87.5. This implies that most of the teachers had strong stage 1 concerns hence they wanted to find out more information about ICT integration. However, most of the probability values were above the maximum level risk value,α = 0.05, which indicates that there were no significant differences in knowledge and concerns between the various groups of teachers. The researcher thus concluded that the physical science teachers in Lesotho mostly have informational concerns, regardless of their age, gender, type or location of school and years of teaching experience. Most teachers also have enough pedagogical content knowledge even though they lack technological pedagogical content knowledge. Consequently, the main recommendation of this study is for the in-service and pre-service teacher educators to focus more on the integration of technology into pedagogy and content and for the teachers to engage in programmes that can assist them with the integration of emerging technologies. The teachers’ abilities and concerns require intensive investigation in order to provide customised assistance to the teachers.Item Open Access Case studies of inquiry-based instruction in life sciences classrooms of selected high schools in Standerton(University of the Free State, 2020) Ncala, Lucky Ernest; Tsakeni, M.; Jita, T.Amidst calls for teachers to incorporate inquiry-based instruction in the teaching of science subjects, this study sought to explore how inquiry-based science education is practiced in life sciences classrooms, since there is uncertainty about the efficacy of the professional development of life sciences teachers to practice inquiry-based instruction. Utilising a social constructivist lens, a case study research design and a qualitative research approach, the study explored inquiry-based learning (IBL) practices in life sciences classes. Purposive sampling was utilised to select participants, to ensure that only life sciences teachers who practice inquiry-based instruction participated. Data collection was done with semi-structured interviews that were audio-recorded, and non-participant lesson observations. Data that were generated were analysed with thematic data analysis. Findings were categorised into three themes that had been predetermined according to the three secondary research questions of the study. The themes are teacher perceptions of IBL, strands of IBL used by teachers, and contextual factors that influence the implementation of IBL in life sciences classrooms. Though life sciences teachers have different perceptions of IBL, four overarching perceptions were identified: IBL allows for creative thinking; generates interest in life sciences; ensures active involvement by learners in lessons and promotes interactive learning. Furthermore, findings reveal that the participant teachers practised IBL according to the principles of structured inquiry. Lastly, various contextual factors were identified as having an impact on the participant teachers‟ practices of IBL in their life sciences lessons. During data generation, the factors were classified as school settings, policies and professional development.Item Open Access Enhancing the teaching and learning of algebraic expressions and equations through reasoning in Grade 9(University of the Free State, 2021) Lika, Mohau Armstrong; Tlali, Moeketsi F.𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 This study sought to enhance the teaching and learning of algebraic expressions and equations using reasoning in grade 9. It is a participatory action research study underpinned by bricolage paradigm and construction theory. The underpinnings guide and enable learners to use what is at their disposal to construct reasoning constructs. The constructs help learners to forge rich algebraic and mathematical conceptual connections and interrelations. In this manner, the constructs help the instruction (teaching and learning) to achieve deep conceptual understanding (DBE 2011:8) rather than limiting it to procedural orientation. The evidence presented in literature about international best practices shows that procedure-oriented instruction and procedure fluency are, and should be, nested in conceptual knowledge. This study initiated the instruction that ensures that the nesting does not manifest in nature only, but throughout the teaching and learning processes as well. The initiative draws from the South African curriculum policy, CAPS, which requires that learners should achieve a deep conceptual understanding of the subject matter (DBE 2011:8). The operationalisation of reasoning to conceptualise procedural instruction draws from the underutilisation of the reasoning skill, despite it being the curriculum policy imperative. Reasoning attaches sensible meaning (Yackel 2001:1) to algebraic content matter and provides direction and cushion for logical arguments aimed at attaining high order cognition. Pursuant to the study underpinnings, the reasoning-based instruction deploys learners’ own reasoning constructs to ensure participatory and contextual conceptualisation. In the process, learners develop critical thinking and high order cognitive skills. These are the skills that the learners are expected to attain from the meaningful learning (Pramesti & Retnawati 2019:3) of algebra and mathematics inspired in the reasoning-based instruction. The study has come up with the components of solution and strategies to address the research question and challenges underlying the research. The primary challenge that guides the study, namely the non-alignment between the instruction and requirements of the curriculum policy, manifests under procedure-oriented instruction; assessment; teachers’ competences and curriculum-time contestation. In addition, the abstraction and complexity of algebra amidst insufficient basic mathematics competency, escalate the supremacy of algebra in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The net resultant thereto is an inherent sifting nature of algebra. The data analysis and interpretation presented enough evidence that the reasoning-based instruction is couched in multi-layered components of solution and strategies that respond adequately to the research question. The instruction proved the potential to break through the integrated challenges underlying algebraic instruction. The process of conceptualisation is an encompassing component of the solution. It entails contextualising and concretising textual representations of algebra in a manner that the representations make meaningful sense to learners; so much that the learners can apply algebra purposefully in advanced mathematics and related learning. Contextualisation often involves refocusing, integration and re-organisation of content matter in a manner that meets the subject and learners’ needs. Concretisation includes the use of materials and examples within learners’ reach to explain algebraic concepts. The analysis of the conditions necessary for successful implementation and that of the risks and threats likely to impede the implementation reaffirmed the sustainability of the reasoning-based instruction. The indicators of success confirmed that the study has succeeded in the reform, transformation and enhancement of the teaching and learning of algebra as sought and anticipated. The study has further empowered co-researchers to use what is at their disposal to develop sustainable solutions. It can then be concluded that the research empowered the initiatives to overcome the ‘lock-ins’ to existing protocols and approaches, which have not been effective for the majority of teachers’ and learners’ populations in South Africa and the world. ___________________________________________________________________Item Open Access A review of financial management practices in selected secondary schools in the Kwekwe District of Zimbabwe(PONTE, 2022) Mafugu, Tafirenyika; Njini, Stephen; Sithole, Burman Musa; Abel, SandersonMany countries around the world have decentralized financial management decision-making to school leaders and their communities. Decentralization is believed to equip communities with better education compared to central authorities, since decentralization aligns schools with their local educational needs and preferences. The current study sought to evaluate the availability and efficacy of documents that guide school financial management in the Kwekwe district. The study used a mixed-method research design in which qualitative and quantitative data were collected concurrently. Qualitative data were examined thematically, while quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS to find frequencies. The study revealed that several documents guide financial management in schools. There are generally different levels of appreciation among the stakeholders on the efficacy of the documents in ensuring finances are properly managed. Most of the respondents believe that the documents available for financial management are very useful in financial management in schools. Although most of the respondents agreed that training sessions should be held for the official in school financial management, a significant proportion indicated that training sessions were rarely held. The benefits of a decentralized financial management system can only be realizeized if policies are well adhered to. The study recommends continuously ensuring the availability of relevant guiding policy documents and financial management training sessions. The study also recommends adopting ICT-based financial management in schools to circumvent the problem of principals moving away with the documents when there are transferred.Item Open Access Issues surrounding teachers' readiness in implementing the competency-based 'O' Level Geography Syllabus 4022 in Zimbabwe(Society for Research and Knowledge Management Ltd, 2022) Chanda, Paul; Mafugu, TafirenyikaThe qualitative study, which involved a multiple case study design, focused on the issues surrounding the readiness of teachers to implement the competency-based O-Level Geography Syllabus 4022 in the Zimbabwe secondary school system. In adopting a multiple case study design, the research sought to solicit the opinions of all Geography teachers in the Kwekwe district of Zimbabwe on their readiness to implement the competency-based O-Level Geography Syllabus 4022. A technique involving an analysis of primary documents published by MoPSE was done, and ten in-depth interviews with Geography teachers drawn from two secondary schools and two Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) from the same schools were adopted to generate data. The study established that the updated O-Level Geography Syllabus 4022 was introduced without enough consideration of the readiness of teachers for its implementation. It also emerged from the study that the breadth and depth of the issues surrounding teacher readiness to implement an updated syllabus require action to be taken from several fronts to ensure that the subject community is ready for its rapid delivery. Finally, the research paper recommends massive advocacy and sensitisation of O-Level Geography teachers who are at the helm of the user system to allow for effective delivery of the O-Level Geography Syllabus 4022 in the secondary school sector in Zimbabwe.Item Open Access Controversial topics in the school curriculum: a case study on the teaching of evolution in South Africa(University of the Free State, 2022) Mukatuni, Gumani Enos; Jita, Loyiso; Tsakeni, MariaThis study sought to explore how Life Science teachers in South Africa deal with challenges of teaching evolution in a country where Christianity remains dominant and is celebrated through public and/or national holidays. The theoretical framework underpinning this study is a cognitive framework of implementation, enabling the exploration of how teachers can construct understandings of the policy message; construct an interpretation of their own practice and how they integrated the policy signals in their practice. A qualitative approach was employed using an in-depth case study design in order to explore how three Life Sciences teachers in South Africa negotiate controversial topics like evolution within the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement, and what the challenges and opportunities are for teaching about evolution. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and classroom observations. Five major findings emerged from this cross-case analysis. First, it could be observed that two of the teachers did not study evolution when they trained to become teachers, whilst the topic of evolution was part of the third teacher’s training programme. The second finding speaks to the influence of teachers’ beliefs and perspectives on evolution during the lesson. The third finding shows that teachers demonstrated that they could use both teacher-centred and learner-centred approaches when teaching evolution. However, teacher-centred instructional strategies were dominant. The fourth major finding indicates that the teachers experienced challenges that stood in the way of teaching the topic of evolution effectively, which includes the notion that evolution stands as a competing worldview to the learners’ and teachers’ beliefs on the origins of the earth and its people. The fifth major finding shows that the teaching and learning of evolution exposed learners to critical thinking. The study recommends that decision makers, policy makers and educational authorities responsible for the education system in Gauteng and similar school contexts provide clear policy guidelines on the teaching and learning of evolution as a controversial topic and, where possible, provide continuous professional development programmes at various educational levels to equip teachers’ pedagogical practices.Item Open Access Exploring common Algebraic expression challenges in a Grade 10 mathematics classroom(University of the Free State, 2022) Musi, Sophie; Moleko, Mirriam MatshidisoThe purpose of the study was to explore the common algebraic expression challenges in a mathematics classroom and to suggest the best practices or solutions to address these challenges. The study was qualitative in nature, underpinned by a Critical Emancipatory Research (CER) research paradigm. An Action Research (AR) design was adopted as a research design. Data were collected from a team of two mathematics teachers with experience of more than ten years of teaching mathematics in the FET-phase, and 43 Grade 10 learners in one of the high schools in Motheo District. The lesson observations and focus group discussions were used as the primary data collection instruments. Data were generated through active engagement and discussion among the participants using the Free Attitude Interview technique (FAI). Data were analysed by using Braun and Clarke’s (2006) six stages of thematic analysis technique. The findings revealed the following common algebraic expressions challenges and teaching issues pertaining to Grade 10 mathematics; Gap between algebra and arithmetic, Inability to represent word expression in algebraic format, Teachers’ lack of pedagogical knowledge, Teachers’ inability to explain algebraic concepts in-depth, Learners’ inability to manipulate algebraic expressions and Improper use of mathematical vocabulary/expression to mention a few. The study revealed these challenges as sources of difficulty for learning and teaching algebraic expressions in Grade 10. The study thus advocates for the need for knowledge acquisition of these common challenges and awareness thereof, in order for teachers to successfully teach the algebraic expressions.Item Open Access The influence of scientific investigation workshops on life science teachers’ attitudes towards scientific investigations(University of the Free State, 2022) Smit, Shani; Pretorius, J. P. H.Life Science teachers’ attitudes play a vital role in successful scientific investigations. Some Life Science teachers situated in the central part of South Africa might experience challenges that include a lack of the necessary scientific knowledge and skills that hinder scientific investigations. These challenges might adversely influence Life Science teachers’ attitudes towards conducting scientific investigations, which might result in them conducting the minimum number of investigations with their learners. Professional, in-service training workshops allow teachers to develop the necessary scientific knowledge and skills to successfully conduct scientific investigations. This study aimed to understand how a scientific investigation workshop might affect Life Science teachers’ attitudes by measuring the ABC attitude model’s affective, cognitive and behavioural components. This research provided information on how vital in-service training programmes such as this scientific investigation workshop are in fostering positive attitudes toward scientific investigations. The findings that emerged from this study imply that implementing this scientific investigation workshop has developed Life Science teachers’ confidence in their science skills and knowledge to facilitate scientific investigations. The findings also indicate that this scientific investigation workshop caused a significant improvement in teachers’ intended behaviours in implementing scientific apparatus in the science classroom, as they gained valuable knowledge and skills regarding the science apparatus.Item Open Access The teaching of Euclidean geometry: a universal design for learning approach(University of the Free State, 2022) Thamae, Matheko Thabo; Moleko, M. M.Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in supporting learners with extensive needs, disabilities and planning inclusive mathematics curricula. However, little has been documented about the effects of implementing UDL in the teaching Euclidean geometry. Hence the focus of this study was to explore the implementation of UDL to enhance the teaching of Euclidean geometry. Learners’ performance in Euclidean geometry had been a concern to all stakeholders in the education system locally and internationally. Several studies affirmed that the root cause of the poor performance in Euclidean geometry were the ineffective teaching strategies which resulted in teachers not meeting the needs of the learners in their classrooms. UDL is a curriculum framework designed to address diverse learners’ needs and create a conducive and enabling learning environment for all learners. The study was qualitative in nature, underpinned by social constructivism and adopted a participatory action research (PAR) as a research design. Data were collected from a team of five mathematics teachers with experience of more than ten years of teaching from Grades 8-10, the Mathematics HOD, the subject advisor, Mathematics coordinator for the senior phase, the Curriculum Education Specialist, and the UDL coach. The coach raised awareness about the diversity in classrooms and how the principles of UDL could be implemented to teach Euclidean geometry effectively. The lesson observations and focus group discussions were used as the primary data collection instruments. Data were generated through active engagement and discussion among the co-researchers using free attitude interview technique (FAI). The findings revealed that implementing UDL principles in teaching Euclidean geometry could make geometry content accessible and perceptible to all learners. This study could add to the body of knowledge as there was little documented about how UDL could be implemented to create inclusive and flexible teaching strategies for teaching Euclidean geometry and making the content accessible to the society of diverse learners.Item Open Access Exploring the use of mobile learning applications in the Physical Sciences classroom(University of the Free State, 2022) Tsie, Motlatsi Jacob; van Breda, C.; Combrinck, G. P.Over the years, there has been a rapid increase in the development of technology. Most researchers have realised the importance of integrating technology in teaching and learning activities. This should also be included into curriculum planning as teaching with technology will assist in better lesson delivery. Since ICT tools are expensive to buy and maintain, smart phones through mobile apps provide alternatives that are readily available with most of them not requiring a subscription fee. Although e-Education policies that support the use of technology in the classroom are being implemented, schools in the Free State are still not exploiting this advantage. However, guidelines on how to use a smart phone in the classroom, is lacking. Additionally, because of the numerous apps advertised in stores, it is difficult to find a relevant app for use in the classroom. This study emanated out of concern that South African schools lack ICT and Physical Sciences resources and therefore learners will not grasp the importance of using smart phone technologies to enhance learning activities thus creating a digital gap in their knowledge and skills. In attempting to understand the role free mobile applications could play in a Physical sciences classroom, this study investigated if learners know how to install and use apps appropriately, and then assess them for suitability and applicability in the teaching-learning processes. The teaching and learning policies and the CAPS document were used to inform the study on what type of skills learners should acquire in Physical Sciences, especially by using smart phone apps. Additionally, TPACK informed on the different types of knowledge that an educator must possess in order to integrate technology in teaching and learning activities. This concurrent mixed method study selected 72 Grade 10 and 11 Physical Sciences learners from 2 schools in the Southern Free State by utilising observation sheets and questionnaires to elicit the impact of adopting mobile apps in teaching and learning activities. This was done through the testing of 4 applications; namely, the Physical Science mobile app, WhatsApp, the school planner app, and the Google classroom app. Key findings revealed that learners knew how to acquire mobile applications on their own. This can be acquired from an app store, or the internet through a browser and through sharing software which allows apps to be shared as an APK file. Additionally, learners knew how to evaluate content through the apps concerning its relevancy to the Physical Sciences. Learners experiences indicated that apps can be used to impact planning, provide sufficient practice, and improve communication between teachers and learners. Moreover, these apps prioritised learners to be in charge of their learning by allowing them to schedule events for later dates and to practise at any point without the supervision of an educator. However, app usage in the classroom provided loopholes that made it easier for learners to collude, proving that the usage of apps in the class must be supervised. These findings, therefore, call for a revision of policies that can guide smart phone usage in the classroom to avoid collusion. Additionally, app usage must be promoted in schools to provide learners with sufficient resources to access learning content with ease which will somewhat address the lack of resources in schools. Teacher- training must also include the use of ICT programmes to facilitate learning in schools. Teacher-trainees when on practice sessions at schools could monitor the progress of teaching-learning situations when using smart phones in classroom. Future studies must utilise eye-tracking software to determine the areas that learners generally hone into when using an app which can lead to better suitable apps being created for teaching and learning purposes.Item Open Access Perspectives of novice teachers about the impact of blended teaching on learning of mathematics(University of the Free State, 2022) Raxangana, Lukholo; Pule, K. G.Teaching mathematics in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) era offers novice mathematics teachers daunting challenges. Despite using various aids in teaching the learning area, novice mathematic teachers still experience challenges during crises such as during the COVID-19 pandemic era. Such challenges could escalate and confirm the preconceived notion perceived by others that mathematics is a challenging learning area. This study sought to investigate the perspectives of novice teachers on the impact of blended teaching and learning mathematics in Sedibeng West District. The study involved eight novice teachers from four selected schools. Blended Teaching (BT) approaches for novice teachers are intended to ensure that they are effective in their teaching so that learners can gain a deeper insight into mathematics. The researcher adopted a case study design involving thematic analysis of responses from novice mathematics teachers. The researcher conducted semi-structured and focus group interviews due to the origination of discrete ethical defies that do not fully match those fostered by one-on-one discussions on collecting the data. This study was framed mainly within a Social Constructivist theory by Vygotsky (1978). The study used the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model as its analytical framework to analyse the data. It emerged from the study that there were various perspectives of novice teachers about the impact of blended teaching on learning mathematics. These included the impact of load-shedding, benefits of blended teaching, perceptions of novice teachers, and hindrances of BT. Novice teachers from the selected schools ascribed their perceptions of the challenges associated with blended teaching tools. The anticipated findings of this study will give curriculum designers, district directors, school management teams, and mathematics teachers a clear overview of how these perceptions could be addressed across the board. Thus, the recommendation was that the teacher development division could train novice teachers in the Department of Basic Education to bridge the gap between teacher training institutions of higher learning. Novice teachers should attend classes on time to avoid the misuse of internet connection so that they (novice teachers) can supervise the learning process when using the devices. The development of Data-free blended teaching tools should assist all learners regardless of their location during load shedding.