Statistics for "University of the Free State - OpenAccess"

Total visits

A critical analysis of the right to fair labour practices 4346
Die rol van sosiale ondersteuning in die lewenstevredenheid van MIV-geaffekteerde adolessente 3722
Die invloed van klimaatverandering op die Suid-Afrikaanse stad en voorgestelde aanpassings 3460
Qualitative news frame analysis: a methodology 2390
Challenges faced by urban Zimbabwean women entrepreneurs 1758
Sterility as a ground for nullifying the marriage: can Venter and Van Niekerk be reconciled? 1750
The Lesotho National Manpower Development Secretariat in the stakeholder century: an integrated marketing communication approach 1688
Transformation and democratization of South African sport in the new constitutional dispensation, with special reference to rugby as a sport code 1642
Experiences of disabled students at two South African universities: a capabilities approach 1586
The social impacts of a large development project: the Lesotho Highlands Water Project 1366