The lure of political friendship: aspects of Aristotle’s "philia politike" in the search for a civic "vinculum"

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Faure, Murray
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University of the Free State
English: This article explores the idea of political friendship and, in particular, Aristotle’s notion of philia politike. The former is usually frowned upon in the public domain and the latter is often misunderstood in scholarly circles. The article is confined to an explication of philia politike and its viability for the liberal state, given the paradox that such a state cannot retain its liberal character neither with nor without an account of the good life and moral virtue. The article attempts to ascertain whether political philosophy can conceive of a civic vinculum or citizen bond without recourse to bonds such as family, ethnicity, race, nation, the Volk, religion, or a shared origin of humanity.
Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel verken die idee van politieke vriendskap, en in die besonder Aristoteles se opvattings oor philia politike. In die openbare domein word eersgenoemde meestal bevraagteken terwyl laasgenoemde dikwels in akademiese groepe misverstaan word. Die artikel is beperk tot die lewensvatbaarheid van philia politke vir die liberale staat, gegewe die paradoks dat so ’n staat nie met of sonder opvattings oor die goeie lewe en morele deug sy tipiese liberale karakter kan behou nie. Die artikel poog om vas te stel of politieke filosofie ’n antwoord kan verskaf op die soeke na ’n band wat staatsburgers kan bind sonder dat sodanige verhoudings op familie, etnisiteit, ras, die nasie, die volk, godsdiens of die gedeelde herkoms van mense geskoei is.
Philia politike, Aristotle, Political philosophy, Citizen bond
Faure, M. (2010). The lure of political friendship: aspects of Aristotle's philia politike in the search for a civic vinculum. Acta Academica, 42(4), 1-41.