On democracy and communication: the dilemma of freedom and the challenge of equality
De Wet, Johann C.
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Department of Communication Science, University of the Free State
This article aims to explore, through a conceptual analysis and rational argumentation,
some theoretical implications of the principles of freedom and equality for a democratic
state. With conceptual analysis an investigation is conducted into the use of certain
concepts in a given, or in all kinds of, contexts. It is an operation on concepts, contrary
to operation with concepts which occurs with the spontaneous application of concepts.
Conceptual analysis comes into play particularly when confusion exists or can arise
about concepts. The concept of democracy is discussed followed by its relation to the
principles of freedom and equality respectively. The basic communicological ideas
governing the principles of freedom and equality are offered. It is also briefly argued in
conclusion that vexing questions that relate to freedom and equality tend to be
overlooked in public debates in South African communities about issues that range
from press or media freedom to the plight or silence of the have-nots, or to the
pervasiveness of violent crime in the land.
Role of comunication in democracies, Principles of freedom, Equality
De Wet, J. C. (2007). On democracy and communication: the dilemma of freedom and the challenge of equality. Communitas, 12, 33-49.