Multiple cultures in the workplace

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Ghyoot, V. G.
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University of the Free State
English: South Africa and the African continent at large host a diversity of cultures that must be accommodated by business as customers, workers or associates. South Africa's recent re-acceptance into the international community has increased the potential number of cultures with which organisations have to cope. Culture affects such diverse matters as motivation, negotiation strategy, training needs and marketing approaches. It is affected mainly by religion, language, region or group, and values. These influences on culture manifest themselves in aspects such as collectivism or individualism, communication context, consciousness of time, interpersonal roles and workplace needs. In order for management and labour to accommodate various cultures in the working environment, information on the many implications of culture is essential.
Afrikaans: Suid-Afrika en die res van die Afrika-kontinent spog met 'n groot verskeidenheid kulture wat deur die sakewêreld geakkommodeer moet word - of die nou as klante, werkers of medewerkers is. Die onlangse hertoelating van Suid-Afrika tot die internasionale gemeenskap het die potensiële aantal kulture waarmee organisasies moet kan saamwerk, vermeerder. Kultuur beïnvloed uiteenlopende sake soos motivering, onderhandelingstrategie, opleidingsbehoeftes en bemarkingsbenaderings. Dit word hoofsaaklik beïnvloed deur godsdiens, taal, streek of groep, en waardes. Hierdie invloede kom na vore in aspekte soos kollektiwisme of indiwidualisme, kommunikasiekonceks, tydbewustheid, interpersoonlike rolverdeling en behoeftes in die werkplek. As bestuur en arbeid verskillende kulture in die werksomgewing moet akkommodeer, is inligting oor die vele implikasies van kultuur nodig.
Ghyoot, V. G. (2000). Multiple cultures in the workplace. Acta Academica, 32(1), 125-143.