The death of Alexander the Great

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Cilliers, Louise
Retief, Francois
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University of the Free State
English: The circumstances of Alexander's death are reviewed. Since contemporary sources vary in their accounts of the reason for his death, they are briefly reviewed and assessed. The account of Alexander's final illness is then as recorded by the two major sources, namely the King's Journal and the Liber de Morte Testamentumque Alexandri Magni. The theory that he was poisoned is rejected, as is the hypothesis chat he drank himself co death. His final illness shows symptoms characteristic of malignant tertian mala[ia (Plasmodium falciparum), possibly precipitated by recent wounds, exhaustion and heavy drinking.
Afrikaans: Die omstandighede rakende Alexander se dood word in oënskou geneem. Aangesien tydgenoodike bronne verskillende redes vir die oorsaak van sy dood aangee, word hulle kortliks bespreek en geëvalueer. Die beskrywing van Alexander se laaste siekte soos dit voorkom in die twee belangrikste bronne, die Koning se Joernaal en die Liber de Morte Tertamentumque Alexandri Magni, word dan bespreek. Die teorie dat hy vergiftig is, word verwerp, asook die hipotese dat hy homself doodgedrink het. Sy laaste siekte toon simptome kenmerkend van maligne tersiêre malaria (Plasmodium falciparum), moontlik vererger deur onlangse wonde, uitputting en drank.
Alexander the Great, Tertian malaria, Death
Cilliers, L., & Retief, F. (1999). The death of Alexander the Great. Acta Academica, 31(1), 63-76.