Ethnic humour, identity, and the loss of Afrikaner hegemony

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Erasmus, Piet
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University of the Free State
English: Humour is multi-faceted, and this article demonstrates that one of these facets relates to the notion of ethnic identity. The ethnic humour of the Afrikaner is analysed and the conclusion is drawn that the Afrikaner has used ethnic humour as a hegemonic instrument for categorising “others” in predominantly negative ways. At present Afrikaners constitute a minority group in the country, no longer possessing constitutional power, and their cultural values and opinions are no longer dominant. The article maintains that, if Afrikaners find it possible to discard the idea of “identity-as-negative-otherness”, they should be able to carve out a positive and empowering identity within the South African discourse by using humour. Furthermore, this same sense of humour may be employed as a literature of protest or as a “minority literature” to oppose the “new” hegemonic order in the country.
Afrikaansa: Humor is veelfasettig en in hierdie artikel word ’n verband met identiteit uitgelig. Die Afrikaner se etniese humor word ontleed en daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die Afrikaner etniese humor as ’n hegemoniese instrument aangewend het om “andere” oorwegend negatief te kategoriseer. Afrikaners is tans ’n minderheidsgroep in die land; hul beskik nie meer alleen oor die konstitusionele mag nie en hul kulturele waardes en beskouings is nie meer dominant nie. Aansluitend hierby, word betoog dat indien Afrikaners kan wegdoen met die idee van “identiteit-asnegatiewe-andersheid” hul humor, enersyds, aangewend kan word om ’n positiewe en bemagtigende identiteit in die Suid-Afrikaanse diskoers te onderhandel. Andersyds, kan dit as verset- of minderheidsliteratuur aangewend word om simbolies protes aan te teken en weerstand uit te druk teen ’n “nuwe” hegemoniese orde in die land.
Afrikaner, Ethnic humour, Afrikaner hegemony, Humour, Afrikaner ethnic humour
Erasmus, P. (2004). Ethnic humour, identity, and the loss of Afrikaner hegemony. Acta Academica, 36(3), 47-72.