Gedagtes oor begeerte en mites in reklamekommunikasie
Moller, Jere
Van Niekerk, Angelique
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Department of Communication Science, University of the Free State
Change in the world is reflected in almost every aspect of our lives - how we live, eat,
communicate. For reasons of authentication the mass media use real people in real life
settings to convince real people to buy or use a product or service. For this reason it
can be argued that the mass media (especially advertisements) offer a particular view
of society. It is within such a specific system of belief that the mass media sells certain
desires. Without a specific system of belief it is not possible to sell certain desires, for
example: fitness (not sport shoes), or beauty (not lipstick). This view of the world
offered by advertisements is unique and therefore advertising can be identified with its
unique characteristics and conventions within the bigger media world. The research
focus is on the relevance of disciplines such as semantics and pragmatics, and
constructs such as denotation, connotation, desire and myth in analysing printed
advertising communication and to identify marketing communication as genre type
with unique conventions and shared knowledge.
Mass media, Advertisements, Advertising communication, Marketing communication
Möller, J., & Van Niekerk, A. (2006). Gedagtes oor begeerte en mites in reklamekommunikasie. Communitas, 11, 153-168.