Opening the trinity: developing the "open theism" debate

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Williams, D. T
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Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State
English: The reconciliation of the omniscience of God with the free choices of humanity is a problem whic has taced christian thinkers for centuries. Reently the issue has become prominent with the emergence of support for " open theism:, the belief that free will is such tha God cannot know the future, simply because it has not yet happened. this idea has produced considerable opposition largely based on the pereived insecurity with which it leave Christians, and the feeling that it deminished God. A further solution to the problem can be based on the concept of god's kenosis, that God has freely chosen to think t limit himself, specifically his knowledge. As this is a freely chosen action of God, so not an inherent limitation, and is temporaty, it meets the fundamental objection to open theism. At the same time, kenosis was done for the sake of enabling a relationship with God, in which Christians do find ultimate security.
Trinity, Open theism, Kenosis, Free will
Williams, D. T. (2006). Opening the trinity: developing the "open theism" debate. Acta Theologica, 25(2), 177-195.