Godskonsepte tydens pastorale gesprekvoering
Van Jaarsveld, F. J.
Janse van Rensburg, J.
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Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State
There are indications that people’s concepts of God are not adequately considered in
existing models for pastoral counselling. These refer to differences among people’s
concepts of God as result of their stages of life, personal constructs, and the restructering
of inappropriate concepts of God. Research in this regard comprises an evaluation
of relevant literature and an empirical investigation. In the literature study
a theological anthropology is critically analised, a number of pastoral models evaluated,
a theological basic theory formulated and a theory in practice compiled. Evaluation
of the empirical research reveals important differences in concepts of God
among three groups of individuals in different stages of the adult life cycle, as well
as some influence of the individual’s personal construct system. These observations
result in the postulation of a supplementary model for pastoral counselling.
Pastoral counselling, Concepts of God, Theological anthropology
Van Jaarsveld, F. J., & van Rensburg, J. J. (2002). Godskonsepte tydens pastorale gesprekvoering. Acta Theologica, 22(2), 179-197.