Interaction and antithesis in reformational scholarship

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Coletto, Renato
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University of the Free State
English: This article explores the themes of interaction and antithesis between Christian and non-Christian scholarship, as developed within Christian-reformational circles since the 1930s. It presents the “classical” models of the Dooyeweerdian and Vollenhovian schools, as well as the suggestions by Jacob Klapwijk and Nicholas Wolterstorff. It is argued that the Dooyeweerdian approach is similar to the Vollenhovian one but more explicit on the possibility of cooperation with non-Christian scholarship. The proposals by Klapwijk and Wolterstorff contain acceptable elements and some ideas that should be clarified and refined further.
Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel verken die temas van interaksie en antitese tussen Christelike en nie- Christelike wetenskapsbeoefening soos dit ontwikkel is in Christelik-reformatoriese kringe sedert die 1930s. Die artikel bied die “klassieke” modelle van die Dooyeweerdiaanse en Vollenhoveniaanse skole aan, asook die suggesties van Jacob Klapwijk en Nicholas Wolterstorff. Dit word beredeneer dat die Dooyeweerdiaanse benadering ooreenstem met dié van Vollenhoven, maar meer uitgesproke is ten gunste van samewerking met nie-Christelike wetenskap. Die voorstelle van Klapwijk en Wolterstorff bevat aanvaarbare elemente, asook idees wat verder verhelder en verfyn moet word.
Christian scholarship, Non-Christian scholarship, Dooyweerd, Vollenhoven, Klapwijk, Jacob, Wolterstorff, Nicholas
Coletto, R. (2010). Interaction and antithesis in reformational scholarship. Acta academica, 42(1), 1-25.