Kerklike gesag herbesoek: met verwysing na die kerklike proses om 'n belydenis of belydenisgrondslag te wysig
Celliers, A.
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Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State
This article will show that the Christocratical understanding
of church authority means that each of the official governing
bodies of the church can make its own decisions based
on the norm of the Word of God. This implies that the
congregation or individual members of the congregation only
have an advisory role in important church matters. This also
means that synod and the General Synod cannot be held
captive by lesser governing bodies. In any process in the
Dutch Reformed Church to change Article 1 of their Church
Order to include another Confession, for example the Belhar
Confession, in their confessional base, this viewpoint on
church authority should have an impact on the way in which
church-governing bodies come to decisions on matters
at hand. The civil court can revise decisions of churchgoverning
bodies. Therefore, the church must confirm the
correct formulation of relevant articles in the church order
in order to ensure the Christological understanding of
Church authority.
Civil court, Church governing bodies, Christocracy, Church authority
Celliers, A. (2016). Kerklike gesag herbesoek: met verwysing na die kerklike proses om 'n belydenis of belydenisgrondslag te wysig. Acta Theologica, 36(2), 1-18.