Retreating to a Vygotskian stage where pre-service teachers play out social, ‘dramatical collisions’

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De Beer, Josef
Henning, Elizabeth
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University of the Free State
English: This article describes student engagement in simulation games in a field trip retreat for first-year Education students. The authors propose that the methodology can be a useful vehicle to address key social elements of pre-service teachers’ professional learning. They explore a theoretical view of such collaborative learning from the neo-Vygotskian perspective of activity theory, in which the simulation games are viewed as the main tool for mediating learning. From this position they suggest that field trips hold some promise for exploring HIV/AIDS education, issues of race and racism, and an understanding of poverty and food security in education.
Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel beskryf studente se deelname aan simulasiespele tydens ’n opvoedkundige velduitstappie vir eerstejaarstudente in opvoedkunde. Daar word voorgestel dat hierdie soort metodologie nuttig kan wees vir onderwysstudente om belangrike sosiale kwessies tydens hul professionele opleiding aan te spreek. Die navorsers werk vanuit die nieu-Vygotskiaanse vertrekpunt wat bekend staan as aktiwiteitsteorie, waarbinne hulle simulasiespele as die primêre werktuig vir studente se leerdeelname sien. Vanuit hierdie hoekpunt word daar voorgestel dat dié soort uitstappie belofte inhou vir studente se ondersoeking van sake rakende MIV/VIGS opvoeding, rassisme, asook armoede en voedselsekuriteit, soos dit figureer in onderwys.
Simulation games, Pre-service teachers, First-year students
De Beer, J., & Henning, E. (2011). Retreating to a Vygotskian stage where pre-service teachers play out social,'dramatical collisions'. Acta Academica, 43(4), 203-228.