Higher education and the market: influence and responses

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Van Wyk, Berte
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University of the Free State
English: This article briefly considers theoretical assumptions about markets and then explores how internationalisation, globalisation and neo-liberalism relate to markets in higher education. To gain a better understanding of how markets manifest themselves in South Africa, it then explores how the three Western Cape universities (Cape Town, Stellenbosch, and the Western Cape) position themselves in relation to the market. What are the possible responses to markets in higher education? Three possibilities are explored. First, an institution of higher education may promote what Chomsky referred to as a “free marketplace of ideas”. Secondly (but related to the first possibility), it may emphasise higher education as a democratic public sphere. Thirdly, it may refocus on equity within the South African higher education system.
Afrikaans: In hierdie artikel word die teoretiese veronderstellings van markte kortliks in oënskou geneem en die verhouding van internasionalisering, globalisasie en neoliberalisme tot die hoër onderwys word ondersoek. Ten einde ’n beter begrip te kry van hoe markte in Suid-Afrika daar uitsien, word daar gekyk na hoe die drie universiteite in die WesKaap (Kaapstad, Stellenbosch en Wes-Kaapland) hulself in die mark posisioneer. Drie antwoorde word gesuggereer op die vraag: wat is moontlike reaksies tot markte in hoër onderwys? Eerstens dat ons Chomsky se markplein van idees bevorder; tweedens dat ons hoër onderwys as ’n demokratiese publieke sfeer beklemtoon en in die derde plek dat herfokus word op gelykheid in ons hoëronderwyssisteem.
South African higher education system, Markets in higher education
Van Wyk, B. (2005). Higher education and the market: influence and responses. Acta Academica, 37(3), 41-64.