Mariama Ba’s So long a letter and the educational empowerment of Muslim women

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Latha, Rizwana
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University of the Free State
English: A discussion of So long a letter by the West African woman writer, Mariama Ba, is used as a basis for highlighting the empowering and disempowering effects of particular types of education for women in the traditional African-Muslim context of Senegal. An examination of this issue in the novella would seem to indicate that the marginalization of Muslim women in this and other countries could be alleviated by a religious education which would investigate the differences between Islamic principles and cultural practices as one of its key focus areas. Combined with a secular education taking cognisance of present-day hybrid identities in postcolonial and other states, this approach has the potential to empower Muslim women to become socially and politically active and thereby to reconstruct their status in societies in which the forces of traditionalism often overpower both basic Islamic principles and state legislation designed to promote women’s rights.
Afrikaans: ’n Bespreking van So long a letter deur ‘n Wes-Afrikaanse vroueskrywer dien om die bemagtigende en ontmagtende uitwerkinge wat bepaalde tipes onderrig op vroue in die tradisionele Afrika-Moslem-konteks van Senegal het, te belig. ’n Ondersoek van hierdie aspek in die novelle skyn aan te dui dat die marginalisering van Moslemvroue in hierdie en ander lande verlig kan word deur godsdiensonderrig met die verskille tussen Islamitiese beginsels en kulturele praktyke as een van sy sleutelfokusareas. Gekombineer met ’n sekulêre onderrig wat huidige kruisidentiteite in postkoloniale en ander state betrek, het hierdie benadering die potensiaal om vroue sosiaal te bemagtig om sosiaal en polities te aktiveer. Sodoende kan hulle status gerekonstrueer word in Moslemgemeenskappe waarin die krag van tradisionalisme dikwels basiese Islamitiese beginsels asook staatswetgewing wat ontwerp is om vroueregte te bevorder, oorweldig.
Women's education, So long a letter, Ba, Mariama, Muslim women, African-Muslims, Senegal, Religious education
Latha, R. (2004). Mariama Ba's So long a letter and the educational empowerment of Muslim women. Acta Academica, 36(1), 54-83.